PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 230: What Does God Want Us to Do in the Land? Part 7

Epi230picLIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 230: What Does God Want Us to Do in the Land? Part 7

Peggy Weatherford is with me again today as she tells her experience of attending the RALLY TO END CHILD MUTILATION in Nashville, Tennessee. It was a scary experience. She also exposes a lot more of what is happening with child mutilation in our nation.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Well, here we are again. I have with me Peggy Weatherford again. Peggy was with us two weeks ago. She was telling us about this rally that she was going to go to. I thought, “Wow, I’d better get Peggy back let us all know how it went, and what happened.” I think you’ll be very into it, to hear what Peggy has today, to say to us today. So, Peggy, great to have you with us. Say “Hi!”

Peggy: Thank you, Nancy. I'm so happy to be here.

Nancy: This rally that Peggy and her husband Tim attended was called “The Rally to End Child Mutilation.” It was held in Nashville here in Tennessee, the ‘Buckle on the Bible Belt.” Yet, right here, in this state, we are still facing things that we should never ever be facing or didn’t dream we would ever have to face here in America.

Many of you will live in liberal states. I can’t even imagine what is happening in your state if this is happening here. But these are things we need to become aware of. We’ve got to know what’s happening because we have got to stand up. We’ve got to come back against this. These people are a minority, but they are so aggressive. It’s as though they’re taking over the whole of the nation, taking over the medical system, taking over our education system.

Anyway, I’m going to let Peggy tell you just what happened at this rally.

Peggy: Thank you, Nancy. Well, it was quite an experience going to that rally. I am not a professional protestor by any means. It’s been a long time since I attended anything like that. I don’t think I realized how unprepared I was for the aggression and the rage of the counter-protestors.

I went there, my husband and I, as Christians, and as parents, to defend what we feel is this unconscionable treatment of minors having permanent, damaging surgery done that they can’t understand the ramifications. They have no frame of reference.

We thought we were going downtown. I think I knew that there would probably be counter-protestors. I expected that. I couldn’t have imagined the rage, the ugliness, the anger, the aggression that was coming from these people; what we experienced.

First word of advice, if you go to anything as a conservative right now: wear earplugs. Take your earplugs. Go out and buy them now, because both of our ears are still ringing. It wasn’t a large group of protestors in comparison to the number of people who came for the rally.

Nancy: How many people came to support the rally?

Peggy: Altogether, I believe the official count of attendees is somewhere between 2500 and 3000. A lot of the main media outlets said it was 1000 people and that it was evenly matched, pro and con protestors. That is not true. I think the people who were there for the Child Mutilation Rally far outnumbered the protestors who were there in support of the trans movement.

However, the people that were there in support of the trans movement were extremely loud, extremely crude, extremely aggressive, and their whole point was to just drown us out. They wanted to make so much noise and try to provoke. I think there was a lot of trying to provoke some sort of a response that would have been newsworthy on the part of the people who had come in. They did not manage to do that, thank the good Lord.

I was quaking in my boots. When we first walked in, we each had our signs. My husband had a Scripture saying: “We Stand Before the Lord and Give an Account” (Romans 14:12) on one side. On the other side, it said, “Ask Me About Absolute Truth.” Mine said, “I Identify as a Mama Bear.”

They really were angered by his Scripture. They really seemed to focus on him, so that made us a target, I guess. They get right in your face and scream obscenities, and called us Nazis, called us fascists, said we should die. FU, FU, FU, over and over. There were chants. One of the chants was, “You hate us! You want to kill us! So shut the [blank] up!”

Nancy: They had megaphones into your ears, didn’t they? Not just shouting.

Peggy: The shouting was one aspect. The other aspect was they had these airhorns and megaphones that had sounds on them like sirens. They’d put it right in your face, or right next to your head and just stand there with the sound blaring. There was nothing you could do.

