ScrapsWhat kind of food do you eat in your home? Junk food or healthy food? I’m sure most of you try to eat healthy food as much as possible. As mothers we are very aware of our responsibility regarding what we allow our children to eat. I cared very much for my children’s bodies as they grew up. I never allowed junk food. Never had any refined foods, white sugar, or any of the “whites” (white flour, white pasta, white rice, etc.) in my pantry. I wanted them to grow healthy and strong. Apart from going to the emergency room for broken bones or the boys cutting their legs open throwing knives (!) etc., we didn’t even have a doctor for any of our children growing up.

But although I cared so much for their bodies, I cared even more for their souls and spirits. We didn’t feed our children scraps. Praise God, we live in a country where we have access to whatever food we want. They don’t have to live on scraps; we can give them the best food. But what do we feed their souls and spirits? Do we allow them to feed on scraps? I’m amazed that many Christian mothers don’t mind their children spending hours on Pokémon Go, Harry Potter, and many other negative and questionable games and books. Scraps for their souls.

What about their spirits? Many Christian mothers are satisfied to make sure their children attend Sunday School or church once a week. They are not diligent to daily (and that means more than once a day) feed their children a rich diet of God’s Word (Colossians 3:16). Once a week is equivalent to a few scraps.

Dear mothers, God has a RICH diet for us and for our families. Hear His invitation to you in Isaiah 55:12, 2 (GW): “Listen! Whoever is thirsty, come to the water! Whoever has no money can come, buy, and eat! Come, buy wine and milk. You don’t have to pay; it’s free! Why do you spend money on what cannot nourish you and your wages on what does not satisfy you? Listen carefully to me: Eat what is good, and enjoy the BEST FOODS.”

God does not want you to live on scraps. He wants you to enjoy the BEST foods--for your body, soul, and spirit. He wants to nourish your children with life-giving foods for their bodies, souls, and spirits. He wants you to live in abundance. But there’s one condition; you have to listen diligently to God Himself. You can’t do it your way. You have to search His word. You have to seek after His wisdom. Not your mindset, but His mindset (Isaiah 55:8, 9 - same chapter!). It’s only in Him that all treasures and riches are found (Colossians 2:3).

May you live on the richest of food,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. Here are some other translations of the above Scripture:
TLV: “Listen diligently to Me, and eat what is good, and delight yourself
in ABUNDANCE.” (Also AMP and NASB).
GNB: “You will enjoy the BEST FOOD OF ALL.” (God’s food is the BEST food of all!).
NCV: “Your soul will enjoy the RICH FOOD THAT SATISFIES.”
NET: “ Eat what is NOURISHING! Enjoy fine food.”
TLB: “Food that FATTENS UP THE SOUL.” (We must fatten our children’s souls and spirits as well as nourish their bodies).


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