ChildBookWhat does it mean to be a friend? The dictionary says that a friend is “a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.” We love to spend time with a friend, don’t we? Because our husband is our best friend, we’d love to spend all our time with him, if we could. Some of the synonyms for friend are companion, soul mate, familiar, intimate.”

A question: Are you friends with the Bible? Do you know it like you know you best friend? Is it your soul mate? Or are you a stranger to it. Yes, you consider yourself a Bible believing Christian, but how well do you know it?

What about your children? Do you teach them to be friends with the Bible?

God says in Hosea 8:12: “I have written to him the great things of my law, but they were counted as a STRANGE THING.” God has written great things to us. Beautiful things. All we need to live this life at every moment and in every situation. And yet we are often very unfamiliar with what He says. We don’t live in the fullness of our salvation because we don’t know all that God has provided for us.

I remember a fellow New Zealand friend of mine telling me about her brother in New Zealand. He purchased some land that he thought would enable him to provide for his family. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to provide and so he just used it for a hobby farm. After about ten years he decided to sell. At this time he discovered he owned more land than he thought—land that was fertile and lush and would have provided totally for his family. He missed out because he didn’t know he owned it!

My heart is often grieved when I find so many Christian young people are not familiar with God’s Word. They know more about sports and movie stars than they know of God’s Word. They have been brought up in the church, even home-schooled, but they are not BEST FRIENDS with God’s Word.

Dear mother, we pave the way. Is God’s Word your best friend? You can’t go without it. You’ve just got to get it into your soul. It’s your life and sustenance. You love spending time in it. It’s only when God’s Word is your best friend that you can introduce this best friend to your children—a best friend they can have for life.

Blessings today from Nancy Campbell


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