PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 147: What Does God Say About Having Children? Part 1


FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 147 –  What Does God Say About Having Children? Part 1

Whose viewpoint do we have on this subject? What society says, or what God says in His Word? God speaks of the “blessings of the breasts and the womb.” Of what importance is the womb?

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, From Our Home to Yours, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: (Sorry we missed the first few minutes on this podcast). Anyway, what is happening? Well, the other day, I was in town, in Nashville, Franklin actually. I had to get one or two things. So I had been to Costco and then I noticed there was a new Aldi shop. We call it “Aldi's.” Some people say it differently.

Anyway, there was a new one there, so I thought, “I'll pop in and get my one or two items.” So I went in, got my items, and then I wanted to use the restroom before we traveled home. When I went to the restroom, I could hardly believe my eyes! I could hardly believe the sign at the restroom. It was now an ALL-GENDER restroom! (Actually, a TRANSGENDER restroom).

But more than that, what got me was the picture! It had the normal picture, the man with the leggings and the woman with the skirt. And then it had another figure with the skirt one side and the pants the other side! In other words, it was a half-woman, half-man! But I simply could not believe it. And I was so sad because Aldi is our favorite grocery store. Praise the Lord, up in Dickson, where we usually shop, it's an older shop and it still has separate bathrooms which I love.

Anyway, I went to the checkout guy. I didn't have time to see the manager and said my protest. He said, “Oh, well, you know, people go in at different times, so it doesn't matter.” But the thing is, they were making a statement with that picture. They were standing on the side of transgender. All the new Aldi's that are being built (and I looked up and found there's quite a lot that are opening up), they all have these transgender bathrooms.

So I believe, ladies, we have to make a stand. We have to protest. This transgender thing is a slap in the face of God, our Creator. Our God, our Creator. He created male and female. He didn't create half and half. Oh, it is horrific! It is sacrilegious! We must stand up.

So I wrote a Facebook post. Maybe some of you saw it. I asked everyone to please go to the internet, look up Aldi's, find the address, and write or call or email the head manager in USA. And also contact your local Aldi, if you have it in your area. If you do, maybe yours has still got the good old male and female bathrooms.

But you still need to write and say, “We see that this is happening with Aldi. Please do not allow it in your shop, because if you do, you will lose our custom.” Up there in Dickson, they will lose a lot of custom because loads of us shop there. I trust it never happens there.

But the sad thing is, ladies, I cannot believe it. I got 4,500 comments on that little post. No, it wasn't four and a half thousand “likes.” I didn't get that many “likes.” But they were comments. And most of the comments were against what I was saying. They were pro-transgender.

I could not believe it! I could not believe that this deception, this slap in the face of God, Who created us, could be already so entrenched in our society! Oh my, we are in a fight against evil! And I trust that this really affects you because it should. We are to abhor evil, and this is evil. This is evil!

(And I just checked my Facebook page now to find that they have removed this picture and post! So I have posted the picture for you to see in case you missed it. They must be so scared of being exposed! They also sent me to Facebook jail for 24 hours).

All this junk about, “Oh well, maybe I'm meant to be female or maybe I'm meant to be . . . ” This is ridiculous nonsense! It is evil and the Word tells us that we are to hate evil. Romans 12:9 says  we are to ABHOR evil. And that word “abhor” means “to shudder.” It makes us shudder. We can hardly bear to see it!

And so, lovely ladies, if you happen to have an Aldi near you, please stand up. Please write or call or visit your manager. Make sure that they never allow this to happen. I think we can all write to head office about what is happening in all these new shops that they are getting up now and opening.

Because if it starts here, it's just going to go from one to the other. We don't want this in our society. It's coming in but we need to stand up, stand up against evil. So, ladies, I hope you will do something.

I know this takes a moment. You know, when you have to . . . There's something happening, you have to call your senator, or email them, or write to them. It does take time in your busy schedule. But we've got to take time out and do these things.

Oh, it is so important, really, to call our senators and congressmen and governors, and tell them that we don't want this transgender thing overtaking our society. We need to tell them that we do not want to see these signs in our shops. We have to stand up!

I hope you have already called your senators about standing against the Equality Act, which of course is the opposite. It is actually totally bringing down the Christian faith. We will have no rights at all if this is to go through.

So all these things that are happening, and so many more. Let's be those who take a stand. We call, and we write, and we protest. Amen?

All right. Today I'd like to talk about another subject, regarding Who Are We Listening To? This is the subject of having children. What do we do about this, and who do we listen to, and who are we listening to? Who we are listening to will determine our lifestyle, our actions, what we do about it?

Now currently, the average number of children in the United States is about 1.8 per family. I don't think that's what God ever intended. Of course, there are many who can't have children. They're not able to conceive, and so on, many other things. So it works out that perhaps most are only having two children, maybe some three. Of course, there are many who are having more, opening their wombs to the children God wants them to have.

But this is a very, very foreign concept in our modern society. It has been for a number of decades now. And yet, who are we listening to? What does God say about the subject? Does God say anything? There was a time in my life when I thought that God didn't say anything about that. I'd never noticed anything in the Bible, and I thought you just used your brain, just used common sense.

But God has a lot to say! Oh, if we see, if we read the Word, we feel His heartbeat about children, from the beginning to the end. You see, children are God's plan. It's the way He intends the world to work. He designed marriage and that from marriage would come children, which keeps the world going, of course! So let's have a look at a few Scriptures, shall we?

We'll go first of all, well, let's go to the very beginning. That's a good place to start. “Let's start at the very beginning.” Yes, Genesis 1:26-27: “And God said, let us . . . ” I love that, don't you? God is a “let us” God, He is the triune God. He is a plural God. When He speaks, He says, “let us,” not just Me. “Let us, together.”

“Let us make man in Our Image, after Our Likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in His own Image, in the Image of God, created He him; male and female created He them.” No transgender. Male or female.

God, who is the Creator, He is the One Who created male and female. “And God blessed them.” Did you notice that? The very first thing that God did after He created mankind was to bless them, to pour out His blessing all over them. God is a blessing God and loves to bless us.

And how does He bless them? Well, we don't know, actually how He blessed them. I'm sure He spoke over them. Yes, He did because it says: “And God said unto them.” He spoke a blessing. Blessings are to be spoken. We can feel good about people. We can think in our heart, “Oh, I love that person!” But, if we don't say something, they don't know.

When we want to bless somebody, well, we can bless them by doing good things for them. We can bless them by hugging them, smiling at them. But the greatest way we can bless people is by speaking to them, speaking a blessing.

This was the blessing that God spoke. He spoke unto them: “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish, (or fill), “the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion.” And so this was the blessing God gave to man, to be fruitful, to multiply, to fill the earth.

Dear ladies, did you know that to conceive, and be fruitful is God's blessing? Why do people not think it is a blessing? It is the greatest blessing that God gives!

And then we go further. We go down to chapter two. And then, when God brings the male and the female together, and He says to them in verse 24: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” And out of that one flesh union comes children, comes fruitfulness, comes blessing. And so this is God's heart.

Let's go over, shall we, to Genesis 49. This is the chapter where Jacob, the patriarch, is blessing his twelve sons. And we get down to Joseph. Verse 24: “But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; Even by the God of thy father,  who shall help thee; and by the Almighty . . .

The Almighty; the word “Almighty' in the Hebrew is El Shaddai. El speaks of God's strength, and might, and power. Shaddai is a picture of God as the Breasted One, as a nursing mother. The word shad is literally “breast.” And so El Shaddai is the Almighty Breasted One.

It's a picture of God as the Nurturer, the One who wants to take us up in His arms and love us, nurture us, protect us, comfort us. This nurturing anointing is the heart of God. It's part of His character. When God created females, He chose the female creation to ultimately reveal this nurturing anointing. So He created her with breasts—breasts and a womb—because the breasts are nurturing and nourishing.

This is who God created us to be. He doesn't say, “and by God who shall bless you,” but “by Almighty, El Shaddai, the Breasted One” “Who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts and of the womb.”

Notice it doesn't only say “blessing.” It is plural, the “blessings” with an “s” on the end. The “blessings of the breasts and of the womb.” God sees that as the most powerful and wonderful blessing. And He gives that blessing over (Jacob gives that blessing, God speaking through him) over Joseph.

And it is so true. I think we've got to begin to see, lovely ladies, how God feels, and what He says in His Word. Society does not talk about the blessings of the breasts, and the blessings of the womb. We are in such a deceptive society that most women seem to have forgotten who God created them to be!

They seem to forget what God gave them breasts for, and that they actually have a womb. I mean, most women try to stop the function of their womb. They don't want a womb. “Oh, goodness me! I haven't got time for a womb! I've got a career, I've got this, I've got this to do! I don't want to be tied down with a baby that comes from the womb! Help me!”

And so the very, very (what would we say, the very center, the very ultimate thing of who God created us to be, is really a womb-man). There are only two kinds of people in this world. There is no transgender.

Well, they try to make themselves be one, but it really is totally fake. In fact, that little picture on the wall at Aldi really exposed it, because they had the male with the pants on, the woman with the skirt, and then they had this transgender half woman with a skirt one side, pants the other side.

