DontBeWimpWhen the pace seems slow

And few there be to care or know
That the world’s crept in the doors
And slackened every godly cause

When folks no longer want to pray
And seek the Lord to know His way
For sloth and ease have broken in
And robbed the church of the power to win

Then do not let this crippling sin
Take hold of you and lock you in.
Buckle up as ne’er before,
Take hold of heaven and knock its door.

Smash every tendency to be
Like others around who cannot see.
When the tempting battle gets to boilin’
Treat the world as deadly poison!

No matter how many may be your foes
They will never stand your knockout blows.
When all around are misbehaving,
Sound the trumpet with banners waving.

Though the world and devils around may scoff
Just lift up your sword and write them off.
There’s no time left messing about,
Tell the lazy ones, “Stop being a lout!”

For there will be a sure reward
For those who diligently seek the Lord.
It’s true you see, the surest way to victory
Is always on the bended knee.

Colin Campbell


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Franklin, TN 37068-1687

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