YouRRichIt’s easy to get into a self-pity attitude, isn’t it? We can gravitate to it without any problems. But it’s a lie! It’s a ploy of the devil to drag us down to despair!

When we think self-pitying thoughts and embrace the “poor me” attitude, we must take action and “bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). We must “gird up the loins of our minds” and cast out these thoughts in the name of Jesus Christ.

Then we must begin to think positive thoughts. Instead of “poor me,” what about “rich me”?

Do you have a home over your head to protect you? You are rich. If you have traveled to other countries of the world you know that we are all rich in America compared to the standards of most of the world.

Do you have a husband who works hard and provides for you? You are rich.

Has God blessed you with children? Oh my, you are rich! Your children are far greater than any material blessing you could ever own. Just before Christmas the home Pearl and Charlie were living in burned to the grown while they were away! When they heard the news, what was their reaction? Pearl knew the boys were out of the home, but she was screaming, “Is Autumn safe and alive?” Although they lost absolutely everything they owned, she didn’t care about one bit of it as long as her children were safe!

Not only are our children our greatest riches on this earth, but our eternal riches too. They are the only eternal riches we take into eternity with us. Everything else will be left behind.

Do you have clean water? The water out of your tap water may be fluoridated and chlorinated, but you can purchase clean water anywhere. I have just been in Bolivia where many poor families only have contaminated water and not enough money to buy clean water. This is the experience of so many in the world.

Do you have an electric stove on which to cook? You are rich. The above picture shows how a family in Bolivia cook for their whole family. Once again, this is familiar to so many countries of the world.

Have you received God’s salvation and eternal life? You are rich. You are “heirs of God, and joint-hears with Christ.” You are an inheritor of the glory of eternal life for ever and ever. This life is only a vapor, but you have eternal riches beyond compare. To have “Christ in you, the hope of glory” is the greatest riches of all!

Do you have friends with whom you can communicate and fellowship? You are rich. To be lonely is a curse.

I have only just begun. When those negative thoughts begin to plague your mind, cast them out and begin thanking God for all your riches and blessings.

Speak aloud Psalm 103:1-5: “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemed thy life from destruction, who crowned thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

Blessings to you today, Nancy Campbell

I took this picture when I was in Pa Paz, Bolivia recently. This is all this mother had to cook for her big family.


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