They really exposed how confused they are, because they seem to think that it's the woman that changes, so they want to be a male. And some males say, “Oh, I was supposed to be a woman,” so they want to change to be a female.

But that picture showed it, half woman, half male! You are only one or the other, or you are a freak. God did not create half and half. And that's what that picture shows! They're showing even the deception of what they are doing!

But let's get back to the blessing of who God created us to be. He created us with a womb. We are a womb-man, and as I said, there are only two kinds of people in the world, a man who doesn't have a womb, and the man with a womb. We are a man with a womb, a womb-man, a wo-man. And our womb is our greatest distinction of who we are as a woman. A man doesn't have a womb.

We have the privilege of having a womb! And why is it that so many women want to stop the function of their womb? They don't want to have anything to do with their womb, when it is their greatest gift that God has given. It's not only a gift to them, it's a gift to the world.

Oh, I just think of that verse in Luke 1:49 when Mary was prophesying because she had been told that she was going to bring forth the Son of God. And she says: “For He that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is His Name.”

Well, it's true that Mary was blessed beyond any other woman in the history of the world. She nourished Jesus, the Son of God, in her womb and gave birth to Him. That was a great thing. That word “great” is megalios, and it means “magnificent, conspicuous, wonderful.” I think it's where we get our word “mega” from.

And yet, lovely ladies, in a lesser way, God continues to do great things in every mother's womb that conceives a baby. Every new baby is born in the image of God. Every new baby is a fresh revelation of God to the world. And each one has the possibility of accomplishing marvelous things.

I like to think, but I can never fully just imagine it, of all the amazing things that have happened, are happening, and will happen in this world. Just think, think of the remarkable inventions, the incredible feats, both intellectually and physically. Mankind is advancing, advancing, advancing, all the time, the astounding advancements, and the brilliant discoveries.

And yet, lovely ladies, none of them ever happened on their own. Every one of them happened through a person. And where did that person come from? That person came from a womb. Let's get it, ladies. Just get this statement I'm going to say:



It is the womb, the womb, where life is conceived, and grows, and comes forth to do amazing things. None of these things can happen without the womb! They have to begin in the womb of a woman.

Even God shows the greatest thing that's ever happened in this world, where the Son of God left the glory of eternity to come into this world to take our sin upon Him, and our sicknesses upon Him, to take our place, to give us salvation and deliverance. But God chose for Him to come through a womb.

The womb is so powerful! Dear ladies, are you listening? Do you have a little baby growing in your womb? Oh, it is an amazing thing that is happening. God is working. God gave you conception. Nobody else.

You see, this is why, this is why Satan hates life. Well, I think there's many reasons he hates life. He is the destroyer. He is the liar. And he hates life. You see, he cannot create life. He doesn't have the power to create life. Only God has the power to create life. And so He is jealous of God and he comes against life. He wants to eradicate life in every way he can.

And dear, darling ladies, we have to be careful about what we say and what we do, because by doing that, we show whose side we are on. If we're on God's side, we will love life. Jesus said, in John 10:10: “I am come to give life, and to give it to you more abundantly.”

But before that word, it says: “But Satan comes to rob and to kill and to destroy.” He wants to rob life, kill life, destroy life. It’s interesting that there are three words that are used there, and there are three things that are used to destroy life: contraception, sterilization, and abortion. They are all life-destroyers. They want to get rid of life through contraception, and then through sterilization. And if that doesn't work, well, abortion is a back-up plan. Because Satan is the one who hates life.

And so, dear ladies, if we have a negative attitude to life, if we are trying to resist life, we have to be careful whose side we're on. You see, often we're not really aware of this, because we're not aware of the Scriptures. We're not reading the Scriptures. We're just hearing all this junk that we hear in our humanistic society today.

Be careful who you are listening to. Are you listening to the fake deceptions of the enemy, of Satan himself, who hates life? Or are you listening to God?

I love that quote of Frank Boreham. He says: “We fancy that God can only manage His world by big battalions abroad, when all the while He is doing it by beautiful babies at home. When a wrong wants righting, or a truth wants preaching, or a continent wants opening, God sends a baby into the world to do it. That is why long, long ago, a Babe was born in Bethlehem.”

You see, it's through the womb, through the womb, dear ladies. You have a womb. Begin to see the blessing of your womb. What does God say?

The blessings of the breasts and of the womb.”

This is God's language!

Do you have the same language as God? Do you talk about the blessings of the breasts and of the womb? God does. He believes they are blessings and He's given them to us as blessings. We are blessed to be female. Oh, we are so blessed, dear ladies! We are blessed to have the privilege to be life-givers, to bring life into the world., to bring forth everything that's going to happen in this world! It comes through the womb!

