ContMiriclesThis is my last post giving you a taste of Above Rubies testimonies 40 years ago. I trust you have been enjoying them.


How thrilled and grateful I was when my young daughter, Lois gave birth to a big bouncing baby boy. She had a perfect pregnancy and an easy natural birth. Little Joshua was my 15th grandchild, so why was it so special?

I thought back to 21 years’ previously when I lay on a hospital bed. Because of my acute physical condition, my gynecologist, physician, and surgeon all stated this pregnancy must be terminated! My previous pregnancies and births had been very difficult and this one they felt I could not survive.

I was faced with an issue of life and death. How could I destroy life which God had put within me? No, I couldn’t allow it, even at risk to myself. I remember saying to the physician, “My faith is wobbly, but I will wobble on with the help of God.” I went through the pregnancy.

She was born with difficulty at five weeks premature, RH negative and spinal bifida! She was operated on at two days old to close the opening. After the operation, she had no reaction or sign of reflexes-- her legs just dangled. The doctor said they had done all they could.

My husband and I had received many healing touches from the Lord and so we turned to Him again. We took her to Wellington where there was a visiting Evangelist from America preaching and he prayed for her.

Nothing apparent happened, but my husband, being a man full of faith, kept telling the Lord what we read in His word: “They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover” (Mark 16:18). Each night as we put her to bed he would say, “Lord, we are still waiting. We thank you that this baby will walk.”

The night she was twelve months old we were bathing her and suddenly she moved and her legs kicked for the first time. What excitement as the whole family came crowding in the tiny little bathroom. Such shouting and rejoicing! God is faithful.

From this day on she grew stronger and began to hold her head which she could not do before. We decided to treat her from this day just as we had our other five beautiful children.

We had many opportunities to tell of Jesus and His love through what people saw happening over a space of time.

At fifteen years she was last seen by the specialist who was surprised that she was just like any normal girl. However, he did say that if one day she should marry and have a child she would be able to give birth by caesarean section. How wonderful is the goodness of God that she had a beautiful NATURAL DELIVERY!

whether spiritual, physical, or emotional.

MAUREEN GREEN (who has now passed away).
P.S. Lois and her husband and children were part of our church in New Zealand. She was a beautiful and normal young woman. Our God is Jehovah Rapha! Amen!

The picture is of Lois and her husband, Owen Mansill and little baby. Mother and baby are both miracles.


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