PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | Episode 121: More About the Vagus Nerve


FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell

Podcast 121: More About the Vagus Nerve

My daughter, Pearl Barrett, joins me again today, as we talk more about the vagus nerve, the longest nerve in your body.  It is also called the Wanderer, as it wanders throughout your body to affect your brain, gut, heart, and lungs, etc. It also affects your whole attitude to life. Find out more today how activating this nerve can revolutionize your life.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, From Our Home to Yours, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello again, ladies. We are so excited to be back with you. Pearl is with me again, because we couldn't tell you everything in the last session. I know you were so blessed. If you didn't hear it, you need to go back and hear the last podcast. You may even want to listen to it again.

We're talking about the vagus nerve, and how that, as we activate this nerve in our bodies, it can change our whole lives! It can change our marriage. It can change our family life. And we were talking about this in the last session, about our marriage, and also about our children.

It's so amazing, you know, how it's such a wonderful lifestyle, that in the home, it's the most wonderful place to turn on the vagus nerve. Because you know, you have a  husband to love, and you have children to love. You have all these little darling babies and toddlers around, who you just can't help loving. And you're squeezing and squishing and loving and cuddling, all day long. And that's all releasing the vagus nerve, isn't it? It's amazing.

Now I actually read a quote, which I thought was rather interesting, Pearlie.

Pearl Barrett: Before you do, Mum, we'll talk about what the vagus nerve is. For people who missed out, it's the longest nerve in your body. When it's activated, it is incredible, taking down inflammation in your body. It boosts your immune system.

It can heal and repair even organ damage, and basically every ailment. It can have a positive effect on headaches, depression, these sorts of things. So we want our vagus nerve stimulated, because it's the healer of our bodies. Scientists are just discovering this. So they're discovering ways we can turn it on.

Last session we talked about one of the hugest ways to stimulate the vagus nerve is love. Showing love to one another. It's incredible, but it turns it on. So that's what we talked about. Now we're just like, Part two.

NC: Yes, so amazing. But I read this quote from Jordan Fallis. She said, “What's interesting,” or he. I think it's a he. “What's interesting is that studies have even shown that vagal tone is passed on from mother to child. Mothers who are depressed, anxious, and angry during their pregnancy have lower vagal activity. Once they give birth to their child, the newborn also has low vagal activity, and low dopamine and serotonin levels.”

So that's very powerful and challenging, isn't it? That it doesn't start just now. IT STARTS IN PREGNANCY, right at the beginning, Once again, that also reveals the power of the baby growing, and being created by God in the womb. This is not some inanimate thing. It's a precious living child.

This child is affected by our emotions, our emotions of love and acceptance and joy. This pregnancy will bless our baby, even when it's born. But, you know, if the mother is anxious and fearful and depressed and so on, that's going to be very negative for her baby. That's something we need to really think about.

PB: It is, Mum. And depressed people are shown in studies to have lower vagal activity than others. That is actually associated with, this is interesting, Mum, with less active facial expressions. OK, so when you're depressed, you show less expressions on your face.

I understand, well, as someone's listening, “I have depression. I don't know how to get out of it. This is something that afflicts me.” Actually, there are things that we can do. The vagus nerve lifts depression.

You see, last session we talked about how love stimulates your vagus nerve. But love is a verb. Love is something you do. So they even say, scientists uncovered it, just the act of smiling . . . that facial expression actually does amazing things in your body. It lifts your spirits. Chemicals are released that actually can make you happier. It actually improves your health.

It's like the chicken and the egg thing. I have depression, so I'm not smiling. But what about smiling, and actually stimulating these things? We have to come back to these things.

NC: Yes, I believe so much in that, Pearlie. I love to encourage mothers to smile at your children. It's so easy to get a frown on your face, because children do so many crazy things. All day long, they're just kind of climbing the walls and being disobedient and doing this.

You've got this frown on your face, and you know, “Stop doing that!” You're trying to keep them all in control. Oh goodness me. And that doesn't help you, and it doesn't help your children.

But try SMILING.