At first, I was shaking. I remember, I sent you a text. I sent all our friends up here on the Hilltop a text that said, “Please pray, because this is so scary!” I felt those prayers. I remember thinking, “Oh ye of little faith, why are you afraid?” I remember thinking, “Stand firm!” We just stood there, and we stood there, and we took it. That’s what 99% of the people did. We stood firm and let them scream their obscenities and their accusations.

Nancy: Their signs, didn’t they have pictures of guns blowing your heads off?

Peggy: There was a lot of, “We should die.” It was a pretty big theme. Antifa was there. People that were completely covered in black with their faces covered, and weapons. They had professionally made signs that were done by a very good artist. They were very well done.

One said, “Nazi Lives Don’t Matter.” It had a picture of a person with a KKK hood with literally their brains being blown out of one side of their head by a gun. Another was a person, KKK outfit, being hung. It doesn’t even have to do with anything. We’re not KKK. We’re not fascists. We’re not Nazis. I didn’t go there with one iota of hate in my heart for anybody. I just went there to protect children.

But there’s a narrative, and they whipped themselves up into a frenzy over this narrative that there is this attack against them going on. A lot of the protestors, some were trans, some were dressed as the opposite, or appearing as the opposite gender than they were obviously born. But a lot of them were just wearing black and riot gear, and stuff like that. It was scary.

Nancy: But isn’t it so sad to think there’s this aggression in protests, to come against where there’s a rally to protect children, and to come against something horrific, like the absolute mutilation of the bodies of young children? Why would they protest this? It’s somehow, they’re being brainwashed with hate. Oh, it’s beyond us!

But dear, precious ladies, this is happening everywhere. As I said before, they are a minority, but you would think they’re the majority in this country. They’re beginning to take over. Unless we, as God’s people who know the truth, and love our children, and the children of this nation, we will want to protect them. Wow! I don’t know what’s going to happen. We just have to rise up.

So, anyway, carry on Peggy.

Peggy: Well, a few things hit me as I was standing there. One was, this is almost without substance, all this that was happening, this ugliness. There were no words. There was no rational conversation. There were accusations, and threats, and obscenities. A lot of intimidation, really. Then attempts to drown out any opposing voice and make us go away with fear.

It was nothing like I’ve ever seen before, honestly. It was very scary. What struck me was, our current administration supports this, OK? I’m thinking, “I’m standing here, exercising my First Amendment rights to express my opinion in public and these people are going ape.” I mean, rage like I’ve never seen before. They’ve got the federal government on their side.

Nancy: This is scary. In fact, tell the ladies the current executive order that Biden is seeking to put through.

Peggy: Yes, this is an executive order that he submitted in August. I’m sure you didn’t hear about it. I didn’t hear about it. I just found out about it since the rally. But he put an executive order that would make it a federal mandate that there will be no interfering with anybody, including youth, children, receiving transgender therapies, including hormone therapies, including puberty blockers, and including surgery. And that what he calls, “conversion therapy.” I’m not sure what the definition of “conversion therapy” is, if that’s all therapy. But “conversion therapy” would be banned. States are trying to put laws in place.

Nancy: “Conversion therapy” to convert them back to reality, to normality. They would not be allowed that. Is that what it was saying?

Peggy: Yes, that’s one hundred percent true. Understand that a lot of words have been redefined, when you can’t think you know what something is. It says “conversion therapy” would be banned. I think in our history, and the history of the states, “conversion therapy” has been something that usually religious groups have done to try to help somebody find their way back to a normal heterosexual mindset and stop living out a life of homosexuality.

I don’t know now if that’s what “conversion therapy” means. It’s like racism is now basically being white. Racism isn’t what it used to be. “Conversion therapy” may not be what it used to be.

I know that I have heard of children being given prescriptions for puberty blockers after a one-half hour consultation with a therapist. I don’t know if it has to be a psychiatrist or what they call it. How can you possibly look at a child for half an hour and know that they’re ready to make that decision in their life?

