Interview with Pearl

Q. Pearl, tell us about your husband and family.


P.  My husband’s name is Charlie. I feel so blessed to have a man who loves the Lord so much. I prayed hard for him for the first seven years of our marriage. He was a Christian man, but never very fervent in his walk and did not seem to want to take a spiritual leadership role in our home. In the last six months, God has completely changed his heart. The walls he had built have come tumbling down and he is now seeking to enter full-time ministry.


I encourage other wives to continue to pray for their husbands if they are in similar situations, and to continue with a meek and submissive attitude.


I have three children and one on the way who is due in March.


Meadow Joyce is six years old. She has golden hair just like my mother, Nancy Campbell, and she is so much like her in other ways. She is exuberant and vivacious, whereas I am a little more mellow and quiet. I home school her. She enjoys reading, singing, dancing, and playing with her cousins and her little brothers.


Bowen Alton is my two-year-old. I named him after my Granddad Bowen, a famous sheep shearer in New Zealand, but we all call my little son BoBo. He likes to play with dinosaurs, read about dinosaurs and watch dinosaurs. Anything to do with dinosaurs makes him happy. His best friend is Arden, Serene’s little boy. They play happily for hours on end.


Rocklyn Jefferson my third child (or Rocky as we call him) is named after my brother, Rocklyn, who still lives in Australia and Charlie’s brother, Jefferson.  He is sixteen months and is a big stocky boy with a gorgeous dimply smile.


Q. Pearl, when did you begin singing?


P. I can’t remember when I began singing. It seems I always did. I started writing songs at age four and I can still remember many of them. As a young child I loved to spend hours singing to the Lord and His presence became very real to me during some of those times.


One of my greatest joys is to sing with Serene. It almost feels as if we’re one person. We can anticipate each other’s next note so easily. We love to sit in the living room with the guitar (and our children around us) and harmonize with each other.


Q. I have not heard a song written about birthing before. This song is powerful. Tell us how you feel about the birthing experience. How have your births affected your life?


P. I don’t know if there has ever been a song about birthing before. I have never heard one. Birth is such a monumental experience that I felt it should be captured in song.


I have never been the same since my first birth. Although it was long and very hard, I will never forget the feeling after my little girl was born. I felt like I could do anything. I was so tired and yet so empowered. I had pushed out life naturally and I have been stronger ever since, both mentally and physically.


It is our divine privilege as women to give birth. There are many likenesses in the Bible to the travail of birth. We can learn so much about totally relying on the Lord and trusting Him during this time.


I am always reminded of the cross when I am in labor. Jesus Christ died on the cross for love. He loved us so much that He was willing to endure the pain. Although birth is not like death on the cross, it does speak to me of love. The travail brings forth a great love for our child. It is a costly love that is similar to Christ’s for us. The love for a new baby is without condition and it is a small glimpse at God’s great love for us.


Q. Can you share a Scripture that means a lot to you which you would like to share with other mothers?


P.  A Scripture that I love and lean on often comes from Psalms 61:2, “When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.” This Scripture comforts me so much and so often. Often my heart is overwhelmed, but when I think of this Scripture I’m reminded that God is my security. He knows my situation and will bring me through troubled times with His strength and grace.


He will do the same for you.