PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 260: It’s Time to Elevate Home and Family, Part 3

Epi260picLIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 260: It’s Time to Elevate Home and Family, Part 3

My husband, Colin and I talk about elevating the roles of male and female. God determines the sex of male and female from conception and it cannot be changed. Even after people are dead, they can still determine the sex by analyzing the bones. It's time to honor the roles that God ordained in the beginning.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, everyone listening today! We are continuing our series about elevating home and family. This is something that, I guess, years ago we wouldn’t even need to be talking about. Everybody took it for granted, but now we are living in a delusional age. I believe it is time for us to once again elevate family, home, motherhood, fatherhood, and everything about the family back to where God put it in the very beginning.

This is our third podcast, and once again, my husband is with me today, my husband, Colin. It’s great to have him with me as we talk about family together. I think it would be good today to start off elevating the roles of male and female. That’s the very first thing that God spoke about in the very beginning when He created man. He created them male and female, “in the image of God created He them.”

And God only created two genders, male and female. He created two for the procreating of the human race. There needs to be the male and the female to continue the procreation of mankind. This can’t happen with any of the other genders. They are all false. They are all deceptive. Therefore, it is important for us to talk about these things, and to elevate them, to put value on them where God put value on them. Also, to pass this on to our children. Our children live in this deceived age, and they must know the truth.

OK, Darling, what have you got to say to start off?

Colin: Well, I agree. It seems like it’s a necessary subject to be talking about, because it’s being so degraded, the subject of the sexes and where they really have their place in today’s society. It’s so important. I do believe that we need to embrace the way which God has created us, male and female.

I think the word “embrace” is very, very important. It means, “to take hold, to put your arms around it, to honor it, and to exalt it, and to elevate it.” The elevation of these things will bless the families. Embracing is something that you will hold very close to your heart. It’s something you will really take on.

I do think that this is very necessary to teach our children, not just to know the truth, but to embrace it on this matter—that there is masculine and there is feminine. That’s the way I feel about it. I think it’s so important to embrace the way God has sovereignly created us to be.

Nancy: Of course, we all understand that females have an XX pair of sex chromosomes and males have an XY. That’s it. In fact, science reveals so many studies of how male and female are so different from one another, how God created us uniquely different. They differ in every cell of their body because they carry a different chromosomal pattern. Did you know there are 6,500 different genes between male and female? Scientists have even discovered approximately 100 gender differences, even in the brain!

Now we have very deceived people today, trying to get (especially this younger generation) to move to the opposite sex! It is all masterminded by Satan who hates God’s creation and wants to totally destroy it. Now they’re trying to use chemical blockers and even do surgery. But they can’t change who that person is. Their gender differences are not only in their genitalia but in their brains! Goodness me! In every part of their body.

They can try and change one little part, but that doesn’t change the rest of their body. They will never ever be able to do that. In fact, even after they’re dead, they can dig up the bones, and they can still determine the sex of male and female by analyzing the bones! They are in such deception.

We need to remind our children of these things. It is so important for us, firstly for us, because we are the example that we reveal absolutely in every way who we are, as male and female. We, I’m speaking from a female, we as women, as mothers, as females, we must embrace in every way who we are as a female. We must embrace our femininity, show it to our family, show it to the world. We do it in every way, the way we embrace the way God has created us.

Of course, we are created so differently from males. The most distinguishing characteristics that we have physically is that we have a womb, and we have breasts. A male cannot carry a baby in the womb. He cannot nurse a baby. This is distinctive to a woman. Not only are we created physically this way, but it is innately, transcendentally, within us.

When God gave us a womb, He not only gave the womb physically, but He gave it to us innately. There is a wombness within us that longs after children, that longs to have a baby. That is within every woman. Of course, there are hundreds and thousands of women today who don’t want to be pregnant because it’s been brainwashed out of them. Their brains have been totally propagandized. But if all that junk is taken out of them and they get down to the very core of who they are, they will long for a baby.

Actually, I was just reading this morning something interesting. Can you, Rachel, go and get me . . . there are a couple of books on the table. I didn’t bring them here with me and I’d like to read something really quite interesting.

But we have to embrace who we are. We have to be female, feminine in the way we speak, the way we act, the things we do, even the way we dress.

Yes, I believe in this time in society, that the way we dress is very, very important. I believe that, sadly, we as women, have become the ones to unisex this society. Back years and years ago, when women first started wearing pants, it wasn’t the men who started wearing dresses. No! When men do this today, we are horrified!

When woman started wearing pants, people were horrified back then! But gradually, little by little, it became the vogue, and now it’s the norm. We’ve become a unisex society. What are we doing when we’re doing this? We are not showing forth who we really are as female. Therefore, we stand very guilty for helping along what is happening in our society today.

