
FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell

Episode 75: The Glory of Womanhood (Part 85)

How has Satan deceived God's people in the last few decades? How has this mindset influenced our nation today? How will socialism affect the future of our children and our children's children? (Session Two on the subject of “God Wants to Fill the Earth with His Glory.”

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, From Our Home to Yours, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies. We are continuing from last week about how God wants to fill the earth with His glory. That is His people, revealing His character in the earth. What a beautiful thing!

When we first started this series, I said a little ditty:                                                                                                                                      

                                                Why don't we live in our glory?

                                    Because we're being told a different story.

But I think we should have a more positive one:

                                          If you want to live in your glory,

                                    Take heed to God's story.


And this is what we're talking about. We're going into the Word and seeing what God says. Do you love coming with me into God's Word and discovering His Word? Because when we read His Words, we're not only just reading words, we are feeling the heart of God. We're understanding His plan for us. We're understanding His heartbeat, and His vision that He has for mankind.

We are not just here for nothingness. No. We are here for a purpose. Our greatest purpose is to reveal God's glory in our lives, to be a praise to His glory. And, of course, we are bringing forth children who we are also teaching in the ways of God that they will be a praise to His glory.

In one of our sessions, we talked about how the greatest thing we are doing is preparing our children, that on the day when we meet Jesus, we will present them before Him, and this will be our greatest glory. They will be our glory on that day, our joy, and our crown, and our glory.

So, the last Scripture I gave you was talking about how God wants to fill Israel again in these last days as He brings His people back to the Land with flocks of men. I was thinking of another Scripture where it talks about that, Psalm 107:41-43. And it says: “Yet setteth He the poor on high from affliction, and maketh Him families like a flock.”

God loves making families. Did you know that ladies? Oh, God is so interested in your family. He wants to dwell in your home. He wants to be part of your family. He loves to make families because this is God's original intention. He wants us to live as families. He does not have any alternative plan. God says: “I will set the solitary in families.”  He doesn't want anyone to be living independently. God plans for us to live as families. A father, a mother, raising children in a home.

Now that's pretty simple, isn't it? But that's God's desire. And that's what works. That's what makes strong families and then a strong nation. And so, the fact that you are in your home, building your family, you are in the very perfect will of God. And He makes families like a flock.


We learned last session that the latest statistics are that the number of children to a family in the US is only 1.7, barely two children per family. And that's in all those females from 15 to 44 years of age. And that is just so sad.

In fact, last year was the lowest birthrate in history. But do you know what? The year before that was the lowest, and the year before that was the lowest, and the year before that. For the last nine years, it's been the lowest in history, and every year gets lower. So last year was the lowest of the low.

Oh my. I think we need to change that, don't you? It shows you how far away we are from God's plan. And we could understand that if that was just happening in the world (because we don't expect the people of the world who don't know God's Word to follow His Word), but we, who say we are God's people, who say we believe the Bible, surely, we'd better follow His Word. And His Word talks about filling the earth with His glory, with His people.

The only way that God can truly show His glory is through His people. Yes, He does show His glory through creation. Yes. But that's not what that Scripture was speaking about, when it speaks: “I will fill the earth with my glory.” He's speaking about His people, who are created in His image.

So, here's this other Scripture about making families like a flock. Did you notice that? “Like a flock.” Do you think 1.7 is a flock? No, if you see a shepherd with a flock of sheep, have you ever seen him with 1-1/2 sheep? No, that is not a flock. That is something weird. I mean, the people would be aghast. “Well, what's happening here? What kind of a shepherd is this?”

No, a flock is more than just one or two. It's a flock. Now back in New Zealand where I grew up, we have huge sheep stations. Many of our sheep farmers have thousands of sheep. They are huge flocks. But in the Middle East, in the Bible lands, they didn't have thousands. They would have just a small flock. But it was a flock. It wasn't one or two or three or four or five or six. It was a good flock.

And so, God is likening our families to a flock of sheep. And it goes on to say: “The righteous shall see it, and rejoice: and all iniquity shall stop her mouth. Whoso is wise and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the Lord.”

What it's saying here is that when the righteous or the wise see a couple having another baby, what do they do? They rejoice! Oh, that is meant to be our response to when another baby is coming into the world, when another little lamb is being added to the flock. Oh, we rejoice! The shepherd rejoices when another lamb is added to the flock. The shepherd doesn't want his sheep to be barren. No! He wants them to bring forth little lambs and to build up his flock.

