
LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 185: Five Necessary Qualities for End Time Living – Part 7

Two more points today about the Golden Altar of Incense which speaks of prayer and intercession. Point 8: It's the "take it wherever you go" ministry, and 9: It's the "closest to the Throne" ministry. We also check out some Scriptures for the years 20:20, 20:21, and 20:22!

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Good morning, ladies. Or, good evening, wherever you are. Now I’m recording this podcast before Christmas, but I realized you’re not going to get it until the week after Christmas. So, I’m not even able to say, “Happy Christmas” to you. But I do hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family. Or Hanukkah, whichever you like to celebrate.

We’re celebrating family here, so we like to celebrate both. We celebrate Hanukkah and we did enjoy a beautiful Hanukkah season this year. When we have Hanukkah, we like to read each day, each morning and evening at our family devotions all the different Scriptures about the light.

It’s so wonderful to see how much God has written about light in His Word. The Hanukkah festival was also called “The Festival of Lights.” In John’s gospel, it tells us how Jesus went up to Jerusalem to celebrate that festival.

It was called “The Festival of Lights” because it celebrates the lighting of the menorah. This was a dark, dark time in Israel’s history when Israel was nearly wiped out as a nation. But God raised up these very brave and courageous Maccabees who fought and fought. They were able to gain back the kingdom. They gained back the Temple.

The Temple was in a terrible state. It was desecrated. They had to spend so much time cleaning it all out. Of course, they dedicated it again. That’s what “Hanukkah” means, “to dedicate.” That’s the word in the Hebrew.

They dedicated the Temple and they had to repair everything again. When they went to light the menorah, the seven-branched candlestick, they only had enough oil for one day. They couldn’t use any oil, because the Bible is very specific about the recipe for the oil that must be used.

While they were preparing it, tradition tells us that the light kept burning for eight days until they were ready with the new oil. That was a miracle. That’s what Hanukkah is all about. So, we really enjoy that time.

It’s interesting, ladies, that that Scripture in Proverbs 22:6, where it says: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” The word “train” there in the Hebrew is chanak. It is the same word used for Hanukkah, “to dedicate.” That is very interesting.

You know, we read the Word, “train up a child,” and think that it really means “training,” which, of course, it does. If you’re dedicating your child to God, you are training your child for God. But it does put a new understanding upon it when we understand that this is the word “to dedicate unto God.”

It’s a beautiful thing to remember. Every day, when you’re training your children, as you’re raising them, teaching them, looking after them, and caring for them each day, you are dedicating them in every action. Every word is seeking to dedicate them to the Lord.

Your whole understanding of how you train them will be, “Is what I am doing dedicating them to the purposes of the Lord?” That will determine how you train your children. That will determine how you educate them. That will determine where you will send them to be educated because you are dedicating your children to the Lord. That’s your whole purpose of mothering. Dedicating them to the Lord.

So, talking about the light, Hanukkah being the Festival of Lights, of the light being restored to the Temple, I had a dream the other morning. I'm not a person who has dreams at all. Oh, sometimes I’ll dream, and they’re all stupid and I forget about them. But I woke up after this dream, and oh, I was so affected. I knew it was a dream that meant something.

It was very powerful to me. It affected me powerfully in the dream. I had been with beautiful believers that I know. Somehow, it was at some kind of a gathering. I got disconnected from them and ended up with some other believers and was sort of hanging out with them. As I was with them, we were being drawn along to someplace. This was apparently the next thing that we were meant to go to.

So, I just followed along. Now I look back and think, “Why was I following along?” We have to be careful about just following along and getting in the groove with others, don’t we? We always have to know where we’re going. But I followed along, and it eventually led us into this building. We went into this building, and it was very dark. They closed the doors, and it was black.

Wow! Why is it so dark? And what are we going to hear in this place? But the more I realized and became aware this place was not God’s kingdom. It was the other kingdom. It was Satan’s kingdom. I knew I had to get out. I knew if I didn’t get out quickly that those doors would be locked, and I would be stuck.

