PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 244: Mothers Are the Transmitters of God’s Truth to the Next Generation, Part 2

Epi244picLIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 244: Mothers Are the Transmitters of God’s Truth to the Next Generation, Part 2

Erin Harrison joins me today as we speak together about elevating motherhood to a higher level. It has been degraded to a low state, but God wants us to come up higher, to come up to His marvelous ways.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Always great to be with you! And I am so excited today, because I have my dear friend and neighbor, Erin Harrison, with me again. We’ll be talking together today. Erin has done a number of podcasts with me. In fact, you’ll most probably remember that she did the “We Love Our Kitchens” series. We did that together, three podcasts and they were the most popular podcasts of 2022.

As I started last week, we are on this new series of transmitting God’s ways to the next generation. We’re going to talk more about that today. Before we get on to a new subject under this heading, I do want to give you one more testimony. I ended last week with sharing with you how Evangeline came to know the Lord at only four years of age, but how all these years later, that moment is still as real with her today as when it happened.

I’ll just read you what my son Rocklyn, what he said when I asked him, “Do you remember when you came to know Jesus?” He was also only four years of age. Rocklyn is 55 years today, so this is something that is still lasting all these years.

He said, “After my mother read the story of Nicodemus to us in our kitchen, I asked her if I could also be born again. I look back at this experience as the start of my conscious relationship with Jesus Christ. This experience burned into my life. Many Christians who are saved when they are adults see part of their life from a worldly aspect. Now they have a Christian aspect. I found that growing and learning with Christ in my life affected my understanding of everything in life from a God point of view. I saw and learned everything from a biblical perspective. This shaped my life.”

Remember, lovely ladies, we were talking about how it’s such an important thing to seek to bring our children to Jesus at an early age. The devil wants them. He’s out to get our children. The sooner that Jesus can get hold of them, the better. When Jesus comes into their lives, even at a young age, they have living within them, as the Scripture says, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

That changes how we can train them in the ways of the Lord. How can we really change of our own volition? It’s only the work of Christ in us. When they’re being disobedient and rebellious, we can talk to them and say, “Jesus is living in you now. You’ve got to choose whether you’re going to say ‘Yes!’ to the devil who’s still wanting to get at you, and your old nature that still wants to rise up. But Jesus is in you. He wants to live His life in you. You can say, ‘Yes!’ to Jesus.” As we teach our children this way, they learn to walk in victory from a young age instead of starting it when they’re an adult. It’s a wonderful thing.

Now, OK, I will introduce Erin to you again, although you already know her. Did you read Above Rubies #99? Because Erin shared her testimony. Well, she’s written a number of times in Above Rubies. But she shared the testimony of her adopting Alex and Kathryn, both very special needs children. Oh, I can hardly even explain to you the miracles! It’s unbelievable! When Erin got little Alex, he was a vegetable, and was going to be a vegetable for his life. Tell us. 

Erin: First of all, I will give a virtual curtsy with my little dress on. Curtsy?

Nancy: Oh, yes! I should have told you! Sitting beside me I have this princess. She’s in the most beautiful gold dress. It looks so gorgeous! I wish we were on, what would you say?

Erin: TV.

Nancy: No! A Talk Show. But then, I’m glad you can’t see me! [laughter]

Erin: When we first got him, the first thing that came to my mind when I saw his little body coming forth out of the vehicle in the parking lot, I thought, “This is not what they told me.” They told me he was just a normal little four-year-old boy. Here he was, he had this huge head. His head was almost the size of his entire body. He was grunting and throwing things across, and he couldn’t walk. He couldn’t really do much of anything.

Nancy: Well, they said he would never walk.

Erin: He was tube fed.

Nancy: He would never eat.

Erin: Never talk. Never do anything! They didn’t give him very much hope for his future at all. In fact, I didn’t even know how many years that he would even live in that kind of condition. He had so many different medications and so many different . . . I had to have a room made just for him in our house. My husband made it, just to store all of his medical equipment, because he had all these different machines that he had to be hooked up to, just to help him to live.

Nancy: When he first came, you had 24-hour nurses coming in and out to keep him alive.

