Man Hands RaisedColossians 2:15 tells us that at the cross Jesus "Having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it" (Colossians 2:15).

Men, these blood thirsty terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Boko Haram, and the Muslim Brotherhood, etc., have no match to the earnest prayers of God's humble servants who understand that Jesus Christ has defeated them and has made an open display of His victory over them at His cross. What the devil intended to be an open display of Christ's defeat at the cross turned out to be an open display of his own defeat.

These arrogant, ranting, unteachable, demon-inspired Imam clerics of the Muslim faith (who think nothing of lopping off the heads of all who oppose them, or even those who seek information such as journalists), must be shown through the prayers of God's people that all authority is now in the hands of our risen Christ Jesus. He shares this victory and authority with His praying people. They have learned what it means to bind and to lose (Matthew 16:19 and 18:18). The devils need to be reminded of defeat at the cross of Christ by the believers who know the privilege and authority of binding and losing.

I believe that this ISIS group has arrogantly over-stepped their cause by beheading journalists on YouTube for the world to see. With righteous indignation we must declare their defeat. We must not fear or be afraid of them for that is what they want. We do not have to beg them to release our loved ones for they love to torment mothers. This just encourages their sense of perverted superiority. We must earnestly pray that God will do whatever needs to be done to bring them down quickly.

Be encouraged

Coin Campbell


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