
LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell


We continue discovering the DELIGHTFUL land of motherhood. Today we begin the list of specific things God wants us to delight in. We close with how God wants us to work willingly and DELIGHTFULLY in your homes.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Well, here we are again, talking about the delightful land of motherhood. Today I’m asking you to come with me and do some more exploring. We’re going to explore the Word of God and see all the things that He wants us to delight in, in our personal lives, and also in the land of motherhood.


You all know this Scripture, Psalm 37:4: Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Now if I was to ask you, “Can you give me a Scripture with the word ‘delight,’” I’m sure you would have given me that one. You all know that one.

Of course, it’s the best one to know, because it’s where we start. The first thing that we delight in is to delight in the Lord! Delight in the Lord. Are we really doing that? Oh, there’s so much that pulls us in our lives to get involved in this, and delight in this, and put our attention to that.

But even in the midst of motherhood, we need to seek to delight in the Lord, always looking up to the Lord. Because every day, I know, as mothers with little ones, and even mothers with big ones, we face different challenges when our children are little, and different challenges when our children are older. Sometimes they’re even more heart-breaking. When they’re little, our biggest challenges are often sometimes physical challenges of just being able to cope with everything we have to do.

Then as they get older, there often are heart-rendering challenges. But in every challenge, we’ve got to look up to the Lord, look to Him. Look to Him, dear mothers. Delight in Him. Don’t just put all your mind and thoughts and worrying on the problem that you face. It doesn’t help. “Delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

Psalm 73:25: Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.

Song of Solomon 5:16. Once again the Bridegroom Who is Christ, and the Bride of Christ. Here the Bride is speaking to her Beloved, her Bridegroom, Christ. She says: “Yea, he is altogether lovely. The word means “delightful.”

Malachi 3:1: “The Messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, He shall come, saith the LORD of hosts. So, this is where we begin, delighting in the Lord.


Just as God delights in the land, we delight in the land. Malachi 3:12: And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts.

Psalm 102:14: For thy servants take pleasure” (ratsah, remember, this word occurs 57 times in the Bible) “take pleasure, [take delight] in her stones, and favor the dust thereof. That’s talking about Israel. They so delighted in the Land that they even delighted in the dust!

I’m sure you’ve read, and even seen pictures, when Jewish people have come back to the land. They’ve arrived, and they just get down, and they kiss the dust! Because they’ve arrived in their Land, in that Land that God gave them.

I remember years and years ago, Colin and I were out in the bush, walking. We love to go out walking. We were walking this trail, and we met this couple. They were actually going the wrong way, and we had to show them the right way to go.

They were a Jewish couple. We ended up becoming great friends with this lovely, lovely couple. We got to love them. But they told us one time, the guy, he told us. . . Where had he come from? I know she had come from, oh, I’ve even forgotten what country (it was Iran, she was a Persian Jew). But they’d come back to the Land.

Yes, he’d come from Russia, that’s right! And he said he didn’t, growing up, he didn’t know anything about the land of Israel. But he knew he was in the wrong land. He knew there was somewhere he had to go. As he got older, he heard of, yes, there was the land of Israel. There was something within him that he had to get to this land! He came, he came to the Land, because he was drawn to it, even when he didn’t know it existed! Because it was in him.

I believe that’s what it’s like for us, as mothers. We have the land of motherhood. God has put it in us. It’s there in us. Of course, in society today, it’s brainwashed out of us. But if we take away the brainwashing of our media and our deceived education system, we will find and discover that this land is in us. This is what we long for. We long for the home and motherhood. God has put it within us. So, we delight in this land.


We delight in His precious Word, because this is where we find out His plans for our lives. Psalm 1:1-2: “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

This is a good Scripture, ladies, for our children, too. We don’t want to send our children into an education system that is not the counsel of the godly. There may have been a time when children could have got some godly counsel in the public education, but rarely today. It is the counsel of the ungodly.

It has become the counsel of the humanists and the feminists. It’s even become the counsel of the transgenderists, who are now seeking to bring their whole agenda of transgenderism into the education system, right from the earliest classes. It is there in our system now.

It has become the counsel of the Islamics. They are bringing in their whole agenda of Islam. Yet, we cannot even speak about Christianity. This is in our public system today.

“Nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.” Yes, there are still some godly teachers in our public system. I know men who are in the system. That’s their job. They are teaching, but they would never send their own children there. Their own children are homeschooled.

But the majority have been trained in this godless education system. Therefore, they are a people who are scornful of God, and family, and His ways. Why would we send our children into this ungodly system? It is time to take them out, so that they can learn God’s ways, His ways.”

Psalm 19:10: More to be desired (they’re more delightful) than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. The psalmist, in Psalm 119, ten times in that one chapter he says: “Thy law is my delight.” He confesses it, over and over again. Ten times in one chapter!