Nancy: Oh, it’s ridiculous! Because as we all know, children can be tomboys. I grew up a tomboy. That didn’t mean to say I was any way needing to become a male. It’s just life. This is a sad thing. They are preying on these precious, innocent children. Oh, you’ve got to tell this story, but before you do, this executive order that Biden is doing, does this mean, what he’s saying, that it’s senators, congressmen, even doctors in hospitals and so on, they would not be allowed to interfere with them in any way.

Peggy: Nope. The Biden administration, HHS, Health and Human Services, has a new Health Equity and Gender Identity Policy Priority that he has put through executive order. It’s going through the legislature now. It’s an amendment to the Affordable Care Act. It would federally mandate doctors and hospitals in all 50 states, regardless of religious or ethical beliefs, to perform medical and surgical transitions on people of all ages, period. It would remove states’ rights to ban such practices.

Nancy: That is too much. Is there time for everyone to call their senators and congressmen and tell them to vote against that? Can they do that or is he doing it anyway?

Peggy: Well, the executive order was put through. However, there was an opportunity, a short opportunity. He put it through in August, and we had until October 3. However, it received very little publicity in the media. I certainly didn’t know about it.

Nancy: I never heard about it.

Peggy: The time has passed for public comment. I don’t think that that means you can’t make public comments, but the official time has passed. However, we have a vote coming up, people, and we need. . . As things stand today, that would probably be passed through our legislature. We need to get out there and vote and balance things out so that we will not have democrats controlling the House, the Senate, and the White House.

Nancy: I think it looks like, perhaps this is what we have to do now. I’m sure you will be voting. If you haven’t thought about it, I think it is so imperative. We have to vote. We have to vote out every deceiving, evil politician. We have to vote in righteousness. We’ve got to do it, precious ladies. Make sure, if you have grown children, if they are 18, make sure they are registered.

They will be voting, because you can be sure that this group of people are getting all these students and college-age students who they are brainwashing in all this. They’re going to have them all voting. If you’re voting democrat, you are voting for this. You are voting for the federal allowance of the mutilation of our children! This is so horrific. That’s so important.

Peggy: And also, Nancy, you are voting to give up your right as a parent to say, “This is not the right thing for my child,” or “I want my child to wait a little bit. Let’s analyze the situation.” Every child’s different. We all know that. A lot of children have, well, there are children with emotional problems. A huge percentage of the children who are coming out as trans have been abused in some way or are on the autistic spectrum.

Unfortunately, 98% are girls. It’s girls. Young girls, pubescent girls, often in groups. But listen to that number, 98%. There’s a word for it. They’re calling it “Sudden Onset Gender Dysphoria.” These are girls that never showed any sign of having any interest to be anything other than a girl, who suddenly, somehow, become indoctrinated into this stuff, and think that all their problems will be solved. Especially pubescent girls who are going through a lot. They think that all their problems will be solved by changing genders.

Part of it, too, is convincing them that being a woman is being in an oppressed group. “Women have been mistreated throughout all of history. Women are not valued. Men are the leadership class.” It makes them feel hopeless. They’re already in bodies that they’re not familiar with. Maybe they’re dealing with some sexual discomfort because you can get on one of the tensions before you understand what that is. These girls are turning.

Another thing that came up since the rally was that the Journal of the American Medical Association, the JAMA Journal, which is the internationally known, peer-reviewed journal, did an analysis on gender surgeries on minors between 2016 and 2019. There’s a lot that’s happened since 2019. This has gotten a lot worse.

Nancy: This will be far more since then.

Peggy: Yes. It will be far more since then. But just in those years, three years from 2016 to 2019, top surgeries on minors increased 400%. Researchers from Vanderbilt report that 1,130 chest-mutilating surgeries were performed on minor patients, under 18 years old. 1,114, or 98% of those, were double mastectomies on perfectly healthy young girls.

Nancy: I cannot believe this! This was Vanderbilt?

Peggy: It isn’t clear, the way the article was written, if all that happened at Vanderbilt, or if Vanderbilt kept the data. So, I’m not going to say that Vanderbilt did it. I’m going to say those were the numbers that were in the JAMA article.

Nancy: But, can you imagine, fellow moms? That these precious young girls, they’ve had both breasts ripped off them? Taken from them. They don’t understand yet. They’re not even at the age where their breasts would be fully developed, or they’ve begun to have those hormones of longing to be married, have a child, nurse a baby. We all know the glory of nursing a baby at your breast. It’s the most beautiful thing in life!

They’ll never have a chance. They’ll never be able. . . They can’t get these breasts again. They’re gone! This is horrific! How can we stand back and allow this to happen? It’s unbelievable! And then, oh, at the rally you shared the story of that girl who had had her breasts taken and had all these hormone blockers. Then how she began to see it was so wrong. Tell her story.

Peggy: This is such a sad story about such a brave young girl. She’s now 18 years old. Her name is Chloe Cole. If you want to look that up, her speech is on YouTube. Chloe began transitioning at age 11. She said that she was a normal girl, but she had older brothers, so she played with trucks and did stuff like that and started hanging out with her older brothers’ friends. I did the same thing when I was a child. That’s what you do.

I think she started developing very young. When she was nine, she hit puberty. She was uncomfortable with that. It just started. She went online and she said she was absolutely hit with an avalanche of trans activism. She came to believe, by the time she was 11, that she was really a boy stuck in a girl’s body. At some point along the way, she asked her parents to start calling her “Leo,” and to refer to her as “him.”

At some point along the way, she still had her breasts, but she was binding them. There are stages of transition, and the first stage is “social transition.” That means you cut, if you’re a girl, you cut your hair, you dress like a boy, and you bind your breasts, so it doesn’t look like you have them, which was very uncomfortable for her. She decided that it would be better to have them removed.

I might have that wrong, but I think she was 16 when she had a double mastectomy and had her breasts removed. Now she’s 18, and she realized the whole thing was a huge mistake, and that she was fast-tracked through this process, really, at a time when she had no ability to make those calls. She remembers being asked, “Do you understand that this may stunt the growth of your sexual organs? Or this may cause sterility?” And going, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.” She didn’t understand what that meant.

She’s still a beautiful girl. She’s one of the lucky ones. Her voice isn’t low. A lot of girls who do the male hormone therapy wind up with a very manly voice and that never changes. Neither does facial hair. Some of the things that happen. She will definitely pass from the outside. She looks like a girl, and sounds like a girl, but she does not have breasts anymore.

The hardest thing was this girl is tiny. She’s a hundred pounds, and this crowd of people is just roaring and screaming, and giving her the finger, calling her a fascist, saying she should die. She’s shaking like a leaf! To stand up there and give this testimony as something so personal, and to have these people acting like animals.

We were trying to shout encouragement to her. She did it. She did a good job, but it was heartbreaking. Everything she’s been through, and on top of it, to find herself that all the people who supported her, and called her brave, and said she was a hero when she was going through transition, have turned on her and now say she’s a fascist, and a Nazi, and a hater, and should die. How does a child manage? How can a child begin to fight back for themselves? They can’t.

My husband and I stood there, and had more obscenities thrown at us in one, maybe two, hours than we’ve had probably in the past 30 years of our lives. I have never heard such obscenities. And the names. We have to stand there. We have to take it. The Bible says we’re going to be abused and called everything under the sun for standing for what it right. We absolutely must stand firm. That just kept going through my head.

We’ve got to create a blockage between this movement and our children. Of course, there’s such a thing as people who are born with physical problems that might make their gender questionable. Or there are people who truly do have this gender dysphoria situation, but historically it’s been like one in ten thousand, and they’re always male. All of a sudden, it’s 98% female, and it’s a huge growth in the percentages.