And so, the wise, the righteous who observe these things, they rejoice. And there's “all iniquity will stop its mouth.” I think it's time, because I know that a lot of precious people say things because they don't truly understand. They are victims of our humanistic age. They are victims of our education system which have programmed generations now that you don't have too many children, and you must limit your children, and you must get out of the home, and do your career, because that's more important. All this jazz, and it's all junk.

So, they are conditioned in their brains, so when they see another baby coming, they will say some negative thing. Well, that's anti-Bible. We might as well get it straight. They often don't know that they're being anti-Bible. They're ignorant. They're being brainwashed. But that is the truth. It's anti-Bible.

When we say something negative about a new baby coming, whether it's our own or somebody else's, it is totally foreign to the heart of God and to the Word of God. It says: “And all iniquity shall stop her mouth. But whoso is wise and will observe these things, they shall understand the lovingkindness of the Lord.”


It's God's lovingkindness to bring another little lamb into the flock, to make your family like a flock. I remember talking with a lovely family in the UK. I've got to know them so well. We have been back to the UK many, many times to speak and we've got to know this family. They have raised a beautiful family.

At one time, they were kind of going through a time of doubt. Their family was just starting to get a little bigger. They were like, “Oh, can we keep doing this?” Because everybody around is saying they're crazy. They were just walking a little, “Oh, I think we'd better stop.”

But God began to speak to their hearts. At this stage, one of their teenagers was beginning to get rebellious and they felt his heart pulling away from the family. At that time, their children were in public school and God touched their hearts to bring them home and also touched their hearts to trust Him for another baby.

So, this was all happening about the same time. When they brought this teenager along with their others home to homeschool them, this mother had a little baby, a little baby boy. And God did such a beautiful thing. It was His lovingkindness. And this teenager, he fell in love with his little baby brother.

As the baby brother grew, he then began to sleep in his room as he got older. He bonded with this beautiful little baby because he was home. He wasn't away from home all day at school and getting home late on the bus. No, he was home. He was part of this.

And as he bonded with this little baby, his heart softened. His heart softened to his parents, to home, to family. And God did a beautiful thing. He brought him back into not only into the family, but back to God, and back to His ways.

I know this young man today. He's in the Navy today. He's doing so well. He's an upright, upstanding Christian young man. But he was saved by a little baby coming into the home. Oh, God's ways are so beautiful, aren't they?


Let's see what else I've got here. Oh, let me take you to Psalm 80. This is another picture. I love the pictures that God paints, don't you? He's talking about Israel here. Psalm 80:8-10: “Thou has brought a vine out of Egypt: Thou hast cast out the heathen, and planted it.” That was a picture of God bringing the children of Israel out of Egypt and bringing them into the Promised Land.

“Thou preparedst room before it, and didst cause it to take deep root, and it filled the land.” There's that word “filled,” again. Filled. That was God's plan, to fill the land. “The hills were covered with the shadow of it, and the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedars. She sent out her boughs unto the sea, and her branches unto the river.” A picture of Israel filling the Land. Oh, that's what God wants.

Let's go back, shall we, to Exodus, Exodus 1. And we're going to see there another example of how Israel filled the land. This was actually when they were back in Egypt. Let's read about it, shall we?

OK, Exodus 1:5: “And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls: for Joseph was in Egypt already.” And so when Joseph brought his father and his family down to Egypt to protect them from the famine, there were only 70. That's all there were, 70 souls.

Then Exodus 1:7: “And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them.” There's that word again, “filled.” It's the word male, and it means “FILLED TO OVERFLOWING.”


Yes, “Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph. And he said unto his people, 'Behold, the people of the children of Israel are MORE AND MIGHTIER than we are: Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land.' Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens.”

Now you see here that as they multiplied and increased, they filled the land. And because they filled the land, they became more and mightier than the Egyptians. And that is God's plan. He wants His people to be more and mightier than the heathen. This is God's plan, dear precious ladies.

And did you know, that in this land of USA, that this could be our testimony as the people of God. But sadly, it's not. Today, we are in a fight between that which is good and that which is evil. We are in a fight to see righteousness prevail.