So, I went to the door, and I opened the door. Sort of sunbeams of light came in as I opened the door. I just felt this urgency and I called out with this loud voice, “If there are any Christians in this place, get out now!” And I ran for my life.

I wasn’t even aware whether any others followed me or not. But thinking about it later, I just realized that this was a warning dream, how we have to be careful that we do not get deceived. That we do not just follow along with the crowd. It can even be a Christian crowd.

Sometimes a Christian crowd can be taking us in the wrong direction. We must constantly come back to the Word of God which is the Light. What does it say in Psalm 119:105? “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” We need the constant, everyday guiding of the Word to keep us walking in the Light.

We must know everything that we do, or wherever we’re going, or wherever we’re being led in life, we must know it lines up with His Word. If it doesn’t, well, it’s not the Light. I mean, God’s Word is the Light. You can read everything else you want to and a lot of it can be good. A lot of it is not good. But it’s the Word that’s the Light.

I am a great believer in black and white. I’m not a person who goes in the grays. It’s black or white. I believe we’re either in God’s kingdom or Satan’s kingdom. We’re either living in God’s kingdom, or we’re living in Satan’s kingdom. So, let’s be those who walk in the Light. Amen?

I was talking about Hanukkah and Christmas. We haven’t yet, because we haven’t experienced it yet, because I’m doing this before Christmas, we haven’t enjoyed our Christmas time. But we love Christmas, not for the Christmassy festivities. For us, it is always such a beautiful family time of many family get-togethers. That’s what we love about it.

Also, the remembering of the birth of Christ. Now, I know that Jesus was most probably not born at Christmas time. I think most people believe it would have been at the time of the Feast of Tabernacles in the fall. That would have been the time of his Birth.

I think this time, this Christmas time, would have been the time of His incarnation, His being conceived by a virgin. The Holy Son of God coming to a virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit. That was just so incredible. Oh, the incarnation. It’s so miraculous, so powerful, so beyond our human comprehension, isn’t it?

Then the birth of Christ. To think, ladies, to think that Christ, Jesus, the One to whom one day every, every knee will bow, this One came into this world, not with pomp, not with ceremony, not in a great chariot. No. He entered this world through the birth canal of a woman. He came forth into the world as every little baby comes forth, coming through the birth canal of a woman.

It is so beyond our understanding. We sometimes, we take it all for granted. We don’t take time to think of how powerful was the birth of Christ. I mean, every birth is powerful. In fact, I think that birth is perhaps the most, the most raw, the most primal, and yet, the most powerful of all things that happen in this earth. There is nothing more primal. There is nothing more powerful.

I think a woman is at her most primal when she’s giving birth. Everything else is forgotten but bringing this baby into the world. It comes with gutterings and groanings. It’s powerful. It can have pain, but the pain ends in such joy. It is just such an incredible thing that comes with blood and mess.

And God, the Son of God, came into this world with blood, and in a manger, for the purpose of shedding His own very precious blood to save us from our sins. How amazing! Oh, I think it is important to have a time of the year when we remember this most amazing and miraculous and powerful night in all of history.

In fact, I think there should always be some moment in this time where we do bow, where we fall on our knees before Him. As the beautiful carol says,

“Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices.

O night divine, O night when Christ was born.”

Anyway, I do hope you had a beautiful time at Hanukkah and Christmas.

Now let’s get onto our study. We are going through this series, F P P and K. We’ve been talking about prayer. Talking about prayers, we’ve been going back to the altar of incense, because in the Bible, it speaks of prayer and worship. In Revelation, this is where we’re coming from. We’re looking at what John saw in Revelation. He saw the altar of incense. He saw the prayers going up to the Father.