Nancy: It’s amazing how this attack is against the female gender. This whole thing that began to expose it, Matt Walsh’s documentary, What is a Woman? Not one person was prepared to even say what is a woman. They wanted to get rid of womanhood. In fact, in our coming Above Rubies magazine, which is at the printers’ and hasn’t started printing yet, but I hope it will very soon, I wrote an article called, “What is a Woman?”

I go into the Word to see what God says. It is so amazing. Mothers, we have a responsibility in this very, very deceived society in which we are now living. Although it’s been happening gradually, all of a sudden, it’s encroached upon us. We have got to constantly impart to our daughters the glory of womanhood.


Out there in the world, they are bringing this avalanche of deception about womanhood. But there is a glory of womanhood. In the Word of God, I have done podcasts on this before, where we read in the Word, and it talks about how pregnancy, and birth, and motherhood are THE GLORY OF THE NATION. It’s our glory to conceive in our womb and bring forth life. It’s our glory to nurse a baby at the breast. These are the glories of womanhood. They are beautiful. They are wonderful. They are the most incredible things to experience.

We’ve got to impart that to our daughters, that they know they have been chosen by God. When He created them, He is the one who divinely chose to make them female. It’s as a female, with a womb, with breasts, the way God created them that they will fulfill the destiny that God has for them. It’s Satan. Satan is the one who is at the very root of this horrific thing that is going on. He hates God’s creation. In fact, he hates the woman. That attack, that attack, has always been to the woman.

I don’t know whether I’ve shared this with you before, but I’ll do it again anyway. Genesis 3:15. It’s actually the first messianic promise in the Word of God, right back in Genesis. Here God is speaking to Satan, the enemy. He says: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed.” Not just only back then, but the seed that would continue. The offspring. “It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Here it’s talking, ultimately, that through the woman would come the Messiah, the Savior, to bring salvation to the earth, to save us from our sins and this present evil world and bring us into a glorious kingdom. There were many, many attacks against Israel because that was where the seed, the messianic seed would come forth, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who would be the Savior of the world. There were many attacks to eliminate, to eliminate the offspring, but God protected His people, protected this woman who brought forth the seed.

But it’s the continuing seed, also, of the godly seed. There is still this enmity, this fight, against the woman, against the womb-man, against the female creation, who was chosen to have the privilege, and the glory, of bringing forth life into the world, and to bringing forth many, many, many more godly seeds. Because Jesus Christ Himself would be the ultimate godly seed, the offspring that came forth to be the Savior of the world.

It tells us in Romans how Jesus died, so that He could bring many, many sons into glory. And how are all his sons and daughters going to come into glory? They first have to come forth from the womb of the woman. They’ve got to be born first before they can be born again spiritually into His kingdom, to come in eventually to His ultimate eternal glory.

It all happens in the womb. God chose a womb to bring forth His Son. He could have sent him on a chariot! Goodness me! How is it that God chose a womb? But no, He chose the womb of a woman, because the womb is so powerful. It’s this power that Satan hates.

It’s from the womb that life continues to come forth that can become godly seed. They’re birthed naturally, but then they can be birthed spiritually, and can be brought into this glorious kingdom. This is the attack. It’s the attack against the womb, the attack against women. That’s what Peggy has been saying. All of a sudden, these young girls, it’s the women. The attack is on the women!

Peggy: It absolutely is. And the attack is on, for sure. It’s on the Word of God, and the family, and every . . . Scripture is the foundation of all of it. Scripture is where we all get, that’s the truth. That’s the truth. Every page in that Book is the truth. They don’t want to hear about truth. Truth is subjective in this movement. You can make your own truth, and you can live in your truth, and we’re all supposed to accept your truth.

It doesn’t even make any sense. There’s no possible way for everybody to keep track of everybody else’s imaginary world. We can’t do that. We have to love one another. We are called to love the Lord God with all our hearts, and minds, and souls. We are called to love our neighbor itself. We absolutely need to do that. We absolutely need to be fishers of men.