As we are coming to our next election, 2020, there is just such a fight between the right and the left. Sometimes it's like it's 50-50. There's this fight. And what will happen?

This should not have ever been a fight, dear ladies, because if God's people in the last few generations had obeyed God's Word and had fulfilled His very first command to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, to embrace the children God wanted them to have, we would be more and mightier than the heathen, than these who we are actually fighting against today, these who are promoting abortion, the murdering of life, even right up to the day it is born, or even the next day. Can you believe we are living in this glorious country that has now passed such laws? It is unbelievable.

This should not be. We are living in a land where homosexuality is law. Can you believe that? We are living in a land where now our schools are promoting transgender. Young people, young students changing from one sex to the other, which is diabolical, which is an abomination against God.

In fact, we recently at our Above Rubies retreat up in Pennsylvania, we met with a wonderful man, who is a teacher in New Jersey. It was the second retreat that he'd been to. And he was telling us again, “Yes, this is still happening in my school where I am commanded to honor and promote these students who are changing from one sex to the other. In my school, I am not allowed to use the personal pronouns of her and him and so on.”

This is diabolical. This is what we are fighting. And dear ladies, we would not be doing this if God's people had embraced His command to be fruitful and multiply. If we had, God's people would be more and mightier today. We would be filling the land. Yes, of course, we'll always have the heathen with us, but we would be more and mightier.

But Satan has won a victory. Satan knew the most powerful way he could defeat God's people and bring in his horrific ways into the land and that is to deplete God's people, to decrease them, to diminish them, to stop them coming into the world.

Because he is the one, as it says in John 10:10, Jesus said: “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” But Satan comes to rob, to kill, and to destroy. It's like the three things that come against life—contraception, sterilization, and abortion. There's those three, those three that come from Satan because they all eliminate life.

Abortion is like a back-up plan. OK, Satan knows that if he can't get rid of life by programming people's brains, so they don't want children, they're going to limit their children, they're going to stop children coming into the world. But if somehow, they still come into the world, “OK, well, we've got abortion as a back-up plan. We'll get rid of them any way we can.”

That's Satan. That's from the evil one. That is not from God. God is the giver of life. He comes to give life. He is the author of life. He loves life. He wants to make families like a flock. He wants His people to be more and mightier in the land.

Oh, my. is there any way, is there any way of remedying this situation? I don't know. We've gone so far away, but at least I believe God's people can start coming back in repentance, and in embracing His truth, saying, “Yes, Lord God, I will embrace the children you want me to have.”


Because when God said those words in Genesis 1:28, He didn't end at “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth.” No, He didn't stop there. He continued, and He went on to say: “and to subdue and to take dominion.” This command, this mandate God gave in the very beginning is a mandate that whoever obeys it will receive the outcome of the finality which is “subdue and take dominion.”

It's a progressive mandate. Those who fill the earth will become more and mightier. Those who fill the earth will subdue and take dominion. Now God wants His people to take dominion over His earth. But now we are being taken over.

Oh, let me share with you some Scriptures. They are so challenging. I was just reading the other day in Lamentations 1:16: “For these things I weep. Tears flow down my cheeks. My children have no future, for the enemy has conquered us.” I'm reading from the New Living Translation.

Oh, mothers, these are powerful words. And these are true words, because when the enemy takes dominion, when the enemy overpowers us, there is no future for our children.

We are facing a precarious time in history. We are facing in our nation today a time when the left, the socialists, are seeking to bring us into socialism. They've been seeking to do this for many, many years. They've been doing it and paving the way behind the scenes.

But now they have come out blatantly. Blatantly. And this ideology is being taught and it's being propagated in our schools and in our colleges. Most of the professors at our colleges in this nation are socialists and they are programming our youth with socialism.

Now many of these don't know, really, what socialism is all about, and what is the end result, and it's never ever been successful. How can they even be promoting it when it has caused more deaths in the world than anything else in the history of mankind?

It's how it has brought countries to absolute poverty and destruction, which is what it does, because socialism can only work in a wealthy country, where they start off with the wealth of that country. Then of course, they take that wealth, and they distribute it, and then it's used up. Then there's nothing else and we end in poverty.

But they don't understand this. They think, “We'll get free housing, and we'll get free schools, and we'll get free this and free that. We'll get all the handouts,” which nobody can actually pay for.

