PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 231: What Does God Want Us to Do in the Land? Part 8

Epi231picLIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 231: What Does God Want Us to Do in the Land? Part 8

Peggy joins me again today as we talk about standing up against evil. We, as mothers, have a responsibility to protect our children, and the vulnerable children of our lands. We cannot put our heads in the sand but must become proactive in pushing back against the evils that are preying upon our children. We also speak about how God wants us to teach our children in our land of motherhood.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies. Well, today Peggy is back with me again because we still didn’t say everything we needed to in the last session. Praise the Lord, Peggy doesn’t have to come too far. She just lives down the road from me so that works out great.

Peggy, you had a few thoughts on your heart that you wanted to share, so, go for it!

Peggy: We were just talking about the power of Scripture and how that is something that seems to really spark the outrage of the crowd where we were, at that rally. I’ve seen examples of that since which we’ll talk about.

I want to emphasize the importance of standing firm in your faith. What the Bible says is true and right. There is absolute truth, and it is God’s Word. That’s what all of civilization has been built on for thousands of years. To try to erase that in a generation is absurd.

But, people, we have to stand firm. Mothers, stand firm. As it says in Ephesians 6, we want to put on the whole armor of God so that we can stand against the schemes of the devil. We know about the whole armor of God.

Nancy: The schemes of the devil.

Peggy: The schemes of the devil are on fire right now. They’re going after our children. We must stand, and we must stand with the shield of faith with which we can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. I’m telling you, the flaming arrows are coming, and they’re coming at our children.

We, the adults, those who know the Lord, those who are teaching those children and protecting those children, must stand firm with our shields to protect our children. Those flaming darts are coming and we have to deal with them. They can’t really hurt us, because that’s all they are, is flaming darts. There’s nothing to it. There’s no substance. Remember that. But we must, must stand firm. That’s the most important thing that I want everybody to remember.

Nancy: Looking at Ephesians chapter six on putting on the whole armor of God which you mentioned, I was just thinking as you were talking about another verse in the passage. Of course, we know it starts at verse 10: Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Then it goes on down to verse 14, where it talks about the very first piece of armor we’re to put on. I find it very, very interesting, because we notice that the very first piece of armor is truth. Truth. It starts with truth. We’ve got to put on truth, because if we don’t have truth, we can be pulled in every direction.

This is what all these precious children, and young people, and college students that today are being brainwashed, they do not have a foundation of truth in their lives. This is our responsibility, mothers. Oh, pouring truth into our children. As Peggy mentioned in our last session, we must give our children the objective truth, that’s the ultimate truth, which is God’s word.

Because so much of truth today is just subjective. “If it’s what I feel is right, what I think is right, what I’ve been told.” But no! That is not truth! It’s only what is written in God’s Word. We’ve got to give the Word daily to our children.

But this truth, OK, where, and this is what I find very interesting. It’s amazing. Where do we put on truth? It’s the first one. Where do we start? When the soldier begins putting on his armor, dressing himself, what piece of armor does he put on first? He puts on that girdle around that covers all his loins.

I do have to say that if you are reading a modern translation of the Bible, you will most probably read, “Put on the belt of truth.” Well, I am sorry to say, ladies, where do they get that? Because here, in my King James Bible (and I’m not a “King James Only,” I do love to read other translations, but I’m always checking things out carefully).

When I noticed other translations saying, “The belt of truth,” I thought, “Wow! I’d better look this up and check. Where do they get this?” I looked it up in the Greek, and I read, “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth” So, I look up “loins,” and I find the word means “the procreative area of your body.” That’s all around your hips.

We know, if you look at a picture of a Roman soldier, he puts on this girdle. Now, I will concede that maybe it may be held up with a belt, yes, or it might fall down. We’ve got to have a belt to hold it up, but can you imagine a soldier going out to war with just a belt? I beg your pardon? Exposing his private parts?

And, of course, that soldier, one of his biggest things was to protect his private parts, to protect his fertility, to protect those procreative organs. Back then, that was the most important thing for a man. I’m sorry, ladies. He didn’t just put on a belt. He put on a girdle that completely covered and protected his procreative power.

Isn’t this interesting, that this is where truth starts? The thing that God uses is this area of our body. This particular area of our bodies is where not only the secular world, but most of the Christian world is in deception. They are in deception about this area of their body, even in the Christian world.

Most Christians do not protect their procreative power. No. Many of them are completely stopping it. “Oh, I’ve had two children. That’s enough for me, thank you. OK, well, let’s make sure that it cannot be used. Well, we’ll even have a tubal ligation or vasectomy. We’ll get the ‘snip’ so we can stop it completely!” That’s not protecting your procreative power. And nor is it the truth of the Word of God, because in the Word of God, it never speaks about keeping to your 1.9 children per family. No, the Bible speaks about the blessing of children, of increasing, multiplying, and filling the world with the godly seed.

Right at the very beginning here, even putting on the armor of God, we’re seeing how this is so important to God. Therefore, it’s going to be where the enemy attacks. So, once again, for the man it is his loins, but for the woman it is her womb.

We’re coming right back to this very area, the womb. This is what satan and all his cohorts and all those who he’s brainwashing, that’s what they’re coming against. The womb-man, the womb-man, the womb. It’s the attack against the woman, the attack against the womb. We begin to see it, even right here, in putting on the armor of God. Amen?

What’s your next little bit you were going to share about there?

Peggy: Well, Nancy, you gave me goosebumps with that because I’ve never thought about that, the girdle being specifically to protect that area. But I think that’s so relevant right now in what’s happening here. Thank you. Thank you for that observation because it’s true. It’s true, and we have got to protect.

I wanted to get back to this whole topic, as what exactly is being done to our children right now. Towards the end of the rally, they brought out politicians, the state politicians, and our senator, Senator Marsha Blackburn. I was glad to hear them say that as soon as they meet back as your state representatives, as soon as they meet back, they’re going to start some legislation to end surgery on minors, transition surgery on minors, which is wonderful.

But what I did not hear them say was that they wanted to end any of the other treatments; hormonal treatments, puberty blockers, the other things they’re doing that also permanently alter these children. Surgery is not the only way to sterilize a child. You can do it with hormones. You can also mess up their development, their organs so their male organs never grow and develop into reproductive organs. They just remain child-like.

For girls, they would begin to grow in a way that girls’ organs are never meant to grow. Also, when they would begin to grow hair, their voices deepen, and their ovaries and reproductive organs do not form in such a way that they will be able to produce children later in life. The hormones are just as important as surgery. Surgery is obvious, but the other is just as dangerous.

I would ask, call your representatives, local, state, and federal, and say, “Not just surgery. All of it needs to be stopped on minors. Parents need to be given back control and decision-making power in their children’s elective medical care.”

This is not considered by the Biden administration to be “elective” medical care. It’s considered to be “necessary” medical care. They literally make the argument that if a woman who has cancer needs a hysterectomy, why does a child who has gender dysphoria, why should they be deprived of a hysterectomy? I’m serious. This is the logic they’re using.

Nancy: Having these hysterectomies, goodness me! They’ll go into menopause before they. . .

Peggy: Before they’ve ever had puberty!

Nancy: Before they’ve ever lived life! [laughter] This is just horrific!

Peggy: We’re laughing, but it’s not funny. It’s very real, and it is happening. So put on your shoes of readiness, and your shield, and your sword, and get out there and fight!

Nancy: Here we are in a pretty conservative state, and all this is happening. Many of you are in liberal states and your politicians won’t even be saying, “OK, we would like to stop surgery.” They’ll even before that. But you can have power. You can have a say. Email, call, and tell them that they are representing you, and you want them to stand against all surgery for mutilating children, and all puberty blockers. We all need to do this, in all our states. Amen.

Oh, another thing I was thinking of as we’re talking. How these precious young girls and teens and even older, they’re cutting off their wombs. They’re having hysterectomies. They’re trying to take everything away that makes them a woman.

I was thinking, where it says in Proverbs, how there are three things that are never satisfied, yea four that say not, it is enough. The grave, and then the second one is the barren womb. The womb cries for life. It’s never satisfied. It longs for life, and to bring forth life (Proverbs 30:15, 16).

Even women who have a tubal ligation to stop having children because maybe they’re overwhelmed, and they feel as though they can’t cope. But then a few years go by, and wow! These little children who were so overwhelming are now growing. Now their womb is crying for life again! Sometimes it’s unbearable. It’s so intense!

Therefore, many, many women will have reversals, to reverse, and hopefully that they could have another child. This is normality, but these people, these young children and young people, they will always have, well, they won’t even have wombs, let alone a barren womb.

Peggy: Even heterosexual young adults in college are being discouraged from having families. It’s a trend too, to not have children. To have young women and young men go ahead and have the vasectomy, or have the tubal ligation, before they even have children.

Nancy: It’s number one on the World Economic Forum, the new world agenda, which is to reduce the population of the world by millions. They’re doing everything they can to bring in infertility, through vaccinations, and now through this transgenderism. In every way they possibly can. But in this society of death, wow! We should be more pro-life, and proactively open to bring forth life than ever before! Don’t you think?

Peggy: I think it takes a huge determination and a decision. If you are going to bring forth life

into this world, you have a responsibility then to protect it. It’s a tall order right now, with what the world is trying to do. It’s coming across everything. It’s everywhere. Like I said last time, it’s like smoke coming under the doors and through all the cracks. You have to constantly be trying to battle it back. But it can be done.

Nancy: But it’s not a time to stop having children. Some people would say, “OK, but how do I bring children into this evil world?” Well, this is why we bring them in, because they are going to be the life. They’re going to bring the truth.

God wants His people to multiply so that they will be more and mightier than the heathen. Just as when the children of Israel were in Egypt, they multiplied and filled the land. That’s what happened. They became more and mightier than the Egyptians! That’s what God wants for His people (Exodus 1:7-12).

Peggy: God can do anything! God can do anything! He can overpower anything. This may seem big. It seems big because the media is covering it as if 50% of the population, or some huge percentage of the population is transgender. That is not true. It’s a tiny percent of the population. I don’t even know why we’re talking about it except that they’re doing it to our children.

It’s coming through the internet. It’s coming through everywhere. We’re being bombarded with all this, I call it “Marxist, that woke stuff,” whatever you want to call it. It’s not true. It’s what we’re being shown. What we’re not being shown; we were not shown that legislation, that executive order that Biden put through in August in time for people to speak about it. I don’t know where it was published but I sure missed it and I watch the news every day.

You have to be so proactive. Yes, we need to bring children into this world, with bravery, with confidence, because God loves us. He expects us to be the ones. If not us, who will stand up and fight back, and protect? The world can’t go on. What would happen if we just left this alone? We’re going to lose the country that we’ve all taken for granted. We’re going to lose the ability to worship as we would like to worship.

Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, these are important parts of our lives. We’ve enjoyed this freedom in the United States for such a long time. It is absolutely under attack. Religion has been under attack, but now more clearly than ever. Faith in the Lord.

I will tell you that that Scripture drove those people out of their minds at the rally. One girl even had a sheet on some sort of little extender thing that she could make herself taller, like a tent pole. She stood right behind my husband and tried to cover up his Scripture with her sheet the whole time. I thought, “Well, that is the silliest thing. You can’t cover up God’s Word with a sheet!” (The Scripture was Romans 14:12).

Nancy: They are scared of God’s living Word. Oh, yes, now tell us the story of what happened to these young people when they went to stand up for truth. Someone was showing Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman?

Peggy: It was at the University of Wisconsin. This happened on Monday night. The rally was on Friday. It seems like something’s happened every day since. But Monday night there was a screening of What is a Woman? which is a documentary. Daily Wire, if y’all can find a way to watch that, you really should.

