SaveLoseItI love the line from the delightful children’s book by George MacDonald, “At the Back of the North Wind.” He says, “For our Selves will always do pretty well If we don’t pay them too much attention.” How true are these words. It is the same principle Jesus gave us in Mark 8:35: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.”

When we focus on ourselves--our own problems, sicknesses, and how to make ourselves happy we end up self-serving which pulls us down into the slough of self-pity and delusion. It is an eternal principle that when you forget about yourself and pour out your life for others you become fulfilled. You are happier and more relaxed, peaceful, hopeful, and content.

“But what about me? you cry. Of course we have to care for ourselves spiritually, mentally, and physically. That’s basic. But we don’t tune all our thinking on ourselves. I’ll never forgot a moment in my life years ago. My children were all little and I had just come home from purchasing the groceries. As I walked over the threshold of my home, I felt the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking strongly to my heart, “Nancy, how can I reveal to you the needs of others if you are always thinking of yourself?” I have never forgotten those words. From then on I learned to give much more room in my mind and heart for others.

Will we be forgotten when we pour out our lives for others? No, the opposite. God makes sure that our “self” as George MacDonald puts it, will be blessed and comforted. God pours into those who pour out.

Mothering is a liberating ministry into this eternal principle. Not on the odd occasion, but 24/7 we forget self as we pour out our hearts for our children--praying for them, teaching them, training them, caring for them, cooking for them, and often agonizing over them.

Let’s embrace this eternal principle and live in the fullness of the joy and life God intends for us. We teach our children how to be joyful; we need to adhere to it ourselves.

J Jesus first
O Others second
Y Yourself last

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell