
LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell


This podcast begins an exciting series about your LAND OF MOTHERHOOD. God wants to pour out blessings upon you IN THE LAND. The blessings are not for when you are out of the land, but IN YOUR LAND! He doesn't want you to be in your land grudgingly and grumblingly, but joyfully and purposefully.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Always good to be back with you. Today I am starting a new series. It’s called “The Land That Flows with Milk and Honey.” You’ll soon find out what it is all about.

I’m sure you have received your new Above Rubies magazine by now. That’s if you live in the States. If you live in some other country, it will be still on its way to you. So, you have to have a little more patience.

For those of you in America, I’m sure you have already loved this issue of Above Rubies. I think it is so important to get this message out into the nation. I started Above Rubies nearly 45 years ago. The need was great then, but the need is greater now. There’s more deception.

Even since this magazine has gone out. I have received, oh goodness me, I can’t even believe it. Letters from people who are rejecting the magazine because they have embraced these new alternative lifestyles. Even Christians are being deceived. We must get the truth out!

I encourage you to share your magazine. That’s a little difficult if you only get one, because you want to keep it to yourself and your family. But you are welcome to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and ask for more magazines. I’m happy to send them to you if you can get them out to people.

We’ve got to get the message out. Take some in your handbag with you, in a plastic bag, so they don’t get all tattered and torn. When you go out to the supermarket or church, or wherever you go, always have one ready to pass on to another mother when you meet them.

Most restaurants and supermarkets have bathrooms where they have changing tables. That’s a lovely place to put a magazine. You can put one in the baby changing table. There it is, waiting for the next mother who’s going to come and change her baby. So, think of all the ways you can to get out this message.

I also have in my hand here the two new volumes of 100 Days of Blessing. I’ve had Volumes One and Two out for a long time. At last, Volumes Three and Four are printed. These two volumes are packed, absolutely packed full of truth, revelation from the Word of God to you, as a wife, as a mother.

They’re not flighty little devotions. They are devotions to get you into the Word, into the truth, to tell you what God wants to tell you about your wonderful role as a mother. I would encourage you to get them. You need them. You’ve got to know the truth. We’ve got to be filled with the truth, ladies. Not just have a little bit of it. We’ve got to know it! It’s got to be in us. It’s got to be part of us.

You will find these devotions, 100 days in each book, that will really encourage you, fortify you, and bless you. You can order them over the internet. Go to the webpage, and you’ll find them there. If you already have One and Two, when you get Three and Four, you will have 400 days of blessings, more than enough for one year. Even when you read them, you can’t get them all in one reading. You’ve got to read them over again.

So, they’re valuable books and wonderful gifts for mothers having a new baby, or even a mother having a birthday, or whatever. You’ll find them such a blessing.

Now, here we are. “The Land That Flows with Milk and Honey.” Well, of course, you know that is talking about Israel. It is talking about the land that God discovered, that He found for His people Israel. That’s what He called it.

But He didn’t only call it “The Land That Flows with Milk and Honey.” I found 20 descriptions about the Land. And ladies, I want to take those descriptions, and I want to relate them to us, as wives and mothers, because every description really and particularly does relate to us as mothers.

Of course, these Scriptures were written about a literal land, the land of Israel. Oh, there are so many Scriptures. The Word of God is filled with them. I’d love you to go, if you have time, go to my webpage:


Then go to, under “Articles and Stories.”

Then go to “Israel and the Land.”

Then you can click on the article called “Everlasting Possession.”

There I have listed all the promises about the Land of Israel. Even after Israel, even after the people were thrown out of the Land because of their sins, God did not give up on them. He gave so many promises that He would bring them back to the Land. All those promises are listed there. It’s just a marvelous study that you can look up.

But the Word of God is so powerful. And although when we read it, we first of all read it literally. But then there are always layers. There’s the spiritual significance, what speaks to us personally. Because God’s Word is alive! It’s not dead. It’s alive! It’s literally alive. It’s the living Word of God.

So, every word that God wrote is not only written about people back in those days, or promises to them, but it was written for us. Listen to this Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:11: “Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.”

So, ladies, here we are! We’re getting closer to the end. These words are written for us. That word there, that are written “for examples” is the word tupos. It means they are a type, a prototype. These types are written “for our admonition.” What does that mean? Well, that’s the Greek word nouthesia. It means, “to put into the mind a word of encouragement, but, if necessary, a word of reproof.”

All these Scriptures that I’m going to give you, they are going to relate to us. And I know you’re going to be blessed. But of course, we’ll start off with just a few about Israel so we know, OK, this is where it literally starts.

We’ll go way back to Genesis. Genesis 13:14-17: And the LORD said unto Abram, he wasn’t even Abraham yet. Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed,” that means his descendants, forever.

That is the literal, living Word of God. That promise was given, and it has never been rescinded. There are people today who despise Israel. They want to get rid of the land of Israel. They want to get the people of Israel out of the land. They want the Palestinians to take it over. No, this promise was given to Abraham and his descendants forever!

We go over to Genesis 17:8. Now here’s the chapter where God changes Abram’s name to Abraham, bringing the revelation that he will now become a father. He says, in Genesis 17:8: And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession.”

You can’t get away from that Word of God. No matter what some countries say, no matter what some people say; there are even some Christians of our generation who say that now they’ve taken over all the promises for Israel. No, this is not true. They are literal, and every word that was given for the land was for an everlasting possession.

Psalm 105:7-12: He is the LORD our God: his judgments are in all the earth. He hath remembered his covenant forever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations. Which covenant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac; And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant: Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance.”

Jeremiah 7:7: “I will cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, for how long? “Forever and ever. That is the Word of the Lord.

Now, there’s hundreds of those promises. You can go to that link, “Everlasting Possession,” and check them all out.

But we see such a parallel, ladies. It’s amazing. What God loves, Satan hates. God loves His people, Israel. God chose the land for them. God loves that land because it’s God’s land. It’s even more God’s than it is Israel’s, but He gave it to them. But Satan hates it. He hates it. And he hates God’s people. He wants to eradicate them from the face of the earth.

And then it is the same with motherhood. Motherhood is God’s plan. He chose women to keep the generations going, to bring forth the godly seed, to be the foundation of the nation as they raise godly children in the home.

But because God planned that, it’s His plan, Satan hates it. And he wants to eradicate motherhood, just like he wants to eradicate Israel. You see, if Satan can eradicate Israel, he’s wiped out the Bible, because Israel is in the Bible, right from Genesis, the first book, right up to the last book of the Bible, where the gates of Jerusalem are named after the twelve patriarchs. Then the foundations “and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” It’s from Genesis to Revelation. There’s no Bible if there’s no Israel.

That’s why Satan wants to eradicate them. And the same with motherhood. He tries to eradicate motherhood. Even now, we’re living in an age where we have all this transgenderism. Even our Supreme Court has lawed that we can have homosexual marriages. I cannot even take it in. I hope you don’t get used to these things that are so evil and so antithesis to the Word of God.

But, you see, they cannot bring forth children. Satan has abortion, and birth control, and everything. It’s all masterminded by him, to eradicate the godly seed. He wants to woo mothers out of the home so that he can take control. Because mothers are so powerful.


Did you know you are so powerful, mother? You’re so powerful that the devil is scared of you. The devil is scared of mothers who know who they are, who know that God has chosen them and created them to bring forth the godly seed, and raise godly children who can impact a nation and make it a righteous nation. We are the ones who have that power to do that. We are in the home raising the children. Of course, the devil knows that if he can get the mothers out, well, he’s won the victory.

So, here we are, we’re looking at two things today that God love but Satan wants to eradicate. So, as we look at these descriptions of the Land, we’re going to be hearing what God wants to say to us as mothers.


OK. So, dear lovely ladies, I WANT TO WELCOME YOU TO THE LAND OF MOTHERHOOD. It’s a glorious land. Oh, you’re going to find out so many wonderful things about this land. But, you know, all the blessings that God has for Israel, they are all to His people in the Land. All these promises, they’re not for them when they’re out of the Land. No, when they were out of the Land, they were not under God’s blessing.

But even now, we see, as His people are coming back to the Land, because they were vomited out of the Land years and years ago. But God will never break His covenant with Israel. He said, “I’m going to bring you back from the four corners of the earth.” I’ve got one or two Scriptures about this, but you can find, oh, so many more if you look up “Everlasting Possession.”

Deuteronomy 15:4, that’s about being in the land. I’ll give you those ones now. “The Lord shall greatly bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, to possess it.” If you want to get all God’s blessings, you’ve got to be in the Land. Israel has to be in the Land. We, as mothers, we’ve got to be in the land of motherhood, not out of it, if we want God’s blessing.

Isaiah 61:7:In their land, they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them.”

Ezekiel 20:40:For in My holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, there shall all the house of Israel, all of them in the land, serve Me.” Where does God want His people to serve Him? In the Land. Where does He want mothers to serve Him? In their land of motherhood. That’s where the blessings are, ladies. In the land. Say it with me:


Well, most of you listening, you are in the land. You’re in that whole realm of mothering your little ones, and your middling ones, and your bigger ones. You’re in the land.

But, sadly, some of you are in the land grudgingly. You’re stuck there.  I mean, these children came along, so you’re stuck looking after them. You’re there, but you’re there grudgingly.

 Some of you are in the land despairingly. “Help! How can I get through this? Help! What am I doing here?”

Some of you are in the land grumblingly. Yes, lots of grumbles and complaints come from you every day.

Some of you are in the land ignorantly. Well, yes, you had these children, but you really don’t know what you’re doing. You hardly wonder why you’re there.

You’ve never been taught anything about this land of motherhood! But we’re going to start learning about it, because God wants you to be in the land joyfully, happily, embracingly, purposefully! Yes, purposefully.


OK, well, let’s just start with point number one, shall we? The first point is, it is a good land. Did you know, that 24 times God speaks in His Word, that the Land of Israel is a good land. More than good. Numbers 14:7: “It is an EXCEEDING good land.”

In Judges 18:9: “It is a VERY good land.” Now the word “good” in Hebrew is tov. It’s a little word, tov. But it has a huge meaning. The lexicon in my bible gives all these meanings of the word “good” in the Hebrew. It means, “pleasant, beautiful, excellent, bountiful, lovely, delightful, joyful, fruitful, precious, sound, cheerful, kind, sweet, correct, righteous.” It involves all these meanings.

A little word with such a vast meaning. It’s for the Land of Israel which was a beautiful land. Of course, for 2000 years just about, it languished, and it became like a desert, rugged, and nothing was growing. But now that God’s people are coming back to the Land and they’ve been coming back before 1948 when Israel became a nation.

Do you know that date? You all should know that date. Teach your children that date. You don’t have to know every date of when things happened, but I believe this is an important date that we need to know, the date that Israel became a nation. It was the 14th of May, 1948.

That was a miraculous thing that happened, when a people who had lost their land, that they became a nation again. It was all promised by God. And as they have continued to come back to the Land, this land has become what the Bible says. It has blossomed like a rose.

I remember years ago when we went to Israel. We saw something of the blossoming, but it was still very arid. But the last time I went to Israel, just a couple of years or so ago, I couldn’t believe it! I just couldn’t believe the lushness, and the growth, and the blossoming, and the fruitfulness. It’s just amazing.

But it’s the same, all those words, lovely ladies, they apply to motherhood. The land of motherhood. Now, we all live in this land. I live, I’m living in the USA, and I live on a parcel of land here in Tennessee. But the real land in which I live is the land of motherhood, the land of my family.