We absolutely need to try to bring the Word of God, when we can, to try to help these people to understand there is no hatred here. There is only love. There is only forgiveness. There is only redemption. But leave our children alone! We can’t hurt our babies. We can’t take this away from unsuspecting children who don’t know.

Scripture is the source of all the truth that we have in the world. We can’t accept an alternate truth. We have to understand that this entire movement, as trans-ideology, we can’t accept that. Acceptance of that, and acceptance of women is in opposition. It’s in opposition. You have to be able to define what a woman is. You can’t just make it a category that anybody can jump in or out of, because then you have nothing of substance that means anything.

Our children need to know, and our daughters need to understand it's fine to be a woman. It’s beautiful to be a woman! You have a special, incredible gift to be a woman. Maybe things aren’t always fair. That’s true, no matter what. That’s how life goes. We can’t allow this to undermine our children. We must stay with Scripture. If it’s ok, Nancy, I wanted to tell a story. A lot has happened since this rally.

Nancy: Actually, that’s another story, so let’s do it next week, shall we? [laughter] OK, we’ll get Peggy back again! I think that’s going onto another subject, so let’s do that then. Yes, dear lovely ladies, I know it wasn’t nice, the stuff we had to talk about in this session. But it’s happening, and we can’t put our heads in the sand.

I think there’s just a few things that we can do. Number one, as I said before, well, no, number one, I believe, is we, ourselves, have to embrace and LIVE IN THE GLORY OF WOMANHOOD, to show the glory and the joy of it before our children, and before the world. And then to impart that to our daughters.

What is the Word of God? It talks about the blessings, plural, of the breasts and of the womb. There are such blessings. They’re not cursings. They’re blessings. We also must begin to write, or email, or call our senators, congressmen, governors, and let them know that we are against this, and will you please stand against it? We must do that.

Then, of course, we’ve got to get out and vote! We have to vote for righteousness. We’ve got to vote for those who are godly. Not all our politicians are godly. I’m so sad, but at least we’ll vote against the evil, and vote for those who will most likely stand against this, which would be mostly Republicans. But any Democrat person is standing with this agenda, and we cannot stand with that.

So, lovely ladies, maybe I can finish with one verse. Nehemiah. A wonderful Scripture here, when Nehemiah had come back to build up the wall. Of course, they were getting opposition. When we start standing up, we’ll get opposition.

But what did Nehemiah say? Nehemiah 4:14: And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not ye afraid of them.” Yes, they had opposition like you did, Peggy. But don’t be afraid of them “Remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, meaning awesome, and fight, fight, fight, for your brethren, fight for your sons, and your daughters, fight for your wives, and your houses.

This is an hour to rise up and to fight, by speaking out, standing up, and of course, the greatest thing of all, to pray. I love that Scripture in Leviticus 26. Here it’s talking about war and fighting. It says: “And you shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword. And five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight. Your enemy shall fall before you by the sword.”

Now, he was speaking literally there, but we can take this into the realm of prayer, which is our greatest weapon that we have. To come before God, to pray. We have a promise there that five of you can put one hundred enemies to flight. Some of you may have just three children. Well, Mom, Dad, three children, that’s five. As you gather round your table or gather together every day to pray and cry out to God, you can put these evil enemies to flight.

I believe we’ve got to start in our homes, praying. We, in our home, we pray morning and evening, as well as prayer meetings we have in our home. Prayer is our weapon! What’s the use of all this talking unless we pray? Unless we do something.

It goes on to say: “A hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight.” Just imagine, a whole lot of families, even maybe just three children. families of five. But then, so many of you, I know you’ve got six, seven, eight, nine, ten, maybe some have got eleven and twelve children! Wow, you’ve got a powerful prayer meeting right there in your home! You can bring, you can come against the enemy. You can push the enemy back in the realm of prayer. Let’s go for it, ladies! Amen?

