CountingMyBlessingsMany people are curious when I have another baby. They ask me if I’m done or how I could afford to have another baby! I often feel alone in my journey to trust the Lord for the number of children He will give me.

When I’m feeling down I think of all the wonderful ways God has blessed me. I rejoice with God and know in my heart that He will provide. I could write a whole book on how each baby has not been a financial strain. I will only tell a few.

When I was pregnant with my sixth we outgrew our eight-passenger van. I did not worry or fret. I asked God to provide us with a 15 passenger. I also asked God for no carpet in my van! God heard my prayer. My friend knew I was on the lookout for a van and she told me about a church selling a 15 passenger with new tires! Guess what? The van had no carpet! I can now sweep out my van and it’s so much easier than to vacuum.

My youngest baby is four months old. I have never yet had to buy her diapers! My friend who had a premature baby was showered with so many diapers she gave me some. Then more friends started giving me extra! To top it off, my friends threw me a welcome baby shower and I got more diapers and wipes!

I rarely buy clothes for my seven children! People pass on clothes all the time and I happily accept hand me downs. My children have clothes, they are fed, and they are blessed spiritually. What more could I ask for? God is so gracious and has met our family’s every need.

If you are struggling about the financial aspect of adding another child to your family I would encourage you to go to the Lord in prayer. He will give you peace. When you’re feeling down, just think on the things God has provided for your growing family and you will be amazed!

Newport, North Carolina, USA
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Picture: Dustin and Meaghan with their children:
From the left: Iris (11), Rose (10), Bethany Joy in mommy’s arms (6 months) Elisabeth in daddy's arms (2), children on the window seat--Max (8), Grace (6), and Isaac (4).


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