But the thing is, what are we doing? Are you standing up against these things? Are you speaking up? Of course, I know you will vote. My, we need to not only vote ourselves, but to encourage every God-fearing person in this nation to vote in this next election. Because we now have not only all our millennials, but our post-millennials who are going to be at the age of voting, who have all been brainwashed in socialism. They're going to be voting. They're voting ignorantly, but they're voting against themselves.

But they're not only voting against themselves, they're voting against our children, our future generations, our grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren. because if this country does accept socialism, it's finished.

And here we are. We're facing all this, dear ladies, and all because our parents and our grandparents did not have the children God wanted them to have. And many of us are not having them. Oh, may God touch our hearts to come back to His ways.

Let's look at one or two other Scriptures here. Let's go to Nehemiah. This is a scary Scripture. Oh, goodness me! Nehemiah 9:36-37: “Behold, we are servants. . .”  Now Nehemiah is speaking. He's speaking about the history of the children of Israel and all God's wonderful goodness to them. But then how, because of their sins, how God had to judge them, and they were sent out of the land.

Nehemiah 9:36-37: “Behold, we are servants this day, and for the land that Thou gavest unto our fathers to eat the fruit thereof and the good thereof, behold, we are servants in it.” Can you believe that? Here they are, in the land that flows with milk and honey, the glorious land. God gave it to them. It was theirs by divine decree.

But they allowed their enemies to overtake them. Now they became servants. Then he says: “And it yieldeth much increase,” not to us, but “unto the kings whom Thou hast set over us because of our sins: also,” listen to this, ladies, “also,” oh, I don't even like reading this Scripture. “Also they have dominion over our bodies and over our cattle at their pleasure, and we are in great distress.”

“They have dominion over our bodies.” Do you know that, currently, our government is taking dominion over our bodies? I mean, these are laws that have already been set in, and they have been there for many years. I mean, vaccination is mandatory today.

I have a very dear friend. In fact, it's Erin Harrison, and I do the weekly talk show with Erin. Maybe some of you listen to us on the talk show. Well, you'll be pleased to know that Erin has just got another little foster boy. He has lots and lots of problems. She is up in the hospital with him now because he needs 24-hour care. She is learning how to take care of him.

My, she's just so wonderful, Erin. She's just pouring her heart into this little boy. They're going to take him into their home. They may even be able to adopt him.

Last night I went up to the hospital to visit her and this little boy. Oh, what a joy it was, to just see him, yes, all the problems that he has, but just to see the potential that is there as he comes into a home with love and care.

But as Erin went into this fostering, it has now become mandatory. She wasn't even allowed to start in the fostering program until she had all her vaccinations. Now that is pretty tough, because I know that will stop many people from going into fostering, which is such an important thing for so many precious children who need care today.

But God has put it on Erin's heart, so she felt, “Well, I'll just have to do it. I don't believe in it. I'll have to do it, I know. All I've been through,” she's been through much sickness in her life. And she knew it would be detrimental to her.

But she went ahead, and she did, unfortunately, for a week, she was very, very ill. But then they demanded she take the flu shot. She doesn't even agree with that. Nor do I. You may do. But goodness me, I think it's the most ridiculous thing in the world. Anyway, it took loads and loads of stuff to help her counteract this. She was able to get, you can ask for a flu shot that doesn't have all the mercury and the other negative things in it. So that's a good thing to know.

But isn't that sad? All these things are mandatory. They have dominion over our bodies. Maybe you have heard personally, as I have, of children who have gone to the hospital that had a problem. And once the hospital begins to take over that child, and the parents may not feel happy about what is happening, they may prefer to take that child and do something more alternative, something more natural. And they've even found natural things that are very effective.

The hospital treatment is not being effective, but if they refuse, well, the CPS will come in and take that child from the parents. Now that is taking dominion over our lives! My, how we have got to stand up to truth. Oh, we've got so far away. But let's come back. Let's each personally begin to obey God's Word.

Oh, here's one more Scripture about this. Let me go to Judges, Judges 15. And this is in the story of Samson. And Samson, you'll remember about him. This was after he went down to see his wife and found that the father had given his wife to someone else.