Erin: Right. That was a big deal because most of us in this homeschool, homechurch-type realm, in our communities, we often shy away from things that kind of put us into a precarious situation where we’ve got somebody monitoring everything we say and do, like you’re in a court of law. Right off the bat, I was on the edge of my seat, thinking that they could call CPS at any moment for any sort of reason because you hear about this stuff all the time. It wasn’t a real desirable situation.

The doctor even asked me if I wanted to change my mind, because he was like, “This is a lot! This is a lot to bite off. This child isn’t getting any better. We don’t blame you one single bit if you turn around and walk the other way, because this is a lot. You didn’t know what you were bargaining for when they called you. They were not very honest with you.”

That night, I told Nancy Campbell here, and I told my parents, and I told Evangeline, and they tried to give some wise counsel. Everybody told me to go the other way because it just seemed like such an impossible situation. Everybody thought it was scary and I won’t be able to have a life anymore. I would be chained up to this medical suite that I would have to be nursing over this child and dealing with all these nurses.

I had a dream that night, and the Lord brought me into. . . It was a very prophetic dream. I saw myself walking through a biblical-time type of scenario where there were people dressed in robes. They were all over the ground, crying and crawling around. They were scared. They were in pain, and they were reaching to me with their hands for help.

I reached towards one of them, without thought, because that’s the kind of person I am. I try to jump right in and help people when I see a need. The Lord Jesus’s nail-pierced hand went right though my hand and picked the person up. Then I knew that I was called to take one of the least of these. Because what you do to the least of these, you’ve done unto Him. It was a real calling. My husband and I knew that God had specifically called us to take care of this little boy.

It wasn’t love at first sight. When you have your own baby, you can’t stop looking at him. This little guy didn’t look normal, of course. You can imagine, when we first saw him . . . He doesn’t look anything like us, of course. That’s one thing. He wasn’t very friendly.

It wasn’t a warm cozy feeling at all, because there was this thing coming out of his throat. There was mucus and all this. It was a very, like you really had to get your hands dirty when you’re taking care of this child, with the diapering, and the changing of the trach, and all this stuff. It’s a whole new territory.

Basically, we CHOSE to love him. It didn’t come right off the bat, but we chose to love him. Now it’s as if he’s been grafted into our hearts as if I carried him in my womb. I feel like when I got him, he was like a newborn. I feel like I’ve nursed him at my breast, even though I never actually nursed him at my breast.

But I felt like all the nurturing that I’ve had to put into this child because of all his special needs, it caused us to have this eternal bond that is so divine. It's like we are one. This child is as if he was born from my own womb. That’s how God had knit him in and grafted him into my heart.

Nancy: It’s so amazing. Erin would not take sitting down the fact that he was just this little vegetable. She fought and fought and fought for him. Now, through operations, he is walking! Running! It’s unbelievable. I never could dream the day that I would see him running everywhere.

Erin: All the specialists, I had to fight against them, actually. I was like their worst nightmare. You can remember, Nancy, the times I’d come and tell you the other fight I had the other day. You guys would get so excited! “Whoo! I don’t want to go against that lady! Boy! She’ll get you gone!” [laughter]

I had to fight tooth and nail against some of the specialists and the therapists and everything. I had to fire doctor after doctor after therapist. You don’t have any idea how many people I have fired! I went to get different doctors because I wasn’t messing around. I needed a doctor that was willing to listen to me, and to help me help this child.

I’ve had doctors tell me that I was the worst pain in the neck, the thorn in their side, because they said they couldn’t believe that I actually thought this kid was going to walk. They were like, “He has cerebral palsy! He’s never going to walk! You can fix his leg until the sun goes down, and it’s not going to ever come right.”

I said, “But God can work a miracle on this child. I see it in his eyes. I see that he wants to do stuff and be normal. He was crippled because of all the drugs, and how they didn’t believe in him. He was completely left a vegetable in a cage, like an animal in a cage! It was absolutely detestable what they did to this child!

Nancy: And they were quite prepared to pour out this money from the government, all over him for the rest of his life.

Erin: Half a million a year!

Nancy: Yes, for the rest of his life.

Erin: Oh, yeah. He was like, what you call it, a cash cow. I believed, with all of my heart, that the neglect that was for this child was unbelievable and unacceptable. I couldn’t accept that any human being should be made money off of like that. I said, “I don’t care what I have to do. I’m going to get them all broke. They’re not making any more money off of this child. I’m done!”

