Little Girl

Sample of  "Little Girl"  {mp3}LittleGirl{/mp3}


Songwriter: Pearl Barrett

You’ve put a million smiles on my face, little girl,
On the day you were born this became a more beautiful world,
God gave a precious gift to me when He let me be your mother,
I see the wonder of life in your eyes with each new thing you discover

I watch you!

Learn a little, play a little, smile your little smile,
Give a little hug and let me rock you for awhil,e
Laugh a little, dance a little, do a little twirl,
Blow your daddy little kisses, you know you are his world.
Grow a little, change a little, just a little while
You’ll  be grown and we’ll be waving you goodbye.
When you’re big enough to face this world
You’ll still be my little girl.

I pray you’ll never have to go searching for love,
Your daddy and I want to give you more than enough,
One day your prince will find you and then you will give him your hand,
But until that day when he whisks you away you’ll be covered
by this love that we have.

I’ll watch you!


So grow in this garden of love,
Turn your little face up to the sun.

I watch you!