Peggy: Amen.

Oh, Lord Jesus, we thank You so much, that You are in control, that You are greater than all this evil that is encroaching upon us. Lord, we think of 1 John, where it tells that Christ Jesus came into the world to destroy the works of the enemy.

“Now, Lord Jesus, You dwell in our hearts. You want to continue destroying the works of the enemy through us. We are here in a fight. We are in a battle in this world. We will have our rest in the days to come, but we’re in the battle now. Lord, we pray that You will help us to be faithful in the fight, to destroy the evil, to destroy the works of the enemy.

“As we come in prayer, I pray, Lord, that You will put a mantle of prayer upon all the families listening, that they will even gather their children to pray, Lord God, and they will become praying families, nation-changing families, world-changing families, pushing-back-the-enemy families. Oh Lord God, help us to put all these enemies to flight in prayer. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Will you be a praying family?

A nation-changing family?

A world-changing family?

A pushing-back-the-enemy family?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Book: Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier

Excellent investigative book about the history and present situation regarding the transgender situation in the US, especially the contagious aspect among young people and the helplessness of parents to stop it.

http://momsforliberty.org/- Organization to root out inappropriate social and political trends in schools. Chapters throughout the US. Even homeschool moms can join and help- anyone who cares!

http://momsforlibertywc.org/- Moms for Liberty Williamson County; very active chapter. They have archives of presentations, guests and interviews from the last couple of years. Many presentations are available to view on YouTube.

https://www.trevoices.org/- Started by Scott Newgent, a detransitioner featured in Matt Walsh documentary “What Is a Woman?”. Website is a great resource for legislation, information, research data, and separating facts from fiction around all aspects of transition and detransition.


https://www.kff.org/other/issue-brief/youth-access-to-gender-affirming-care-the-federal-and-state-policy-landscape/ - This contains a good amount of information about what different states and the federal govt. are doing. NOTE: This is from the Left point of view, i.e. pro trans legislation.

https://thefederalist.com/2022/07/11/vanderbilt-health-is-treating-tennessee-minors-without-parental-consent/ - This article explains Vanderbilt’s policy of excluding parents from access their children’s medical care or records after the age of 13. Photos of the policy and signage alerting parents of the policy.

https://thefederalist.com/2022/09/21/the-real-victim-of-matt-walshs-trans-expose-isnt-vanderbilt-university-medical-center-its-all-the-kids-they-maimed/ - Contains many leaked videos and now-deleted website links outlining Vanderbilt’s resources for minors seeking transition.

https://www.dailywire.com/news/adolescent-chest-reconstruction-surgeries-increase-nearly-400-in-us-report - Report on the JAMA journal report on the nearly 400% increase in “top surgery” from 2016-2019

https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/2797439- Full JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) report

https://www.dailywire.com/news/im-called-to-love-god-and-love-my-neighbor-19-year-old-responds-to-protester-who-stole-and-ate-his-beloved-personal-bible-at-matt-walsh-event - Story on the young man whose Bible was shredded and eaten by pro-trans protestors at a screening of “What is a Woman” documentary.

https://nypost.com/2022/10/24/why-did-president-biden-just-endorse-the-most-radical-trans-madness/ - Biden grants interview to transgender Tik-Tok influencer with 8 million followers; says that state efforts to curb “gender affirming” treatments for minors are “outrageous” and “immoral.”

https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/252376/chloe-cole-leading-fight-to-protect-children-from-transgender-surgeries - Article on Chloe Cole, the young woman who transitioned to male and then detransitioned back to female. NOTE: video of her speech at the Nashville Rally was taken down from YouTube since I watched it on Tuesday night. This is another speech she gave.

https://nypost.com/2021/11/23/social-and-emotional-learning-is-often-cover-for-progressive-indoctrination/ - on Social Emotional Learning