As expected, there were protestors there. I’m sure it was the same ilk that we had. A local church, it wasn’t a youth group, it was young adults. This young man was 19, and he was described in the article as a “street preacher.” But the young people from a local church decided to go and interact with the protestors outside the screening of What is a Woman?

In the course of time, he talked with one of the protestors. This young man set down his Bible, 19 years old. The protestor picked up his Bible, began shredding it and throwing the pages in the street. Then he began eating the pages of the Bible! Eating the Word of God!

I would have been surprised. I’m not surprised after having been in the presence of those people, because it was so animalistic, the way they were behaving. They sounded like a bunch of animals too. But the young man was very wonderfully Christian in the way he handled them. He was sad about losing his Bible. He said it was his study Bible and he used it every day. But he said he was very glad to see that they were digesting the Word of God! [laughter] That was good.

Nancy: Let’s see what happens out of that!

Peggy: Well, it’s just one more example.

Nancy: You were also going to mention this last Monday night, of what we were doing here locally. Actually, I think I mentioned to you before, ladies, how here in our Hickman County, where we live in Tennessee, we have been doing this great big thing called “Save Lick Creek.”

Peggy: Save Lick Creek! Whoo!

Nancy: Well, it’s called “Lick Creek,” but it’s really a beautiful river. A little bit low at the moment because we’ve had a drought. But it’s beautiful. Serene and Sam’s land borders on this river. So many of our family, children, they swim there, they fish there, they can even get trout. They kayak there. This river is pure, spring-fed. They are trying to put in billions of dollars of waste into it. We’ve been standing up against it.

On Monday night, they had a meeting, and sadly, Colin and I couldn’t be there. We had another appointment, which was so sad, because we love rallies. If Colin and I can get to a rally, and we can get our banners up, we love it! We were there on January 6, that great day. That was such a great day, too. The amazing thing was, when we were there, we were right up at the Capitol for about two or three hours, and never saw one thing of all the things that everybody so-called saw.

Back to this rally, we couldn’t be there, but Tim and Peggy were there. She can tell a little bit about it. But it shows you what she is going to share about, how we’ve been talking about standing up, calling our politicians, but really, we have got to start at our local level. Because every county has commissioners.

Do you know who all your commissioners are? I have to confess I didn’t even know who ours were until we began to face all this. I never even bothered about local government at all. But now, I’m realizing how important it is. It determines the whole way we live! Over to you, Peggy.

Peggy: It’s funny. Your daughter, Vange, whispered to me during the hearing, “Isn’t amazing how these 14 people’s yay or nay is going to determine the future for so many, for our whole county?” It really did come down to just one person at the end of the night.

Nancy: Yes. So, they went to a resolution that was going to be voted on. We all had to be there, even though we couldn’t get there, sadly, to have opportunity to get up and speak and so on. Then these 14 commissioners were going to vote. They will be doing things like that in your county all the time. You’ve really got to know what they’re voting about, because here we are, a very conservative county, but whoo!

Peggy: We don’t have to worry about the rest of the world, we thought!

Nancy: We’re not even in the city! And yet here, these guys weren’t standing for the people in their community. They had their own agendas.

Peggy: Well, you know, you’ve always got to follow the money, don’t you, Nancy? This was not the war. This was a battle. Praise God, we won the battle. I do want to say that throughout the day on Monday, I was in prayer about it, and I was writing what I wanted to say. But I wasn’t feeling optimistic. I was feeling pretty defeated.

This is about, basically they were trying to lay the groundwork to be able to run the plumbing for this huge wastewater facility that would service two other counties. Not this county, we’re rural. It would service the sewage from two other counties and dump it in our creek! They would process it and dump it in our creek. Obviously, we don’t want this, and this was about stopping this preliminary thing they were trying to do. Praise the Lord, we won that battle.