I believe it’s time for change. I believe if we are really elevating the role of female, we will want to reveal this in every single way of how we live. That will include the way we dress because it’s a big way of how we live.

Every morning, we get up in the morning, and we’ve got to get dressed. OK? What are we going to show to our families? How do we . . . what are we portraying? When we get up and we get dressed in our holey jeans, and we come out, we’re showing to our sons, “OK, that’s how women dress.”

We’re showing to our daughters, “That’s the way you’re to dress.” Is it really very female? Is it feminine? No, it’s not. It’s unisex. It’s just becoming looking like the men. What are we trying to do? We are distinct, we are different, we are unique! I believe that we glorify God when we show this uniqueness. Now, let me see if I can find this.

Colin: While you’re looking there . . .

Nancy: Oh, yes! You say something, Darling.

Colin: Looking for that, the quotes in the book that you have there . . .

It was entirely, we didn’t have any say in the matter of what gender we were created to be, male or female. This was entirely the sovereignty of God. He is our Creator, and as such we should honor Him, and not be negative, or disrespectful, or questioning Him. We should honor that He has made us the way we are.

Romans 9:20 gives a good word here. It says: “Who art thou that thou repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to Him that formed it, ‘Why have You made me so?’” It’s very dishonorable to God to do this. I think, as far as the dresses are concerned, in what you’re saying. I think that most women would be horrified if men started wearing dresses.

Nancy: Which they are starting to now.

Colin: I think we men would be revolted in that too, to see other men wearing dresses. But because we’ve become so used to the society having been changed for some time, relating to the women wearing men’s clothes, that women more and more are becoming into the man’s style, even with their haircuts in many ways. They’re closely shaving their heads. Much of that is going in that unisex way. What God really wants is there to be a distinction, a strong distinction, so that we don’t get mired in this whole thing of female and masculinity.

Nancy: Yes! Actually, you’re saying that. What I was saying before, our example even, before our children, they’re the ones going out into society. I was reading a statement from a man, Timothy Paul Jones. He writes, “The clothes that our children wear do not merely cover the nakedness of their flesh. They shape and reflect the contours of our children’s souls.”

So, when we, as an example, say, “Well, this is what you wear,” that’s what they wear. In fact, today, when mothers go to buy clothes for their children, what do they buy? Well, they buy their jeans and their tops because that’s what’s in the shops. So, we are teaching our children right from the very beginning of their lives, this is how you clothe yourself. It’s not showing them how to be female or feminine.

We’ve got to wake up, mothers, to really see what we are doing.

But back to these little quotes. I just read this morning, and it was talking about citing some feminist women. It’s in the book called Feminine by Design, by John Garr. It talks about a feminist newswoman, Virginia Hausegger. She was sharing how she readily admitted her own former militancy.

She says, “In my mid-thirties, I heard Malcolm Turnbull pontificate about the need to encourage Australians to marry younger and have more children. I would have thumped him, kneed him in the groin, and bawled him out! But now,” she confesses, and this is her own quote, that she is “childless and angry. Angry that I was so foolish to take the word of my feminist mothers as gospel. Angry enough that I was docile enough to believe female fulfillment came with a leather briefcase.”

Then it talks about Germaine Greer. We all know her as one of the leading and foremost feminists of the feminist movement, how she used to talk about childbearing as “constricting and suffocating, the enemy of liberated women.” But thirty years later, she was, and here is her quote, “desperate for a baby.” Mourning her unborn babies, and having pregnancy dreams, waiting with vast joy and confidence for something that now will no longer ever happen.

She says again, in her own quote, “the most intolerable regret of her life.” Isn’t it so sad that today we not only have the feminist agenda, wooing women and our young women away from their role that God has for them, but now, even into transgenderism. Everything to take away their femaleness, their femininity.

But Darling, you have . . .

Colin: On the other hand, there also is encouraging young people, many, to be like women. These drag queens, many of them are men dressed up as women, teaching in the public libraries throughout this country. It’s so sad. It’s terrible, confusing the young children, teaching them with little story books and stuff like that. It’s deceiving the children in their minds. They’re thinking, “Well, maybe I should be a woman too!” A lot of boys could be thinking that, and I think they are.

Nancy: Yes, I know. It is time to stand up, even against that too. And you mentioned that Scripture, Romans 9, but there are a few Scriptures in the Old Testament that speak that very same word. I think it would be good for us to listen to them again.

Isaiah 29:16 (ESV): You turn things upside down. Shall the potter be regarded as the clay, THAT the thing made should say of its maker, ‘He did not make me.” Or the thing formed say of him who formed him, ‘He has no understanding’”?

This Scripture is saying what we are seeing today. Everything is turned upside down. How dare we, who are the clay, say to our Potter, “why did You make me like this?” God created us. He created us perfectly.