The Hebrew word there is sha-shua. I like that. It’s just a nice word to say, sha-shua, meaning “my delight, my pleasure, my enjoyment.” Well, is it really true, lovely ladies? Is God’s Word truly your delight? Oh, yes, I know you believe the Word of God. Yes, I know you go to church to hear the Word of God.

But how much is it in your day-to-day life? In your home? Do you gather your children, your little ones, your middling ones, your big ones? Do you gather them every morning and every evening to hear the Word of God? Just two times a day? Is that too much? Oh, my. I think that must be the least we can do, to bring our children to hear God’s precious Word. If it’s truly our delight. Do we even show to our children that it’s our delight? Do our children see our delight in His Word?

We're always talking about it. We love to bring them to this beautiful meeting together, morning and evening, as I’ve often shared with you. And shared with you the principle from where we learn it, from the Tabernacle, where God gives us the morning and the evening principle.

Because God showed us there, if we want to keep the fire of God burning in our hearts, it’s not enough to light the fire once week. Goodness, it’s well gone out. It’s not enough to even light the fire once a day. Because you light the fire in the morning, it’s going to go out pretty soon. You’ve got to keep putting on the wood, and that’s what God said. He said, “The fire on My altar must never go out” (Leviticus 6:12, 13).

So, I want you to come every morning and every night, and take out the ashes, take out the things that are displeasing to the Lord, and put on the fuel. Put on some more wood. Stoke up the fire! And so, we read the Word, God’s delightful Words. Oh, they just keep the fire burning.

But that wasn’t enough. He said they were to light the menorah. Once a day? No, morning and evening, because the light was never to go out. Once a day was not enough to keep the light burning. Every morning they had to come and take out all the burnt junk, and clean the wicks, and pour in the oil, to keep it burning, keep it lighting (Exodus 27:20, 21.

And then they had to light the altar of incense. How often? Once a day? Once a week? No, to keep that beautiful incense burning, they had to light it every morning and every evening. It’s the principle (Exodus 30, 8). It’s the secret of keeping the light of God, the fire of God, and the presence of God in our lives.

If we really delight in it, that’s what we’ll do! We won’t be putting other things in its place. That shows we delight in them more than we do in His Word. Our lives really show whether we delight in it or not. So, we sha-shua God’s Word. They are our counselors.

Psalm 119:24: Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counselors.” Who are your counselors? Who do you listen to? Are you listening to the world, the media? It’s unbelievable how many of God’s people listen to the media! They get their advice; they get their way of life from the media! I can’t believe it!

They get it from the humanistic education system. They often get it just talking to other women. But are those other women entrenched in the Word of God? If they’re not, well, maybe you’re getting wrong advice, because our only true, godly counsel comes from the Word of God! Yes. It’s our counselor. Therefore, it’s our delight. So, lovely ladies, make sure you’re getting your counsel from the right source.

I am surprised that there are people who have listened, they have listened to the media. They have listened to ungodly counsel. They’ve listened to that knowledge of the one-world order, of the World Economic Forum. These people, who are trying to bring in the new world reset (The Great Reset) a world takeover. They’ve been using vaccinations. They’ve been using these mandates. They’ve been using all these things—masking, social distancing, vaccination, everything, to bring tyranny, to bring us under.

But we don’t have to listen to that! We don’t listen to the wrong voices. We must listen to the Word of God. We’ve got to get into His Word because His Word is our delight. When we’re in His Word, there will come that discernment that says, “No, that is wrong, that is from the enemy!” So, let’s be delighted in His Word, dear lovely mothers! And even in the land of motherhood, we’re going to know what God says to us as mothers. Yes!


Psalm 16:2-3, David is speaking: O my soul, thou hast said unto the LORD, Thou art my Lord: my goodness extendeth not to Thee; But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight.

Remember last week, we were sharing some verses of how God delights in His people? Well, now, we’re reading how David also delighted in God’s people, because God delights in His people. David says, “Lord God, I love You! I delight in You! But how can I show it to You? Well, Lord, the tangible way I can show it is showing it to Your people, because they are Your body on the earth!”

So, this is how we truly show our delight in the Lord. We show it to His people, “the excellent, in whom is all my delight.” We’ll love His people. We’ll want to be with His people.  We’ll want to show hospitality to His people. We’ll want to be with His people as we gather at the house of God, because this is Who God is, and this is who we are.


Psalm 27:4: One thing have I desired (or, “I delight in” is the Hebrew word) “One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. 

David said of the house of the Lord, 1 Chronicles 29:3: I have set my affection . . .” There’s that Hebrew word ratsah again, used over and over. It means “delight, pleasure.” I have set my delight to the house of my God.”