I fought hard. This child, within about, I think it was about nine months, I was able to fire all the nurses, and I was able to fire all the therapists, and I was able to fire all of them and get him out of DCS clutches. I had adopted him, and he was starting to take off and thrive. He didn’t need a whole entourage of caretakers. He just needed a mother. He didn’t need . . .  

Many hands make light work. But sometimes, there are too many cooks in the kitchen, and it gets really confusing. Too many handlers and too many people’s pocketbooks getting filled up because of this child. It was absolute nonsense. Now this child has . . . You have to work really hard to find something wrong with him now.

Nancy: Yes. It’s unbelievable. I wanted you to know about this absolute miracle. Read the story again in Above Rubies #99, but the miracle is just far beyond when she wrote that article. It’s so amazing.

And then, Above Rubies #100, that latest one, Erin has two of her daughters on the front cover. Both Megan and Molly with their beautiful little babies. Little Isla, Megan’s baby, is my great-granddaughter, and Erin’s granddaughter, and Pearl’s granddaughter. That’s so wonderful.

Erin: We’ve been grafted into the Campbell family! We’re all family now, for sure, for sure!

Nancy: Yes, so great! Yesterday Erin and I actually did another Talk Show together, which we hadn’t done for about three-and-a-half years.

Erin: Right. Because I had my hands full, really.

Nancy: Because she adopted Alex, and in the midst of fighting for Alex, and doing all that she had to do, full time, absolute. Goodness! Three hundred percent mothering! She also adopted little Kathryn, a little Down’s syndrome girl. She has both of them.

Erin: I must say, Kathryn gives you a run for your money! That one there, she’s about ten Alexes! But we love her. She's amazing.

Nancy: We got back together and we did this Talk Show yesterday. Oh, it’s a real radical one. You’ll have to watch it. How do they watch it?

Erin: They go to my Facebook page, which is called “Keeper of the Homestead Blog.” You go on there, and it’s a regular Facebook page. It’s not a profile. It’s a business-type page. It’s my “Keeper of the Homestead” blog page. They can see this right there. It’s the first post right now. There might be added things by the time this is posted.

I’m going to try to repost it on YouTube. I’ll try to repost it also on my www.KeeperoftheHomestead.com blog page also, which is not to do with Facebook. But they’re all kind of connected. That’s how it works.

Nancy: So, you can get to listen and watch that. I’m sure you will be mightily blessed. Now, we’re here together. We’re going to do this together and then Erin has to pop over to Pearlie, because she’s got to do a podcast with her. So, you’ve really been poddied out today!

Actually, I think you and Pearl are going to be Pearl and Erin instead of Serene and Pearl, because Serene is in Mexico. Meant to get home last night, but planes have cancelled, and they’re stuck and won’t be home until tomorrow night!

Erin: So then, Erin comes to save the day! [laughter]

Nancy: Now, I want to move on to the very beginning. If we’re going to be the transmitters of God’s ways to the next generation, we’ve got to start at the very beginning. We did start last week, about bringing our children to Jesus at a young age.

But we’ve also go to talk about fathering, mothering, marriage, homemaking, because they are the foundation of a nation, the foundation of our lives. They are the very first thing that God ever talked about. I was just noticing this morning, in Genesis 2:24, where it says, and you all know this Scripture: “Therefore, shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.”

Do you notice that, in that one little Scripture, we get the whole picture of God’s plan for society? It’s all there in one little Scripture. OK, we start off with “one flesh.” That’s marriage where God brings a couple together. They become one flesh. Marriage. And then from that one-flesh union comes forth babies which God loves! That’s how He planned it. Babies come forth.

And, of course, who’s going to look after the babies? The father and the mother! And the mother is the one who’s going to be in the home looking after those babies. Then it mentions also his wife. Well, that’s marriage, too. She becomes the wife.

Isn’t that interesting that when God created Eve that she wasn’t just appearing. “Oh, well, now I’ve got to discover life! I’ve got to take on this adventure of discovering this beautiful Eden. I’ll need a few years just finding who I am and finding myself, just having this great life on my own.”

But no, she didn’t ever hardly have one minute on her own. God brought her immediately to the man and she became a wife. That was it. And that’s how God intends it. This is God’s plan. In fact, we read there about the father and mother. Do you know where the father and mother were?