Oh, let's look at a few more Scriptures, shall we? Let's go to Isaiah 49:11. This is actually a Messianic Scripture speaking of Christ, Who is to come. It also speaks of Israel, but as with every Scripture, it always has so many depths. It can be speaking to Israel, but it will also have a word for us. It is life-giving and every word is alive and has power. We see truth in every word. Not even every verse, but EVERY WORD!

Verse one: “Listen, O isles unto me; and hearken ye people from far; The Lord hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath He made mention of my name.” Isn't that beautiful? In a prophetic word about Jesus, he is not ashamed to say these words. Look, two times it mentions “womb,” and “bowels,” (which is another Hebrew word for womb) and also mentions “mother.”

There are four Hebrew words for womb, different words. So here we have two. “You called me from the womb,” beten, “and from the bowels,” meah,”  two different words for “womb” in the Hebrew. “And the bowels of my mother.” Isn't that beautiful? In a Messianic prophecy, God speaks two times of the womb, and also speaks of the mother. That's how God sees the power of the womb, and the power of motherhood. It is so incredible!

Let's go over to Luke 1:31. Here, of course, it's about Jesus coming forth from the womb and it's actually happening  or getting closer to happening now. So let's go to it, Luke 1:31. All right: “And behold . . . ” This is the angel speaking to Mary, and prophetically saying that she is going to bring forth the Son of God. “And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth,” (talking about birth) “bring forth a son, and shall call His Name JESUS.”

Now here again, we see in this prophetic word, of Jesus, the Son of God, coming into the world. These words they use, conceive, wow! Conceive. That's an interesting word, ladies. Now, this word “conceive” is the word in the Greek sullambano. It literally means “to clasp, to seize, to catch, to capture.” Now that's interesting.

I actually looked this verse up a long, long time ago. I was looking up the Greek to see, well, what does “conceive” really mean? And oh, I was rather surprised, because I was still believing the old scientific way, that we get the picture.

We've always been told there's all these thousands of sperm, which there are, of course, these little sperm, they're all swimming up the Fallopian tube and they're all trying to get to the egg first. “Who's going to be the first one to get there and to claim the prize?” And that's the picture that we have.

And then I read this meaning, well, that's a little different. It says here that “conceive,” which is the woman's part, OK, we're the ones who conceive in the womb.  The man doesn't conceive, he releases the sperm, but we conceive. And this, once again, is in a Messianic prophecy.

So I began to do some research. And I found out, ladies, that science has moved on. Science is always moving on, as they have the ability to see more with greater microscopes, or whatever they use today. They can understand and see a lot more.

And they have found that the egg is actually an aggressive sperm catcher! Now, isn't that interesting? Yes, let me read you a sentence: “It's an aggressive sperm catcher, covered with adhesive molecules that can capture a sperm with a single bond and clasp it to the zonal surface.”

I was reading one scientific article, and it had the word “seize” in it so many times. I couldn't believe it, because that's what the Bible says! Isn't it amazing, ladies, that after all these years, and years, and years of scientific discovery, they have now just caught up with what “conceive” means in the Bible! I mean, God could have told them ages ago!

There it is. The egg seizes, and of course, there's a lot more to the wonderful way it all happens. It's all kind of amazing. But I won't go into all that now. But we see that the Word of God is always correct, more up to date than science! Isn't it incredible? Yes.

So anyway, “And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb.” There is it again, “thy womb.” Yes, the Son of God was going to come into a womb and bring forth a Son. Oh, the blessing of the womb!

Well, I've hardly started ladies, so I think I'll have to do another podcast and give you a few more Scriptures, because I can't leave you with only those few! There are so many, many more! In fact, I know, even if I do another podcast, I won't get through them all. But I want to give you some to get you to be listening to God's heart, to His Word, and what He says.

And God's language is “the blessings of the breasts and of the womb.”

Let's pray.

“Dear Father, oh, we want to thank You that You are our God. We can trust You. You are our Creator. Lord God, we want to listen to You. Save us from being brainwashed with fake messages and deceptions. Lord God, we're only on the right track when we listen to Your Word. Only Your Word is truth. Your Word is truth from the beginning. And from the beginning Your Word is truth.

Lord God, I pray that You will help each one of us to understand from Your heart, and to embrace with all our hearts “the blessings of the breasts and of the womb.” Lord God, help us to see who You created us to be, and to embrace it, and to walk in it, and to fulfill all that You have planned for us as female. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.”


Translated by Darlene Norris. If you would like to thank her for giving up her time to do this for you every week, you can contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Scripture quoted in prayer:

Psalm 119:160: “Thy word is true from the beginning (the margin of my Bible says that the Hebrew is: “The beginning of thy word is true”): and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever.”