This is my real land. This is your land. It’s the land, it’s a realm, it’s a domain, that God has given to you. He’s given you this domain. He wants you to embrace it because He gave it to you.

Everything about it is good. Good. See, ladies, we have got to get the Word of God into . . .

not only our brains but into our hearts.

Not only into our hearts but into our mouths.

Not only into our mouths but every part of our being!

So, we know! We know motherhood is good! Exceedingly good. Very good, because God planned it for me. God planned it for you. It’s who you are, who He created you to be. He gave you this land for you to fulfill this task.

Now, you see, all around us, we hear the opposite. Those who go to the public schools and on to college, they can hear continual negative and derogatory remarks about motherhood. The whole of society puts down motherhood, to make it sound inferior. It’s not very significant. Oh, it’s so much more important to have this career!

That is false! It’s not Bible. And it’s not true. But we’re being brainwashed. We have to be re-brainwashed. Our minds have to be re-changed and renewed by the Word of God so that we know motherhood is good. It’s good! It’s the best! And it’s all those wonderful descriptions that I read.

Now when we go to Titus 2:3-5: The older women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers o f. . . " OK, ladies, you know the Scripture. You know what it says. “Teachers of . . .” Can you just say if after me? “Teachers of . . .” What are they to teach?

OK, in case you didn’t remember, here it is. “Teachers of GOOD things.” Did you notice the word “good”? Good. “Good things.” Yes, and it’s all about the home and motherhood. That they may teach the young women to be sober.” We’ll look at some of these things that Titus 2 tells us, because every one of them are good!

Actually, ladies, that word, “the teachers of good things,” that phrase in the Greek is kalodidaskalos, coming from two Greek words, kalos meaning “virtuous, beautiful, valuable,” and didaskalos, meaning, well, that means “instructor or teacher.” So that word “good” there, “teachers of good things,” we could actually say “teachers of beautiful things.” In fact, some translations of the Bible translate it “beautiful, beautiful things.”

So, the first one on the list is “sober.” We are to be sober, sophronizo. It comes from the word sofron, meaning “to have a sound mind, to be self-controlled.”

Next one: “To love their husbands.” The word there in the Greek is philandros. It comes from two words. The word phileo means “affectionate love, friendship love.” OK, affectionate love to the husband.

It’s interesting, ladies, the word that God chooses here, because there are a number of words for “love” in the Bible. There is agape love which we know is the most ultimate love. That is God’s love. We don’t always have agape love of ourselves. It’s just not in us. We only have it by the power of the Holy Spirit because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, who is given unto us.

So, we have His agape love, to love even when our husbands aren’t loving, even when they upset us, even when they make us mad, even when we don’t feel like loving them. We can still love them because we have God’s agape love, which loves the unlovely, which loves beyond where there’s even love. So, that’s such a glorious thing to have in our marriage.

Then there’s eros love, which is sexual love. Then there’s phileo love which is friendship love, affectionate love. This is the one that the Bible uses here. It’s interesting. Affectionate love. So, the Bible is telling here that He wants us, as wives, to be affectionate to our husbands. Very practical. The Bible is very, very practical. It’s really down to earth.

So, older women have to be an example. Not only teach by words, but an example. You see some older couples, they’re pretty boring. But an older couple is still meant to be very affectionate to one another, because that is showing to the young couples how they are meant to live, how they’re meant to be best friends and affectionate to one another.

The next one is “to love their children.” The Greek word is philoteknos, from two words, phileo, affectionate love again, and teknon, child. We’re also to be affectionate mothers to our children. We’re to be touchy wives and touchy mothers (not in a way of being touchy by being offended), but touchy by caressing, and touching, and loving, and hugging. This is the way the Bible wants us to be, and God wants us to be, because these are good things.

