commit to prayMen, having determined to resist and attack all disobedience in our own minds, it is time to turn our spiritual weapons against the evil mindsets around the world.

I believe that if Christian families would take up the challenge to raise up Family Altars (Family Devotions or Family Worship, or whatever you call it in your home) at the main meal times of each day, we could bring about major havoc against the strong fortifications of destruction and corruption. The devil is the mastermind in many nations of the world.

Recently I have become more deeply concerned about the brutal treatment of Christians in many countries, especially North Korea which is the most evil persecutor of Christians in the world. In this country, anyone found with a Bible is imprisoned and tortured, as well as the members of their family (children and grandparents). They are torturing, maiming, and killing Christians. Like the Nazis in Germany treated the Jews, they are using their body parts for experiments, and without anesthetic.

We must, at all costs, reestablish family prayers. Multitudes of Christian families must cry out to God for the enormous amount of Christian persecution in so many countries of the world. Go to for a list of countries where Christians are receiving the most intense persecution. We should be praying for the downfall of Boko Haram, the Islamic Terrorist group who responsible for the abducting of 300 girls and selling them to Arab slave masters. Apart from that, they boast they have already killed 10,000 people.

Did you know that 2,000 have been killed in Syria in the last two weeks? Did you read of how 3,000 Christians in the town of Mosul, Northern Iraq were commanded by the ISIS to convert to Islam? They had to flee from their homes or lose their heads. How can we carry on with life as usual?

Fathers, why not appoint a certain member of the family to search the Internet and bring to the family each day up-to-date news on what is happening to the persecuted saints around the world so you can pray more effectively as a family. We are doing this in our family. Their are many sites, but here is one for you:

Pray for Israel, too. They need our constant prayers as they seek to defend themselves from Hamas, who are also a terrorist group who use their civilians as human shields while their leader lives in the safety of a hotel in Qatar.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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