But I was not confident, and I felt bad about that afterwards, because God can do anything. God can move any mountain. We have to let Him, and we have to pray and be faithful and confident that He can, and He will. He did. But it was wonderful too, to see our community come together.

Save Lick Creek is an eye-popping neon yellow-green, luminous, blaze yellow, in that room, and people speaking from their hearts, passionately, desperately, trying to defend the creek. We’re a small group. It’s a rural area. We don’t have a big population, up against people with a lot of money, with a lot at stake. We went in there, and we were able to say our piece, and it was reasonably civil.

Yeah, there was a lot of lying going on. There was a lot of self-interest. It was hard to figure out what was true and what wasn’t true. But at the end of the day, you know you don’t want sewage from neighboring counties dumped in your creek. You know that much! You know that’s true.

We were able to do as America does, argue the case, speak both sides in a reasonably civil way, and praise God, it was a tie, which meant that it did not pass. So, whoo! We’re OK this time. We’ve got to win the war still.

But it was wonderful to see that happen, because our political system has become so contentious. It’s like, “I’m right, and you’re wrong about absolutely everything!” You’re either far right, or you’re far left. I think most people have issues where they’re in the middle. Not everybody is all the way to the right, or all the way to the left.

Probably the vast majority of people are afraid to speak up. So, we get right back to the armor of God. Put it on and speak up. Don’t be afraid of the names and the horrible labels that you’re going to get hit with, because it’s what’s going to happen. Unfortunately, that’s the culture that has sprung up in this time that we live in.

Nancy: Yes, yes. So, anyway, as Peggy said, we won that battle. We’ve still got a way to go, even with Lick Creek. But it will continue with our commissioners, and we have seven who were against our beautiful creek being polluted. But seven, they were quite happy for it to happen. I don’t think they really wanted that for Lick Creek, but as you said, they were controlled by money and other things. We will still have to keep going with this battle.

But I share that with you, ladies, because I think we’ve all got to start being more proactive, right down at the local level with commissioners, school boards, mayors, sheriffs, all these people who determine the way we live. In fact, in the end, wow! The final decision about this creek will determine the generations to come! Whoo!

Peggy: And it will be the same people.

Nancy: Let’s move on, because I’m going through the points of what we are to do in this land of motherhood. I’m taking it again from the Scriptures of the things that God told His people to do in the land, when they got to the Promised Land. We’re taking them to put it into our land of motherhood.



God spoke these words through Moses as they were preparing to go into the Promised Land. Deuteronomy 6:1: Now these are the commandments, the statutes, and the judgments, which the Lord your God commanded to teach you, that ye might do them in the land where you are going to possess it.” He’s given all these instructions for what they are to do in the land

Then in Deuteronomy 6:5-7, He says: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Here is something that God tells them they had to do in the land. This is, of course, what we will be doing in our land of motherhood. So many of you, this is what you’ve been doing today. You’ve been home educating your children. You are right in the very perfect will of God.

Oh, precious homeschooling, mothers, can I encourage you today? I know that sometimes you feel overwhelmed, and it’s all getting on top of you. But be encouraged! You are in the perfect will of God. You’re doing what’s right. You have the opportunity with your children there, to teach them the ways of God.

And, of course, you’ll be doing it the way God tells you to do it. You don’t have to sit them all down like in a schoolroom, and OK, give them their lessons. Well, you can do it that way if you want, but really, God’s way is not that way. Do you notice what He says? I’ll read it this time from the Amplified, because the Amplified version, I think is really great on this Scripture.

“These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be written on your heart and mine. You shall teach them diligently to your children, impressing God’s precepts on their minds. And penetrating their hearts with His truth. And shall speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk on the road.” That would, of course, maybe driving in the car today. We’ll be talking to our children as we’re driving. “And when you lie down, and when you get up.” Really, it’s all day. It’s an all-day teaching and imparting God’s ways.

