MercySeat3Exodus 25:20: “And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be.”

The doctrine of mercy is a major doctrine in God’s Word. All of God’s mercies, which are so enormous and great, flow directly from the mercy seat. The mercy seat is, without doubt, the greatest aspect of God’s throne.

We must never forget that all of God’s benefits and goodnesses towards us from the beginning of time have their source and foundations in the mercy seat of His throne.

The mercy seat reveals to us the greatness of our Heavenly Father’s heart.

However, the mercy seat would have absolutely no benefit to us if it were not for the blood of the innocent, pure Lamb of God sprinkled upon it.

Referring to the faces of the cherubims looking at one another as well as both looking towards the mercy seat, some commentators speculate that their faces would have a look of amazement, awe, and wonder. They saw the ark carrying the Ten Commandments which were righteous and holy, yet they condemned and judged us guilty and worthy of death because we were helpless to keep them perfectly.

If it were not for the blood-sprinkled mercy seat the cherubims’ faces would have appeared sad and grieved. However, the Scriptures say that their faces in unity were not actually looking at the judgmental law, but at the mercy seat which was sprinkled with innocent blood.

This is a picture of the righteous wrath of God being satisfied with the atoning blood of His innocent, sinless Son, resulting in His great heart of mercy flowing abundantly towards His fallen creation of mankind.

The truth is that God is more than satisfied with the blood of His Son. When we boldly approach the One who sits on Heaven’s mercy seat, we can plead the precious blood of Christ and know that God is totally appeased.

Hebrews 4:16 say: “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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