You know, if you're just looking at your children, and maybe they're being good. You think, “Wow, goodness me, I can go and do something.” But just smile at them. Don't smile at them just because of a reason. Smile at them, just because you want to smile at them! Because it will, as you say, it activates this vagus nerve. How amazing!

I have found, even without knowing that in the past, that smiling is revolutionary. Because sometimes you can feel lousy, and you don't feel like smiling. And you feel the opposite. But you smile anyway. Your action changes your whole attitude. Your action changes your attitude.

Most people wait for a feeling to then do something. If you wait for feelings, you, half the time, you won't love. Half the time you won't smile. All these things you don't do because you feel like them. You do them because they're the right thing to do. As you do, you then get the feelings, and your attitude is changed!

PB: Yes! And you know, growing up, that's all you taught us. And I'm so thankful for it. Because I have felt many feelings of like . . .  I once did a personality test, and they called me, what does one . . . melancholy. That's not Christ's nature in me! That was just a nature from some sort of test.

When you actually put on the mind of Christ, His mind is not depressed, His mind is not gloomy. So when we put on something like that, and put off the other, that's what we need to do. No matter if we just think, “But I have depression, my nature is not to be all bubbly. I'm not just one of those cheery people.” But we can do these things.

NC: Absolutely! And that's another . . . I read the Scriptures this very morning! It comes back to the Word. It says: “Put off the old man with all its deeds, and put on the new man, which is Christ in you.“ and there it is!

OK, we get the science, but we don't even really need it, because it’s there in the Word, if we will only just do it! But you see, it is a doing. If you sit around, feeling just how you feel . . . No, you've actually got to put on. You’ve got to put on, don't you?

PB: OK, so that's Scripture. But just to watch how science backs it up again. This is incredible, Mum. It goes along with what you're saying. So they did a study, and they made a vagal turn. They measured how well the vagus was working. And people, there's ways to measure it. So very interesting. 

They got some people because they thought, well, meditating is good, you know. Meditating. We can meditate on Scriptures, but in secular terms, meditating is just considered calming your mind, slowing your breathing, those things.

So they have one group of people just calming themselves down and mediating. The other group of people, they told them to think positive emotions about other people in their lives. Or they told them to actually think thoughts of hope and joy.

So they measured these two groups of people. And, of course, you know what happened, right? The vagal turn, only the vagal turn in the people that were mediating, barely showed a response. The vagal turn in the people who were told to put on thoughts of hope and joy showed a remarkable response. Isn't that incredible, the way it backs up the Scriptures?

So I would say for anyone right now, maybe you are pregnant, maybe you aren't feeling thoughts of complete giddiness over it. Maybe your life is tough. Maybe you're not feeling like you have love for others right now. You don't feel it.

But what if you put on that? What if you just hold your belly right now and think thoughts of beautiful love toward that baby? Beautiful love towards your family. And you're passing on a higher vagal turn.

And you're doing what you're created for, which is to love. You were designed to love. We're going to talk about that later on, because that's my big thing, my big cliffhanger that I want to bring at the end.

But Mum, you were talking about smiling, right? And smiling is good. It turns on the vagal turn, turns it up. You get better, you get healthier. But what's better than that? It's like we talked about the firm handshake, or the strong hug.

LAUGHING. Laughing is another one. And it powerfully turns on your vagal nerve. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system and triggers the “tend and befriend”  response linked to the healthy turn in your vagus nerve.

Just ten minutes of laughter is sufficient to trigger mental and physical health benefits. Smiling does too, but to a lesser extent.

NC: Yes. OK. Now how do you get to laugh? Because it is true, and studies have been done, that show that children naturally laugh so much more than adults. The older . . . You know, as people get to adults, I think because they start to take on responsibility, and the cares and the burdens of raising a family, somehow you can often not laugh so much.

Well I have to confess, most probably you know, I laughed more when I was younger and . . . But I love to laugh. I do laugh, but I think, OK, let's get down to the nitty gritty. How do you get to laugh more?