Yes, you’ll have your curriculums that you have chosen. They are important. You’ll have a good, godly, biblical, homeschool curriculum. There are so many of them, and it’s often hard to choose which one. But lovely ladies, can I just put in something here? Even when you choose your curriculums for your children, remember that you don’t have to be totally bound by them. Yes, you’ve got them there as a basic foundation.

But ultimately, oh, teach them God’s truth, and His principles, and His ways. Make sure that they’re getting it, impressing it into their minds, and penetrating it into their hearts, so that they are filled with God’s objective truth, what He says in His Word. Not what someone thinks, not what someone feels. Teach your children that truth is not what they’re feeling at this moment. No, it’s what God says.

Truth is not what they maybe think or heard someone say. No, it’s what God says! Let’s always be bringing our children back to what God says. It’s why it’s so important to be filled with His Word yourself, isn’t it? And to know it, because then you have it in your heart, and it’s ready in your mouth, to speak it forth.

You begin talking about something with your children, but you’ve got that Word. “OK, let’s see what God says, children!” And even if you don’t know it, well, ladies, have a concordance, so you can look up a word in the concordance, and find the Scriptures where God talks about that subject. Do it with your children. In fact, teach them to learn how to look up a concordance.

Every young Christian child and young person should know how to deal with a concordance. It’s great fun to do that. If you’re not, if you haven’t got that Scripture in your heart, well, “OK, children, let’s find out together what God says. Let’s get out the concordance, and you can look up the word.” Then you can find all the Scriptures about it. Then you’re going to look up those Scriptures together, and you’ll find God’s truth.

This is what I do for everything in life. In fact, I have found an answer to absolutely everything in life in God’s Word. Everything’s there, if you can search it out and find it. Make that something you do all the time with your children. You can be doing it together, discovering it, going right into the Word, finding out everything God says about that subject, because really the ultimate truth on any subject is not one Scripture, but what God says about that subject from Genesis to Revelation.

Now some, you might just get a few Scriptures, some subjects you’ll get hundreds of Scriptures! Wow! But, really, to go through them all, that gets you into the ultimate truth. It’s so great and it’s so fun! Make doing this with your children the greatest fun of your lives! So that they will always have in their hearts this longing and desire to know, “What does God say on this subject?” And they’ll know how to do it.

Well, you can also do it on an iPhone, because if you have an app . . . I have a wonderful app. It’s called the Strong’s Concordance. I can find any Scripture and I can go to that. It gives me all the Hebrew words and then where all those Scriptures are. But you can do it with a concordance, or whichever way. But teach your children how to do this. I know many young people who have never used a concordance! Wow! That means they’ve never really studied God’s Word! No, let’s teach them how to do it so all their lives, on their own, they are able to know how to go into the Word and find out what God says. Amen?

And this is what He told us to do in the land. Here’s what we do in the land of motherhood. We go over to Deuteronomy 11. Did you know that God repeats these words again? Oh, He doesn’t only say them once. He says them again in Deuteronomy 11:18-19, and right down to verse 21. I’ll just read you a little bit.

And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.See, He’s telling them again, making sure it gets into their hearts. “That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land.” You see, this is what we do, in the land, in the land of motherhood.

“Which the Lord sware unto your fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon the earth.” Isn’t that beautiful? God says, when we will know His ways, and we embrace them, and we put them into operation in our homes, and in our lives, we can experience days as heaven upon earth. Isn’t that amazing? Incredible! But we’ve got to do it.

Then we go over to Deuteronomy 31. He’s telling them again. In fact, in chapters 29 and 30, it talks about the song that Moses . . . Chapter 32 actually is the exact song. God told Moses to teach the children of Israel a song, so they would remember all the things that God wanted to say to them.

He says, in Deuteronomy 31:19: Now therefore write ye this song for you, and teach it the children of Israel: put it in their mouths.” Isn’t that interesting?

And then verse 21 says: for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed,” of their offspring to come. “Moses therefore wrote this song this same day and taught it to the children of Israel.” You can read the song in chapter 32. But God wanted him to actually put it to music, because it is easy to remember when we sing it, isn’t it?