Ezekiel 24:21, 25, talking about God’s temple: Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will profane my sanctuary, (that was bringing judgment. This is the description He used of His power) “the pride of your power, the delight of your eyes, and your heart’s desire; your stronghold, your joy and glory, the delight of your eyes, and your heart’s affection.” This is how the people of God looked upon the temple, God’s house.

He also wants us to have this same desire for His house. Now, of course, we know we’re not talking about the building today. But we do gather in a building, usually, together with God’s people, which becomes His house. We, His people, are His dwelling place.

It’s really His people, but, of course, we gather sometimes in a home, sometimes in a building. Well, sometimes many of our precious, beloved, persecuted saints are gathering out in the forest. They’re gathering in places where they have to hide. But, ladies, they are still gathering.

Do you notice that the people of God, in these persecuted countries, do not forsake the gathering together of God’s people? They will not forsake it, even though they have to do it in hiding! Even though they have to do it in different places where they have secret ways of telling one another where they will be. But they will gather, because they love the dwelling of God’s house, the dwelling of God in His people.

We’re to delight in this, too. Let’s delight in it. Let’s give our children the delight of coming together and meeting with God’s people. Don’t allow your children excuses. As they get older, and they may not want to go to church, to the gathering of the people of God, you don’t allow them to stay home. No, in fact, even older children, while they are living under your roof, they do what you tell them.

Now, when they are under their own roof, then that’s a different story, but while they’re under your roof, under your covering, under your protection, under your provision, and while you are providing for them, they should come under what you want to do in your home, and as a family. You delight in the Lord. You delight in His people. You delight in His house and the gathering of His people. You take your family. You go as a family.

But, of course, you’re going to raise them in the delight of this. From the time they’re little, so they never see it as something they don’t want to be part of. It’s the delight of your life. It’s the delightful day of the week. It’s the delightful thing you love to do. Your children grow up with this delight in their hearts too.


Proverbs 3:13-17: Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. . . Her ways are ways of pleasantness (ways of delight) and all her paths are peace.

Proverbs 8:11: For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired (or delightful) are not even to be compared to it.

Proverbs 24:3-4: Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: and by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches” (or “delightful”. The word is naiym there, meaning “delightful, pleasant, sweet, pleasurable.”)

And so, as we build our homes, precious mothers, in this glorious, delightful land of motherhood, we need God’s wisdom. We delight in His wisdom, His understanding, and His knowledge, because it’s by these things that we will fill our homes with these delightful riches. Every room of our house, even the bedrooms. The “chambers” speak of the inner rooms, even the inner rooms. The outer rooms and the inner rooms, we’ll fill them all with delight.


proverbs 2:10-12: “When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant” (that means “sweet and delightful.”) “unto thy soul discretion shall preserve thee.”

Proverbs 22:17-18: Bow down thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thine heart unto My knowledge. For it is a pleasant (the same word again, “sweet and delightful.”) “For it is a pleasant, sweet, and delightful thing if thou keep them within thee; they shall withal be fitted in thy lips. 

Did you notice, ladies, it says: “Bow down thine ear”? Bow down thine ear. I believe we have to bow down to God’s knowledge, because it goes on to say: “Bow down thine ear and apply thine heart unto My knowledge.” It doesn’t just say “knowledge.” There’s so much knowledge in the world. There’s worldly knowledge. There’s foolish knowledge. There are all kinds of knowledge out there.

But it’s “My knowledge,” God’s knowledge. This is what we have to bow to. Whose knowledge are you bowing to, dear mother? Oh, let’s be careful. I must be careful. We all must be careful we’re not bowing to the knowledge of this age, to the knowledge of humanism, feminism, the knowledge that’s on the lips of everyone around us, because it’s so easy to imbibe the thinking and the knowledge in our society.

You go to most churches today. These are churches, and you look around. You begin to talk to the people, the mothers, and you find that the majority of the mothers in the churches are not in the home. They’re out in their careers. They’re not at home with their children.

Now, what knowledge is this? This is not the knowledge of the Bible. It’s not the knowledge that comes from God’s heart. It is the knowledge of this age. It is the knowledge of our humanistic society. And somehow, we’ve become so used to hearing it that even God’s people are bowing down to it. In fact, it’s their lifestyle. In fact, if you are to challenge it, they will get pretty upset.

Now, why is that? Why is there a reaction to that which belongs to this age, and is opposite to what the Bible says? Because the Bible picture is of a mother being a keeper of the home, being in the home, mothering her children.

“Thy wife is a fruitful vine within the heart of thy home. Look at all her children sitting around her table.” (Psalm 128:3).

You see, God’s knowledge is often opposite to the world’s knowledge. Which knowledge are we bowing to? Dear lovely ladies, in the land of motherhood, we need to bow to God’s knowledge. It’s when we bow to His knowledge that we will find it delightful. Yes, that’s what it says. It will be pleasant, and sweet, and delightful! Yes! So many lovely precious mothers are not seeking to be rebellious to God, but because that’s all they hear around them, they think they’re walking in the right way.