PB: Well, I guess you allow yourself to laugh when you're with others that you love. And laughter is a form of loving, isn't it, dear ladies? You know, I laugh more than any other time . . . I laugh when I'm with my sons. My sons just make me laugh and laugh and laugh. I don't know, they're just so funny to me. But it's a decision in my head.

I always go around saying to Serene and others, “Oh my sons are just so funny!” I've decided they're funny, so when they're in the room, they're funnier than ever! It's a decision. They are naturally funny, but because I think they're funny, my body is wired to laugh whenever they're in the room!

Because it’s a thought that I have put about them. And going back to those thoughts in our heads, you know, the way we think about others. So that study showed that people had to think good thoughts about others in their lives.

That's been a huge thing for me in my marriage. There's this, I could think many ways about my husband, because in a way, I could think that he's a . . .  I'll give you a little story. I could think that he's a control freak.

Or the other side of it, I could think that he's so cute and caring. It's two different ways to look at it, right? He loves to go to the grocery store with me. He just likes being with me. So sometimes he'll go to the grocery store with me.

NC: Pearlie's husband really, he just wants to be with her every minute of his life. He just loves Pearlie.

PB: But it wasn't always like that, actually. He's always loved me, but he didn't need to be with me so much. That has developed over the years, and it's been a beautiful thing.

OK, so he'll go to the grocery story with me. I'm just the sort that throws everything in the cart. I just throw, I don't know what goes on the eggs, but it all makes it home fine, and I've never had a problem.

But my husband will go to the grocery store with me, and suddenly, he's like, “Don't do that! Pearl, what are you doing? Don't put that on the bread! You shuffle things around! Cold goes with cold, and eggs and bananas have to go in the front of the cart. And, what? You put the can over there?” And he starts getting looks on his face like, “What are you, an idiot?” Like in the middle of the grocery store! (Nancy laughing)

And at first, I'm like, “Why does he even want to come with me if he wants to boss me around?” I'm like, “Does he not think . . . does  he think I'm an idiot? I get the groceries home.” You know, all these thoughts in my head. People looking at him, he's almost getting red in the face! I'm like, “What a control freak!” You know? All these thoughts going into my head.

Then one day I thought, “He's coming here to be with you. He's so cute and caring! Isn't he funny? Oh my goodness, look at that man!” And so I just looked. (Instead, I used to give the silent treatment. By the time we're at the counter tops, paying for the groceries, I was so like, “Ohhhh, I'm not going to talk to him on the way home!”)

And I decided, I just looked up at him. One day he was doing his thing, and I said, “He's so cute! You're so cute, honey!” And I just started laughing about it. So he gave me this mischievous look, like he knew he was being sort of over the top. He just gave me this look, and we looked at each other over the grocery cart. And it's like we fell in love again!

And since then, I know he's going to be a control freak about the groceries. I let him do it. I just stand there. I laugh at him. I think he's cute. We go to the counter. We're like, cuddling. Everyone's like, “Well, how long have you been married?” I'm like “Oh, 26 years.”

But it's what I decide to think about him. He's either a control freak, or he's cute or caring. No, I love my cute and caring husband. He's not a control freak, he just wants to go to the grocery store with me.

So I'm turning my vagus nerve on. When I did this, I didn't know about the vagus nerve. But now I realize, OK, that helped my marriage.

So when our children are being crazy, we can think, “Oh, my children are out of control. I'm a bad mother. I just don't know how to do this! Look at them! They were born with a strong rebellious spirit, weren't they?”

Or we can think, “Aren't they hilarious? Oh my goodness, this is really great for me, that I get a strong-spirited child to train up! Man, God's going to use that child!” I have to certainly implement some discipline, but isn't this fun? “I'm so blessed to have that strong-spirited child!”

NC: Oh yes. It all really comes back to how we think, doesn't it? So we are programmed, well, God wants to program us to think positively, to think His thoughts.

I'm often challenged by that Scripture in Isaiah 55, where it says that “My thoughts are not your thoughts. My ways are not your ways, saith the Lord. My ways are higher.” And often we're bringing, well, we don't even have God in our economy.