In fact, often, when we have family devotions and my husband is reading the Word of God, he’ll read a Scripture, and then all of a sudden, he’ll start to sing it, because he knows a tune to it. He knows so many tunes to the Scriptures that he usually ends up singing in our family devotions. How does he remember them? Because he knows the tune to them. But we see here that God wants it to get into our minds, and into our hearts, and into our mouths.

Time has gone. Do you want to say anything as we close, Peggy?

Peggy: God’s watching every day.

Nancy: And we’ll pray.

“Lord God, we come into Your presence. And Father, I pray for every mother, and everyone, all the daughters and young people listening, and even the little children. Lord, pour out Your blessing on them all.

“We ask that You will lead each one of us, all of us, into Your truth, into Your ways. Help us, Lord, to be mothers who do what You have told us to do, to, Lord, penetrate Your Words into the hearts of our children, and to get it into their mouths, so it will never be forgotten out of their mouths. Lord, we ask that You will help us to do these things in this wonderful, glorious land of motherhood. We ask it in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Book: Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier

Excellent investigative book about the history and present situation regarding the transgender situation in the US, especially the contagious aspect among young people and the helplessness of parents to stop it.

http://momsforliberty.org/- Organization to root out inappropriate social and political trends in schools. Chapters throughout the US. Even homeschool moms can join and help- anyone who cares!

http://momsforlibertywc.org/- Moms for Liberty Williamson County; very active chapter. They have archives of presentations, guests and interviews from the last couple of years. Many presentations are available to view on YouTube.

https://www.trevoices.org/- Started by Scott Newgent, a detransitioner featured in Matt Walsh documentary “What Is A Woman?”. Website is a great resource for legislation, information, research data, and separating facts from fiction around all aspects of transition and detransition.


https://www.kff.org/other/issue-brief/youth-access-to-gender-affirming-care-the-federal-and-state-policy-landscape/ - This contains a good amount of information about what different states and the federal govt. are doing. NOTE: This is from the Left point of view, i.e. pro trans legislation.

https://thefederalist.com/2022/07/11/vanderbilt-health-is-treating-tennessee-minors-without-parental-consent/ - This article explains Vanderbilt’s policy of excluding parents from access their children’s medical care or records after the age of 13. Photos of the policy and signage alerting parents of the policy.

https://thefederalist.com/2022/09/21/the-real-victim-of-matt-walshs-trans-expose-isnt-vanderbilt-university-medical-center-its-all-the-kids-they-maimed/ - Contains many leaked videos and now-deleted website links outlining Vanderbilt’s resources for minors seeking transition.

https://www.dailywire.com/news/adolescent-chest-reconstruction-surgeries-increase-nearly-400-in-us-report - Report on the JAMA journal report on the nearly 400% increase in “top surgery” from 2016-2019

https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/2797439- Full JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) report

https://www.dailywire.com/news/im-called-to-love-god-and-love-my-neighbor-19-year-old-responds-to-protester-who-stole-and-ate-his-beloved-personal-bible-at-matt-walsh-event - Story on the young man whose Bible was shredded and eaten by pro-trans protestors at a screening of “What is a Woman” documentary.

https://nypost.com/2022/10/24/why-did-president-biden-just-endorse-the-most-radical-trans-madness/ - Biden grants interview to transgender Tik-Tok influencer with 8 million followers; says that state efforts to curb “gender affirming” treatments for minors are “outrageous” and “immoral.”

https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/252376/chloe-cole-leading-fight-to-protect-children-from-transgender-surgeries - Article on Chloe Cole, the young woman who transitioned to male and then detransitioned back to female. NOTE: video of her speech at the Nashville Rally was taken down from YouTube since I watched it on Tuesday night. This is another speech she gave.

https://nypost.com/2021/11/23/social-and-emotional-learning-is-often-cover-for-progressive-indoctrination/ - on Social Emotional Learning