Prayer, we know, is something that is so important. It must become part of our lives. Not when we face that end time, but now! It’s part of our lives now, so that when we come to more difficult times, it’s just part of our lives. It’s a habit. It’s like our breath. We’re not having to suddenly get into prayer. We’re already prayer warriors.

Now, do you remember last week? I talked to you about how the altar of incense is a golden ministry? It’s a sweet ministry. It’s a come-up-higher ministry, a morning and evening ministry, a horning ministry where we really gore and bore into the devil and come against the works of darkness. It’s a four-square ministry.

And now, three more points today because there are ten points.


So, this is number eight. This one is, take it wherever you go ministry. Now, where do I get that? Of course, I get it from the Word of God. In Exodus 30, it tells us about the altar of incense and how they were to make it. God told them, “You’ve got to make two gold rings that you’ll put under the altar. Then you’re to make two staves or carrying poles.”

They were to be made out of acacia wood and then covered with gold because everything on the altar was covered with gold. The reason that they had to do this was so that they could carry it, wherever they went! When God said, “OK, time to go! Everybody pack up! We’re moving on!” The priests would have to get the altar of incense and put the staves in it so that four priests could carry it wherever they went.

Now everything that is written about the altar of incense is for us today. Everything that’s written in the Old Testament is for us today, ladies. It’s not just something written back there. God wants us to take prayer and intercession and worship with us wherever we go. No matter where we’re going, we don’t leave it behind. Even when you go on vacation!

Sometimes you can be tempted when you go on vacation to forget about it. Reading the Word, prayer, take a vacation from that. But the Bible shows us that this is something we don’t take a vacation from.

I remember, way back in New Zealand, in the days when we were living there, raising our young children there. Every Christmas time, because back in New Zealand, our vacation time is about three times throughout the year. We don’t have the big summer holidays like you have here in the States. But our main vacation time is over Christmas, when that’s the biggest holiday of the year Down Under, because it’s summertime then.

So, every year we would go away at this time. We would go as a family. My parents would come and other members of our family. But we would tell all our church folks where we were going. And you’d never believe it! Half the church would come with us!

So, off we’d go, this great entourage of families. It was so great and so wonderful. Our children so loved it because they had all their friends. They had their cousins and then they had their church friends. It just made such a beautiful time for them.

I remember one year we went up to Pauanui which was one of our favorite places to go. Beautiful beach up there. One of the ladies from the families of the church said, “Now, why don’t we continue our prayer meetings like we do back home?” Because what we would do, was every morning at six o’clock, there was a prayer meeting for those who could get to it in the church. We had this six o’clock prayer meeting every morning.

So, she suggested, “Let’s keep it going while we’re here.” I thought, “Oh my, I think I’d just like a holiday.” But what could you say? You couldn’t say no to her! So, we established this prayer time every morning. We’d gather in one of the tents and we would pray. Pray for the needs and pray for the safety over everyone.

I do believe that God was with her, bringing that suggestion up, that we actually all got with it, and obeyed. Because during that particular holiday, we had a very, very serious boating accident with a couple of our families. Many could have died. It was totally miraculous that everyone came out whole.

We know, because we were praying every morning. We hadn’t left the altar of incense behind. We took it with us. We kept praying, and we were also praying for safety, which you always do when you’re on holiday with children, out in the surf, and boating, and skiing, and doing all these things. God did answer our prayers. I know He saved lives that day because we were praying.

Remember that dear ones. That’s another part of the altar of incense. You take it wherever you go. You don’t leave it behind.


Number nine: it’s the closest to the Throne ministry. In Exodus 30:6, God told them that they had to place the altar of incense just outside the curtain that separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies where God dwelt in all His shekinah glory. The altar of incense was right next to the curtain, the closest, closest piece of furniture to the Presence of God.

Then in Revelation 8:3, and this is now John looking into the heavenly realm, he saw the golden altar, which was before the Throne. Right before the Throne of God! Now, in the heavenly realm, of course, there is no curtain there. In fact, that curtain was torn from top to bottom when Jesus died upon the cross.

