Merry Hearted MotherGod gives a description of mothers in Psalm 113:9. In fact, it is His design and plan for mothers. Do you know the description? He calls them JOYFUL mothers!

"Oh my," you retort. "How do you expect me to be joyful when I hardly have time to get one moment for myself? I'm over-work and underpaid! I've got immature and crying little ones around me all day!" Dear mother, can I let you into a secret? It's all in your attitude. If you think you could be doing something else, you'll resent you powerful role of mothering. If you think you deserve to be in some more "significant" role, you'll be frustrated.

I want to remind you today that you could not be doing anything more powerful. You are in the perfect will of God. You are fulfilling the greatest career God has given to women. You are determining the course of this nation. You are doing an eternal work. As you embrace your high calling with all your heart, the joy will come. God intends you to be filled with joy, not just because everything is perfect and esay, but because you are doing what He wants you to do.

The full understanding of the Hebrew word "JOYFUL" is that we will be glee-FULL, merry-FULL, happy-FULL, cheer-FULL, rejoicing-FULL, and of course, joy-FULL! Motherhood is not a half-measured life, but a FULL life.

And this Scripture ends with, PRAISE THE LORD!

Love from Nancy Campbell

Do Not Fear

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