HighestCareerMany times I hear mothers saying they gave up their career to come home and care for their children. I believe this is a wrong conception. What they are really doing is giving up an inferior job for the greatest career in the nation. Most careers outside the home are not building for eternity. However, when you come home to mother your children--to train and nurture them body, soul, and spirit you build for eternity. Your children are eternal souls and all you pour into them will count for eternity.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary says a career is “a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling.” Motherhood is not a part-time job. It is a permanent calling, a calling for life.

The Free Dictionary says that a career is:
a) A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation.
b) The general course or progression of one's working life or one's professional achievements.

Motherhood is even more than a chosen pursuit. It is a calling and commission from God. He created us for this very task. This is His divine plan for our lives. When we embrace our career of motherhood, we know that we walk in the perfect will of God.

In Ezekiel 19:10, 11 God gives us a beautiful allegory about motherhood. He speaks about Judah and likens her to a mother. He says that “her stature was exalted.” The word “exalted” in the Hebrew means “to soar, to mount up, to lift up, to raise up to great height.” One translation says that she is higher than all the other trees around. There are many careers for women, but motherhood is the highest one of all. We don’t “come down” to come home to our children, we “COME UP” to the highest career of all.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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