Let’s read. There are some more Scriptures too. Isaiah 45:9: Woe,” it starts with “woe.” W-O-E. “Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands? Next verse: “Woe.” “Woe” again. Woe unto him that saith unto his father, what begettest thou? or to the woman, What hast thou brought forth?

In other words, we are not to question who God creates, and we’re not to question Him when He creates male or female, because at the very beginning of conception, God determines the sex of male or female. We better not question that.

Let’s go to Psalms 100:3: Know ye that the LORD He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.” God is our Creator, not we. And woe to those who begin to tempt us, and destroy God’s creation, in seeking to change them into another sex, which they cannot do. But they try, and all they do is destroy that precious life.

What has happened to many of our young people today is the destruction of their lives. They are young. They have no idea of the future. They haven’t yet come into puberty, and all the beginning of the wonder of their sexuality. But they will not be able to enjoy it. They will not ever be able to fulfill it because their bodies are being destroyed already.

Let’s go to Psalm 119:73: Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn Thy commandments.

And then, can I read one more? Psalm 139, that glorious Scripture of how God creates the baby in the womb.

From verse 13: “For You formed my inmost being.” Isn’t that interesting? See, God not only creates the physical. He creates the inmost being, even the heart and the mind, that inner part. He has created all of that. “You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works, and I know this very well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days were written in Your book and ordained for me before one of them came to be.” Isn’t that incredible? God is the Creator. He knows what He is doing.

Let’s look at one or two of those words there. Oh yes, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” That word “wonderfully” is palah. P-A-L-A-H. Then it goes on to say, “Marvelous are your works, and I know this very well.” “Marvelous” is also pala, but it’s P-A-L-A.

There were two Hebrew words used there, both very, very similar in meaning. Pala means, oh, it’s incredible! It means “wonderful, marvelous, miraculous, astonishing, extraordinary, beyond the bounds of human powers or expectations.” This is what God was doing when He created you and me, each one of our precious children, and everyone in this world. He was creating a miracle!

Also, the word pala has in its meaning, very powerfully, the meaning of “separated, severed, distinguished.” That’s interesting, because at the very beginning of conception, God distinguished, He separated this creation, male or female. He made the distinction in the very beginning. And how dare any man, any doctor, or man or woman doctor, interfere with this incredible, astonishing, miraculous creation?

Colin: Yes. It really is concerning. That’s why we’re emphasizing all this today. Even the New World Order that is trying to be brought in right now is a unisex order. There will be no distinction between men and women. Everybody will be exactly the same. They want us to be that way. That kind of wickedness is highly promoted, even in the very leadership of the World Economic Forum, for example. It’s just so very, very sad that this is what is being pushed down, rammed down our throats by all sorts of people in leadership.

Nancy: Yes! And they are a minority and yet they are taking the authority and laying down the laws. It’s time we began to speak up!

Colin: Yeah, I think that it’s very, very important for fathers to really encourage their daughters to be who they are, and not for the daughter to feel that the father is putting more emphasis on their sons or their brothers. Their fathers should also be very, very encouraging to their daughters, to tell them how much they appreciate the fact of their femaleness. I think that this is so important that girls need to know that they are honored for being girls, and sons that they are being sons.

Nancy: Yes, we have to promote those distinctions in our children. We want to, as mothers, we have to constantly encourage our daughters to be female. I’m amazed that parents will encourage their daughters into fields as they’re going on in their education. They send them off to college, and they send them off to be engineers, and all this kind of thing.

You see so many women going into the military. I do not believe the military is the place for women! It’s not where God ever intended them to be. He intends the men to go out and fight and protect. The men are the protectors of their homes. They’re the protectors of the nation. They go out to fight the battle. We hold down the fort in the home.

It is so sad. I remember one time I was at the airport with my daughters and others. We had just been to an Above Rubies retreat. Now we were flying home, waiting for our plane. There was a woman, and she was sobbing on her seat. Of course, we were all concerned for her. Then we looked and we noticed beside her was a military bag.

Serene actually went up to her and said, “Tell me what’s happening.” She said, “I have just been sent out. I’ve got to go out for a year’s deployment. But I’m having to leave my little baby and my toddler.” She said, “I pleaded with them that I could not go. And there were others with me who were single. They were ready to go. They said they would take my place. But they took no notice.” And here this woman was having to leave her little ones. That is totally, absolutely horrific, and absolutely wrong. No military should ever allow that.

Colin: Both for the mother, and for the baby.

Nancy: Oh, for both! It is so wrong! It’s not what we’re meant to do. Why are we even pushing our children into these fields? We are to train them for the fields where God wants them to be.

And our sons, we should be seeking to make them as masculine as possible! I’m so tired of seeing so many wimpy young men around these days! They are very wimpy!