Erin: Are you asking me?

Nancy: Well, I am.

Erin: I imagine they were at their home!

Nancy: Well, actually, they weren’t there. No. They weren’t even there, ladies. God says: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother.”

Erin: Now I get it! Wow! There it is! How profound! He left them. So they’re not there anymore! He went to cleave to his wife!

Nancy: No, no, no, but close. [laughter] There were still no father and mother!

Erin: What??

Nancy: Because there was only Adam and Eve. But let me tell you, ladies, they weren’t there.

Erin: I thought you were talking about Adam and Eve! [laughter]

Nancy: No. But this is the amazing thing! The amazing thing, ladies, is that God is speaking forth the roles of father and mother before we have ever, ever seen them. Nobody had seen a father or mother. Nobody knew what He was talking about.

But God is establishing the role, even before we have ever seen an actual father and a mother. Isn’t that incredible? God is revealing His plan, how that all of society comes from father and mother. God establishes it there even before we see them in reality.

Erin: Wow!

Nancy: It is so amazing, so amazing. We see this again, over in Genesis 3:20. Here, this is where Adam is naming his wife. It says: “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.” Well, Eve was not a mother when Adam called her “Eve.” She didn’t know anything about motherhood. She’d never had a baby, never nursed a baby at her breast.

Adam had never seen a mother. Yet Adam is speaking under the unction of God. He was speaking prophetically. And once again, this prophetic word comes forth. God is establishing motherhood before we’ve ever seen a mother. Isn’t that amazing?

Erin: It’s so amazing! I’m so embarrassed! [laughter]

Nancy: Oh, no! You don’t have to be embarrassed.

Erin: Adam and Eve! We were talking about . . .

Nancy: I explained fathers and mothers, didn’t I?

Erin: Yeah, but you really tricked me! That was tricky.

Nancy: Trick! Trick question! A trick question but I think most people never even really think about it. But it makes us think about it, doesn’t it? You see, this shows the value that God puts upon father and mother. It’s His plan. He established it. It’s His way. God does not have another plan.

Erin: Amen!

Nancy: He doesn’t.

Erin: It’s a good plan!

Nancy: Erin and I have been talking at different times and just saying how we believe that it’s the hour to elevate fatherhood and motherhood, marriage, homemaking. This is what God established in the beginning.

Because God established it, the devil hates it! And he has, from the beginning, tried to pull it apart. He tries to destroy. He tries to destroy marriages. He tries to destroy fatherhood. He tries to woo mother’s out of the home. But I believe we’ve got to get the truth, and we’ve got to embrace it. We’ve got to do it in a way that we’ve never done it before.

Erin: Amen! And then the enemy also wants to get women to stop having children because then they don’t have enough to occupy their time. As they have too much time on their hands, guess what happens? Devil’s playground when they have too much time on their hands. Then they become busybodies.

That’s another reason why I adopted two more children because I didn’t have a womb anymore. That’s a whole other story. Sorry. Don’t have time for that story, but I don’t have time to be a busybody because I’m too busy being a mother again.

Nancy: Yes, yes. Well, actually sometime you’ll have to tell that story, because it’s a pretty powerful story, isn’t it?

Erin: Oh yes.

Nancy: That’s another thing. The womb of the woman is such a powerful thing. The devil likes to get rid of wombs, doesn’t he?

Erin: It’s in my memoir. It’s advertised in your magazine. “The Memoirs of the Keeper.” Because the keeper of the home? The Memoirs of the Keeper was the first book. I do tell the story in there as well.

Nancy: Yes, yes. That was such a sad story. But you outwitted the devil!

Erin: We did! We sure did! And we’re busy as ever. I’m loving my busy season.

Nancy: I think it’s when we don’t have that vision that God wants us to have of the home, it’s drifting into the thinking of society. Of course, the education system, women grow up being told and educated and . . .

Erin: Indoctrinated!

Nancy: Indoctrinated.

Erin: Indoctrinated! Into all these perverse ideologies.


Nancy: Yes, and against motherhood! They are actually indoctrinated against it. When you come into motherhood, I know many of you have, you come into motherhood, and you have this baby. You love this baby! But you’re not loving motherhood because you’ve had so much indoctrination against it. Oh, yes, you love this baby, but, but, “What am I doing in my home? I should be out in my career. I’m not doing anything here!”