Now there is access into the Presence of God, into the Throne Room of God. So, in heaven, there’s the altar of incense. It’s right next to the Throne. Oh, dear ladies, when you come to the Lord in prayer, you are right next to the Throne of God! And as you cry out to Him, and you bring your petitions, you bring your longings, and your cries, and your prayers for your children and your husband, and all the needs that you have upon your heart, you bring them before the Father. He’s right there. He’s right there, dear ones.

The altar of incense is right before the Throne. Isn’t that wonderful? Oh, what a privilege we have. We have access. We can come in boldly, having access to the Throne of God. Isn’t it amazing how we belittle prayer? I mean, no, I wouldn’t say that we belittle it. We would revere it, I know.

But we don’t really put a lot of time into it, do we? How much incense goes up to the Father from your home? In that passage in Revelation 8, it says that “much incense is going up.” Because prayer is so powerful, and we have this privilege of coming into the Throne Room of God, let’s just come, all the time, whenever there’s a problem. Come to the Throne Room.

Oh, there’s so many needs you face during the day. Oh, even just mothering your children, there’s always challenges all day long. Well, look, bring them in your heart to the Lord. You just come into the Throne Room. He’s right there. And He will give you wisdom, and He will show you the way. Oh, such a wonderful blessing.

Yes, and of course we know that praise and worship are also part of the altar of incense. Prayer and intercession and praise and worship. Because prayer and praise are twins. They go together, don’t they?

I must share a little thing with you. A few weeks ago, my husband and I were blessed to hear a man of God give a wonderful message. We went to this place to hear him. And he took us to 2 Chronicles 20. Well, that wasn’t the only Scripture. Of course, this preacher spoke of many, many, many Scriptures, but this was one that he gave us. 20:20.

It’s the story of Jehoshaphat and how he had this great multitude come against him and he just didn’t know what to do. But, of course, he sought the Lord and he called all of Judah together, and all the families came, and the children came, and the toddlers came, and the nursing babies came. They all met together to seek the Lord. God miraculously showed them what to do.

2 Chronicles 20:20. No, 21. Oh, goodness me! I’m taking you to 2 Chronicles 20:21, because this preacher was telling us, this is the year of 2021. What should we be doing in 2021? Well, it says: “And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the Lord, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the Lord; for His mercy endureth forever.”

And he was talking about whatever you’re going through, in all the tough times, what do you do? You praise, and sing, and worship. We all know this amazing story, of how when the singers went out before the army, and they worshipped and praised the Lord, that God gave them the victory. There is such victory in praise and worship.

So, he gave us that Scripture for 2021. But when I came home, I was looking at these Scriptures, and I looked at the one before and the one after. I got this little thought. Now, I’m going to share it with you. But you have to know, it’s just my thoughts, so you can take it how you like.

But 2020, I thought, “OK, let’s see what 2 Chronicles 20:20 says, because 2020, last year, was a very, rather amazing year. I mean, this was the year of the plandemic. Yes, and although we had a 99% cure, or even more, many people did die. Yes, they did. But most of those who did die often had other illnesses. And also, they were given the wrong medicine.

Maybe you are aware, but Fauci was the one who prescribed to every hospital that they must give their patients remdesivir. That was really a medicine for death. It causes the kidneys to shut down and if anybody got that medicine, well, they would most probably die. Most people did.

Every hospital in the USA was told that they must not use hydroxychloroquine, or ivermectin, or budesonide. None of those were allowed to be used, but they have all been proved to be complete healers of this thing that’s been going around.

In fact, there’s a doctor in Texas. He prescribed budesonide, and he has not had one death. Not one! Not one. But it was a horrific year. As you know, many people did die, through being given the false medicine. It was all a plan.