In fact, they don’t even know how to work hard. They don’t even seem to have a work ethic, even in their bodies. They’ve never even done hard work. And when you give them a job, goodness me, I just want to take over from them, because I can work so much harder than them!

Colin: Yes, I agree. They hardly know what to do! I think we’re living in that time where oftentimes it’s to cover a lack of parenting. Encouraging sons to be masculine. I think girls will want to get married to a masculine man, a man who knows how to work, a man who knows how to roll up his sleeves and “get stuck in.” Somebody who will show initiative in work and initiative in so many other areas of that kind of leadership that God has given to men.

To be the protectors of the female species, to protect them because they’re stronger, masculine—not necessarily brain wise but masculine-wise in physique, they’re stronger. I personally myself, I love, and I think it’s innately built into man to love femininity in women, to love their femininity, to love to see them dressing up as women and not as men. Can you create dresses that are masculine? I don’t think so, really.

To say, “Well, our pants are feminine,” well, it may be to a certain extent. But I do think that God wants there to be a real, real distinction. I think men appreciate, generally, deep down, they appreciate the feminine species of humanity and love it. They want to see it. I personally don’t like to see my wife walking around looking like a man. If she’s even out in the garden, to me it’s not, even though she does. [laughter]

Nancy: He doesn’t like looking at me in the garden. [laughter]

Colin: I don’t really appreciate it!

Nancy: Because when I’m in the garden . . .

Colin: Because I’m a man! I like to see a woman looking like a woman! All the way.

Nancy: I know. But you have to put up with me in the garden. [laughter]

Colin: I think God has shaped the woman differently than the way He shaped the man. I don’t think she looks really feminine at all when she dresses up like a man.

Nancy: Yes. You know, talking about our young men, of course we need masculine husbands and fathers who will be able to teach them. A while back, we had a young guy staying with us. He was in his mid-twenties. Because they were from overseas, I loaned them my car. We got a call one night to say, “Oh, I’m up here in the city and I’ve got a flat tire! But I don’t know how to change it. Can you come?” Really!

Colin: I can’t believe it!

Nancy: No. It’s time that young men were taught how to do these things.

Colin: How to swing an axe, how to use a hammer, how to change a tire, how to carry the rubbish out, how to bury it, how to do whatever.

Nancy: How to dig the garden.

Colin: All those masculine tasks surrounding us. Hundreds of them that need to be performed really should be performed by the man.

Nancy: And also, I noticed here in Matthew, go over to the New Testament. I love this passage. Matthew 19. It’s where the Pharisees came to Jesus, and they were tempting Him, saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife,” meaning to divorce his wife. And He answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female?” And He repeated the very first word about the creation of man back in Genesis 1:27.

But when we see these words here in the Hebrew, back in Genesis 1, the word for “female” is neqebah. The word for “male” is zakar, both very distinctive words, different from one another, meaning they were opposite from one another. But then we come here to Matthew and this word is written in the Greek.

So, we look up and see what these Greek words are. The word for female is the Greek word thelus. But it comes from the root word thelazo, which literally means “to suckle a baby at the breast.” Or the noun would be “a suckling mother.” That’s the word that Jesus used when He said these words, “Don’t you know that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female?” He uses this very female word, a suckling mother.

This is so much part of femininity, so much part of our femaleness. Of course, a woman is not a suckling mother all her life, but as she comes into motherhood and as she embraces children, she can be . . . if a woman is trusting God for her babies, she can be in her childbearing years for twenty years or so. She is, for that season of her life, a suckling mother.

But even when we’re not suckling babies, we still have that innate, that God-given something within us that longs to nurture.

But it’s interesting. The word “male,” the Greek word for “male,” means “stronger for lifting.” Isn’t that interesting? We know, of course, that men have 50% more brute strength than women.

We are made so differently, so let’s embrace it and lift it up, and value it, and honor it.

Colin: Lift it up.

Nancy: Dear ladies and men listening, hope the men are listening, because my husband is here. Let’s honor the roles that God created. To not honor them is to not honor God.

Colin: That’s right.

Nancy: It is pretty serious. I think it’s more than just accepting, “Oh, yeah, this is it. I’m female. I’m that.” No! We have got to come to that place of honoring those roles, honoring them with all our hearts.

Colin: The more we make it distinct, make it distinctly different, the more we honor that role. I think that needs to be emphasized in raising our children. Do not just do the thing that the world is doing which is really confusing to them.

Nancy: Time is up. Would you like to pray?


“Lord, we thank You for the privilege of being who You made us to be. We want to honor You, all of us, for creating us differently, male and female, feminine and masculine. Lord, we give You the glory and we give You the praise. Help every one of us, Lord, to desire within our hearts to be totally distinct from one another, and yet supportive of one another, realizing that we can’t live without the other. We pray for all these things in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

Nancy: Amen!

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.