“Discreet.” That is also the word sofron, meaning “a sound and disciplined mind.” The lexicon in my Bible describes this word, “a person who limits his own freedom and ability with proper thinking. Demonstrating self-governance, with proper restraint on all the passions and desires. One who voluntarily places limitations on her freedom.”

She’s not someone who just does what she likes because she feels like it. No, she does what is right. What is right for her husband, what is right for her family, what is right for her home. There will be freedoms that she has to curtail for the blessing of her husband, and the blessing of her home, and the blessing of her family. She’s not putting herself first.

“Oh, well, I want to go here, and I want to do that!” No, she will curtail those things if it’s not for the blessing of her home, because her heart is for the blessing, and the building up, and the strengthening of her home, and her marriage, and her family. OK?

Next one is “chaste.” Like someone I heard some time ago saying, “It doesn’t mean ‘chased,’ but it means ‘chaste.’” It actually means “clean, pure, modest.” It comes from the word hagios, which means “holy, consecrated, blameless.” Hagios is translated “holy” 167 times in the New Testament. It’s translated “saints” 62 times. So, the meaning is, “a holy life, clean and pure and modest.”

Then we get to “keepers at home.” OK, “keepers at home.” Oh, my. There are so many women who don’t like that phrase! Oh, they don’t even believe it’s in the Bible! And even if they notice it’s there, they don’t believe in taking any notice of it.

In fact, this phrase, “keepers at home” is a GOOD thing. It’s a beautiful thing. It’s God’s plan, but it’s very sad that even the church has been so brainwashed that most Christian women are no longer in the home today. Most of them are out of the home. They’re in their career, or they’re out doing something. “Keepers at home! Help me!” They’re not very happy about that at all.

Well, time is going, so we’ll finish it up here for today. Next time we’re going to go into looking, “What does this phrase really mean?” It actually has a wonderful meaning.

“Father, we do come to You. We want to thank You for Your Word, Your Word, that sets us straight. Your Word, which keeps us on the path that You’ve chosen for us. Your Word, which is alive and active. Your Word, which pours blessings upon us as we walk in Your ways.

“Lord God, I pray that You will help each one of us to be receptive to Your Word, to embrace Your Word, and to live the way You have planned for us, even if it is different from the rest of society.

“Lord, I pray Your blessing upon every mother, and every wife, and every family listening today. In the Name of Jesus, amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell * www.aboverubies.org

Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




These books will bless you and give you meat for your mothering soul. You have the most powerful career in the nation as you teach and train the new generation. You determine the destiny of this nation. But it is not an easy task. I know you often feel overwhelmed and worn out. That’s why I make these devotions available to you—

So you can get fuel for your soul.

So you can be strengthened each new day.

So you can receive fresh vision and inspiration.

You will be blessed as each devotion brings Word revelation to you each day. There is a prayer and affirmation (which relates to the devotion) at the end of each devotion. 

A few affirmations from Volume 4:

“It is not wrong to question your faith, but it is wrong to question God’s faithfulness.”

When I stick with the truth, I am safe; when I deviate from the truth, I am on a shaky path.”

I’m sifting through my life—keeping what is precious and throwing out all that is worthless.”

“I’m tired of the rat race. I’m slowing down to create a loving and restful atmosphere in our home.”

“I’m walking away from disorder and into God’s order.”

“On this bit of earth, in the neighborhood where I live, I am making a holy place for the eternal God.”

“As a mother I have the greatest career on earth and I’m in for the long haul.”

“I am raising Bible-believing, Jesus-loving, God-fearing, devil-destroying, evil-resisting, righteous-living, truth-adhering, and very courageous sons and daughters.”

“God’s will for my life will never contradict His original commandments.”

I’m growing a marriage like the cedar tree, enduring and faithful to the end.”:

You can purchase these books separately, or for a DISCOUNT PRICE FOR BUYING THE TWO TOGETHER! (click on images or links to purchase)