Sadly, the whole plan now, and even of these vaccinations, is to depopulate the world. Of course, we had shut down the churches, locked down, masking, social distancing, all this junk that is so ridiculous, and so against how we’re meant to live life.

So, what did it say in 2 Chronicles 20:20? “And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper.”

That was the word for 2020. And I thought, “Yes, now when you look back, there were many, many prophetic words for 2020. Actually, they were given in 2019, and even earlier, before. Many people who have a prophetic anointing prophesied that Donald J. Trump would be president, a second term. Now, that didn’t happen.

Well, it did, actually, because we know that Trump won the election by a huge majority. But it was stolen from him. It was true, he won, but he did not become the president for a second term at that time.

However, I’m one of these people, I love to believe what the Word says. So, I take that Scripture for 2020, where it says: “Believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper.” I still believe those prophetic words, because they weren’t given by one person, but by many, many prophets.

In fact, way back in 2007, yes, that far back, when President Trump had never thought of being president, it was prophesied that he would be, and would have two terms. So, I still believe that that can yet happen. God can yet work miraculously and supernaturally, because I believe His Word.

Then we have 2021. That is to be praising the Lord. Is that how you got through this last year? Whatever you had to go through, did you go through it praising and worshipping? We keep on doing that. We keep on praising, keep on worshipping, and keep on praying, and keep on calling upon the Lord. Are you doing that?

We are calling upon the Lord daily. We are still crying out for deliverance, especially for many countries that are more locked down even than the USA. We think of Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Austria, Canada. Many of these countries are facing incredible lockdowns. And we keep crying out and praying for them.

But let’s see what 2022 has to offer, shall we? You won’t be quite in the New Year when you hear this, but we’re just about there. 2 Chronicles 20:22: “And when they began to sing and to praise. . .” Remember what’s happening? “When they began to sing and to praise,” we keep praising, keep worshipping. “The Lord set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten.”

OK. Wow, that’s what I’m trusting for 2022, that the enemy will be smitten! That’s a good promise to take, isn’t it? Yes, oh, there is so much evil in our land.

Oh, how we have to be praying daily, coming against this evil, this evil of abortion, which is murder, which is human sacrifice. Oh, are you praying for the Supreme Court judges as they are debating on Roe vs Wade? Let’s be in prayer for that.

We must keep praying against the sex trafficking which is horrific. How can we even bear to think about it? These precious, beautiful girls being sold into this tormenting, degrading, terrible lifestyle! Oh, how we must keep praying.

But we keep praying against the enemy. We keep praying against the deceptions of our government and our media, and how they’re trying to bring the nation into deception. We pray that they will be smitten! And God will have the victory! Amen?

Well, let’s pray now, shall we?

“Dearest Father, we thank You that we can come into Your Throne Room. Oh, Lord God, You’re not far away. As we move into the realm of prayer, we are right in Your Throne Room.

“And we come this morning, we come, Lord, we come in the mighty powerful Name of Jesus against the evil that is coming upon this world. We push it back in Jesus’ Name. Oh, God, we pray, Lord, that all evil will be brought down, all evil speaking, all deception, everything that is false, Lord God.

“We pray that righteousness will prevail, that justice will prevail again. Oh, God, we cry out to You for this. We cry out for a revival in our nation. Oh, for the people of God. Lord God, we have faced so much in this nation in these last two years, and yet, even yet, Your people yet, on the whole, are not crying out to You. Lord, prayer meetings haven’t doubled or tripled.

“What is happening? Oh, God, what do You have to do with us, Lord, to get us to really seek Your face? So, we pray, Lord, that You will just wake up Your people. Arouse Your people to prayer, Lord God, that we will be people of this golden ministry, right now, that we will be people of prayer. Lord, we know that this is one of the greatest things that prepares us to face whatever is ahead. I pray that You’ll make each one of us, Lord, more and more prayer warriors. In the precious Name of Jesus, Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell * www.aboverubies.org

Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.