But their lives are fretful, and busy, and overwhelming, and frustrating because no mother can walk into the world. We cannot obey two masters. We can only do one properly. We can’t just be out there, bowing to another world system when God has His way for us in the home. We can’t do both. It’s just too overwhelming, and too fretful. It’s too much, actually. So, let’s come back to the way that is filled with delight, and sweetness, and pleasure.


Yes, in your home. Here in Micah 2:9, it’s talking about something that’s very bad, how the women have been taken out of their homes. But the Bible calls them “their delightful homes.” “From the women of My people have ye cast out from their pleasant (or their “delightful”) houses; from their children have ye taken away My glory forever.

This word is saying, when the mothers come out of the homes, of course the children come out of the homes. It is the glory of children to be raised in the home. God says: “You take away their glory.”

The Amplified Version says: “The women of my people you cast out from their pleasant houses” (Or delightful houses). “From their young children you take away My glory forever.” It goes on to say, “By putting them among the pagans, away from Me.”

Wow! That’s a picture of what is happening today. Many precious children in godly homes are taken out of the home, and they’re put in the godless education system. They’re being taught by pagans and are being taught paganism! That which is against God! That which is totally foreign to the ways of God. The glory of God is for children to be raised in the home, and to be able to hear and learn the ways of God.

Delight in your home. Dear precious mothers, your home can become such a delight as you understand that it’s meant to be your delight! Yes, the first home was called Eden! Eden. The Garden of Eden, which means “delightful.” That is the name of the first home. It’s the prototype of all homes to come.

God wants us to give our whole purpose to making our homes a delight! Making everything about our home a delight! Making it a delight for our husbands. Our marriage is the most beautiful delight. We make it a delight for our children. We make it a delight to live in.

That’s all-consuming. I never have enough time to do all the things I want to do to make my home a delight. I have a thousand dreams and things I want to do. And I don’t ever get time enough for them. Oh, it’s our full-time career to make our homes a delight.

Proverbs 24:3-4: yes, we read this. Can I read it again? Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: and by knowledge shall the chambers be FILLED with all precious and pleasant [delightful] riches.We have to build these into our homes, and establish them, and fill our homes with them. They don’t just happen.

Maybe one more as we go.


Proverbs 31:13, the virtuous woman: She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly. . .” That word in the Hebrew is chephets. C-H-E-P-H-E-T-S. That word, actually that word, ladies, guess what? That word is used 75 times in the Bible. It means “to be pleased with, to desire, to delight, to have pleasure in.”

Although it’s translated “willingly” in the King James Version, it actually means to work delightfully, purposefully, knowing that our work is valuable. “She worketh willingly, delightfully, purposefully, pleasurably, with her hands.”

So, lovely ladies, as we close this session, can I leave you with this challenge? To begin to do everything in your home with a willing attitude and a delightful attitude. All the work of your hands. Yes, all those things you have to do. These physical things, these tangible things, these years you’ve got to get stuck in and do the dishes! “Oh, no, I have to do the dishes again, and they’re all piling up!”

Well, of course as your children are growing, you’ll get them to do the dishes! You’ll be training them to do them. Of course, as you grow in motherhood, that’s the amazing thing about motherhood. In fact, the first few years of motherhood, your first one, two, or maybe three darling little ones, they are the time when you’re having to do everything yourself.

But these little ones grow! Motherhood becomes easier as you hand on tasks to your children. But of course, you start doing them yourself, even in those times when you’re the one, the only one there to do them. You do them with a willing attitude, a delightful attitude. “Oh, I’m delighting in doing this!” You can do it with delight!

Do you know that even doing the dishes can be fun? I love doing dishes! Yes, because anything you do can be a delight if you have an attitude of delight about it. Whatever other tasks you have to do, you’re cleaning the floors, and you’re scrubbing toilets, or whatever you’re doing, you do it with delight!

“She worketh willingly with her hands. She worketh delightfully with her hands.”

Well, you’re in this delightful land of motherhood, so you might as well do everything with delight! OK?

You choose!

Do it with groaning and grumbling and complaining

and you’ll have a miserable life!

Do it willingly and delightfully

and you’re going to have a delightful life!

It all comes back to your attitude. It all comes back to understanding where you are. You’re in the land of motherhood. You’re in the land of delight. God says it is a delightful land so live the delightful life. Amen?

“Oh, dear Lord Jesus, we thank You so much that You’re showing us the way to live. Thank You that Your land is a delightful land. Lord God, help us to live the delightful way, not the grumbling way, not the complaining way, but the delightful way. We ask it in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell * www.aboverubies.org

Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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