We have this whole confusion. We love our children, but we don’t love motherhood. I believe this is where we have to change, because it’s not enough to just love our children. We’ve got to come to that place of actually loving motherhood, because this is God’s perfect will. It’s His plan.

Erin: And it’s all in the perception that you have. If your perspective is, “Oh! It’s a drudgery! Oh, I’m such a slave to my home! Oh, woe is me, woe is me, woe is me!”

Or you can take, “Wow!! I get to be the most creative mother of the century! I get to get up every morning and I get to think of all new strategies and challenges for every day. I like to conquer and figure out. I get to be the queen of my home and I get to be the top chef, the best baker! I get to be the nurse, and the doctor, and the interior designer!”

Scratch all those careers aside, that junk! When you get to call all the shots, you get to do it all your way. You don’t have to have a boss telling you what to do. And then the drudgery of going to a job every day, and then coming home, and you’ve still got a panful of dishes, and you’ve still got to cook a meal. You might as well just give up those things and take on your whole career of motherhood with gusto.

Nancy: Yes! Absolutely! And I love the Scripture in 1Timothy 5:14, where it says: “I will, therefore, that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.”

Erin: What does “speak reproachfully” mean?


Nancy: I think that means that they can say adverse things. It’s a woman, and this is the thing. There is so much reproach against motherhood because I don’t think women have actually gloried in their motherhood. Therefore, there’s all this negativity about it.

But what does it say there? That women are to marry and bear children and guide the house. “Guide the house”? That doesn’t really portray it because the phrase in the Greek is oikodespoteo.

Oikos meaning “home,”

Despotes meaning “to be the ruler, to be the manager, to be the queen.”

Erin: Yes!! The queen!

Nancy: The queen! [laughter]

Erin: Yes! We love being the queen of our home!

Nancy: Yes!

Erin: There’s nothing more honorable than being the queen of your home.

Nancy: Yes. So, this is who we are meant to be, the queen. We are the boss. It doesn’t mean to say that we rule over our husbands. The Word of God is not saying that. But it’s saying that we rule our homes. We manage our homes. It is our domain. God has given both to men and women something within them that wants to take dominion.

God says in the very beginning, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and take dominion.” This thing is in us but God has given us the sphere of our dominion. It is our home. It is our garden. It is our whole sphere of what God has given us to make, to raise our families. And it can be as boring and as drudgery and as pitiful as we want. Or it can be as wonderful and glorious and amazing as we want to make it!

Erin: Amen, Sister!!

Nancy: It all depends on our thinking, our understanding of the truth, and making it what we want to be.

Erin: Joy and contentment is a choice.

Nancy: Yes, that is true. Well, we’ve got to close this session, but just as we close, just when you’ve already said it a little bit, Erin, just share again. OK, you wake up in the morning. How do you feel as you get up in your home?

Erin: I feel like life is a gift. I feel like, “Wow! I have another day that I can go out to my kitchen! Am I going to bake bread today? Am I going to make some yogurt today? What kind of meals am I going to plan? And, oh, am I going to organize a cabinet or something?” It’s just so exciting!

Nancy: Yes. It’s amazing how God created us. He created male, He created female, but all of us, to be created beings. Because He is the Creator. He has created us with this ability and this something within us that wants to create. When we are queen of our home, we have that freedom and that opportunity to create so much that is lovely and wonderful and precious and amazing as we make our home the sanctuary for God, and to raise our children. But we’d better stop, because we just keep going.

Erin: I have to come back and discuss more, because there’s so much more fun things to discuss about this!

Nancy: Yes, we’ll do that.

“Lord, we do thank You so much again. We’re always full of thanks to You for Your goodness, and all Your blessings. Lord, I want to thank You for Your wonderful plan, Your plan which You established in the very, very beginning. Lord God, it’s all there for us.

“Save us from drifting away from Your plan, from letting it go. Oh, God, help us to hold onto that which You have given us and never let it go. We ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Links for you to enjoy:


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To listen or watch tell the whole story of Alex on the TRIM HEALTHY MAMA PODDY:

PODCAST Ep. 316:
Erin's Story - A Child Nobody Wanted


To see all the videos of Alex and his progress, Part 1 to Part 9. You will be amazed to watch this miracle.