So, Samson, he was mad about that. He went and caught 300 foxes and he tied them tail to tail. And he put a firebrand in each one and set them amidst all their crops, in the corners. They burned up all their corn, and all their vineyards, and all their olives. Of course, the Philistines were mad!

OK, so Samson had gone up to hide. Well, I don't know whether he was hiding, but he'd gone up to somewhere. Anyway, so the Philistines, they came, and they said to the people of Judah, “You've got to get Samson! I mean, we want him!”

And of course, they were scared of the Philistines, so they went to find Samson. So here we are, Judges 15:9: “Then the Philistines went up and pitched in Judah, and spread themselves in Lehi. And the men of Judah said, 'Why are ye come up against us?' And they answered, 'To bind Samson are we come up, to do to him as he hath done to us.' 

“Then three thousand men of Judah went to the top of the rock Etam, and said to Samson,” listen to these words. I can hardly believe them.Knowest thou not that the Philistines are rulers over us?

Can you believe that? Here they are, the people of God, living in the Land that God gave to them by divine decree, to give it to them for an eternal inheritance, forever. God gave them the Land forever. It still belongs to Israel today, every little square inch of that land. And far more then they have today, because the boundaries that God gave are far bigger than what they have today.

But here are these people in Judah and they're overcome by the enemy. The Philistines have taken dominion over them, and they are servants to the Philistines, in their own land? And they say to Samson, “Don't you know that the Philistines rule over us? We're subject to them.” This is unbelievable. This was a lie. Well, it was true, it was happening. But it wasn't meant to be the truth! because God's people were meant to be more and mightier and filling the whole land with His glory. And what is His glory? It's the revelation of Who He is, His truth and His salvation, and His deliverance, and His ways, and His compassion, and all that He is. But no, they were fearful, and they were under the enemy.

Oh my. I pray that that will not be our concession. “Don't you know that these leftists and socialists rule over us, and we're subject to them?” May that not ever be.

Oh, may God save us. Oh, how we need to repent of how we've turned away from God. We've been more interested in material possessions. We've been more interested in our careers. We've been more interested in just doing what all the humanists do than listening to God, and to His ways. You see, His ways are so powerful. His ways are what work. He wants to make families like a flock and fill the land. Each family a little flock, filling the land with His glory. And each family, the husbands, the wives, and the children growing up in those families, revealing what God is like. This is what it's all about, lovely ladies, filling the earth with God's glory.

If you are in your home, precious mother, and you've got your little darling children around you, maybe some middling, maybe some older ones. Oh yes, life is full. Yes, and sometimes you maybe wish you were doing something else.

But can I just remind you today, that you are in the very perfect will of God, and you are doing what God wants you to do. And you are doing a powerful thing. And you are making your family like a flock. You are preparing children who will one day go out into this world to reveal God's glory. What you are doing now, you are revealing the glory of God.

Because when you are doing His mandate, what He has planned, you are to the praise of His glory. Oh, be encouraged today. Let's not be intimidated any longer by all these lies and diabolical junk that's all around us. Let's stand up against it and do not be intimated.

Let us hold our heads high and walk in the truth of the Word of God, and raise our families in a great family life, to build into our families and make them strong. And embrace the children God wants us to have. Raise them to be mighty in God. Oh, there's nothing more powerful in the whole of the earth. Just continue to pray. Pray in this hour.

Oh, we pray morning and night. We pray at our prayer meetings. We pray against what is happening in this hour. We are praying that God will do a mighty miracle and there will come a move of God to our colleges that will bring back God's truth and save our young people from all this deception.

And of course, we need to be raising young people. If you've got young people, just growing up, you have teens, oh, fill them with God's Word. Fill them with truth so as they go out, they will not be intimidated. They will not be taken over by all this around them. But they will be strong in the truth, to go out, and to speak it out, wherever they go in the nation. Amen?

Let's pray.

Oh God, we see again what is happening, and how, Lord God, we have allowed the enemy to overtake us, because we have not fulfilled Your mandate to fill the earth to overflowing, to embrace the godly seed.

“Oh God, please help us to come back to Your ways, and to embrace Your ways, Lord God, and that Your people will begin to fill the earth with Your glory, with Your children, and with children who are filled with Your Word, and filled with the ways of God. Oh, we ask this in the precious Name of Jesus. Amen.”