SOS6 10


"Who is she that looketh forth as the morning,
fair as the moon, clear as the sun,
and terrible as an army with banners?"
(Song of Solomon 6:10).

Should women go to war? I don't believe that mothers with children should leave their precious children and their homes to go to war. This is the opposite to God's plan.

God shows us something of His heart about this in Psalm 68:11, 12 (HCSB): "The Lord gave the command; a great company of women brought the good news: The kings of the armies flee-they flee!" She who stays at home divides the spoil."

What is happening here? The enemy has come to attack and therefore the soldiers (the men) prepare and go out to war. They are the army in the field.

But there is another army at home-the women. They are also called an army.
The word "company" means "those who are part of an army, a military, a war."
My KJV Bible gives the word "army" in the margin. It's the same word that is
used of God who is THE LORD OF HOSTS! The One who is the mighty, powerful
Warrior, ready to intervene for His people.

Where is this army of women? They are not out fighting the enemy in the
field. They are at home. Do you notice it says: "SHE who stays home"? It is
not the men who stay home, but the women. Some fathers stay home to look
after their children while their wives go to work. This is opposite to the

While the men fight to save their homes and families out on the field, the
women fight to protect their families and "hold the fort" in the absence of
their husbands.

And when they win the battle, they go forth as a conquering force to
proclaim the good news! Back in Bible days they danced and sang. And when
the men brought back the "spoil," the gold, silver, and beautiful garments,
they didn't give a little to the women. They gave it all to them. They gave
them the authority to divide it and share it among their daughters,
handmaidens, the poor, and all around them.

They were all in the fight together, but each one doing the task God
intended for them!

French and Skinner's Translation states:
"The Lord giveth the word!
A great company of women announce the glad tidings!
Kings with their armies flee-they flee!
And those who dwell within the house, divide the spoil!
Although they lie among the hearth-stones,
They are become like a dove's wings overlaid with silver,
And like her pinions overlaid with yellow gold.
When the Almighty scattereth kings,
They glisten therein, as snow upon Salmon."

Dear mother, you are part of a mighty army of women. Your place to fight
against the enemy is in the home! You keep the home fires burning. You
strengthen your home, your marriage, your family. You keep pushing back the
enemy who wants to subtly come into your home with his deceptions and
destruction. If you are not there to watch, the enemy will take over!

You support your husband in his work. You release him to do his career and
you embrace your role of motherhood with all your heart.

You seek after truth and teach it to your children. You proclaim the good
news of the Gospel and your love for family wherever you go. You are a
proclaimer of truths!

Oh, for a great army of women to understand the power of their homes, to
come back to their homes and raise godly sons and daughters. Oh, for a great
army of women to proclaim God's truth in society instead of being deceived
by the humanistic values of today which are opposite to God's living Word.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

"Dear Father, thank You for showing me that we are all enlisted in Your
great army against the flesh and the devil and the evils of this world.
Thank you for showing us that you need an army on the home front as much as
you need an army out I the field. Please help me to rise up as a warrior in
my home, never allowing the enemy to take the upper hand. Help me to be like
Jael who won the victory fo the Israelite army right in her own home! Amen."

I am a home protector, a home guarder, and a home warrior, pushing out all
evil ;from my home in the name of Jesus And in the power or God's might I am
"casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself  against
the knowledge of God in my life and in my home!