Or if we do, we're bringing him down to where we are, to our fearful and negative thoughts. But no, we've got to come up to where HE IS! I think this is all part of . . .

PB: Yeah, and another thing. We're talking about things other than love, to turn the vagus nerve on. Other things we talked about, good thoughts, thinking good thoughts, and laughter, and smiling, and a strong hug.

Another thing, it backs up the Scriptures once again! It's just amazing. GRATITUDE. So gratitude turns on your vagus nerve. Isn't it amazing? The Bible tells us, how many times, to give thanks, give thanks with a grateful heart! So we'll be thankful. “Give thanks before Me,” which I forget sometimes.

But give thanks for everything, multiple times. We were designed in a certain way, and when we get out of that way, these things happen. I'm not saying you have a disease because you're not thankful. I'm not saying that at all. But I'm saying we can practice these things we were designed for!

We were designed to laugh. We were designed to give thanks. We were designed to love. And we forget them! When we live the way we were designed, and as the Bible tells us, well, the health wells up within us, because that's our design, Mum.

NC: Yes. And when you're giving thanks, you're usually smiling. You can't thank the Lord with a sad face, a depressed face! No! It changes even your face, even when your thanking someone else. You're thanking your husband for taking out the garbage. Whatever he's doing, you thank him.

Or you're thanking your children. A smile comes on your face. It does! It all just goes together. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In everything give thanks. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” It's personal—concerning you!

I remember a little story here. We had this family, a missionary family, they are originally from Rwanda, they came to visit us. Now they live nearby, very much part of our whole fellowship. But that was a few years ago. They came to visit, and they also popped over, (there's my word, “popped,” again!)

But they popped over to see Evangeline and Howard and the family. And they noticed something. Oh, and Nadia came and expressed it to me. She said, “I notice how their children are so thankful. When they say, “thank you,” they don't say, “Oh, thank you.” It's “Oh, THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!'”

Actually at Christmas time, it's quite amazing to be among them when they're opening their presents. They'll open a little present from one of their siblings, and they'll go over and give them a hug, and say, “OH THANK YOU, SO, SOOOOOO MUCH!” I guess that sounds a bit over the top, but anyway, you can't really be over the top in thankfulness.

So anyway, they thought, “OK, we're going to do this.” And so they started to do it. I remember they had been staying with us for a few days, and it was time to go. We walked downstairs to wave them goodbye, as we do with everyone who comes to our home, even if they come for a meal. We live upstairs. Downstairs is where we have Above Rubies.

We don't just say, when it’s time to go, “OK, bye. It was great to have you.” No, we will always walk downstairs with our guests. We go out to the car. We wait for them all to get in, and that can take time, if they have six, seven, eight children, and they're getting them all in the car.

And then we will wave goodbye. I believe that's part of hospitality. But anyway, so they were all in their van. They were going to wave goodbye. And they all put their heads out the window and said, “THANK YOU SO, SOOOOOO MUCH!!” And they had great big smiles on their faces, and they were laughing because it was so fun to do it like that.

So it releases smiles. It releases fun, and it releases joy! It makes you over the top. But the more over the top you are, the more you're going to release that vagus nerve!

PB: I know! And you're right about the Johnsons, my sister Vange and her children. They're known for it. We take them off, we all pretend to be the Johnsons. We all say, “THANK YOU SO MUUUUCH!” Whenever her children would come for snacks in my house, I'd just give them a piece of dry bread or something, they all would go, “THANK YOU SO MUUUUUCH!”

But it's important. What is Vange doing instilling that in her children? She's creating health in them for life! My daughter, Meadow, now our little grandson Warren is learning to talk. I'm so proud of him because they've taught him “Thanks.”

Every time now, and we just watched him for a couple of days while they went away for their anniversary. He calls me “Prissy” because my second name is Priscilla, so that's my Nana name. He's like, “Tank you, Prissy!” And it melts my heart!

Everything you give him is “Tank you, Prissy,” or “Tank you, Grandpa.” It's real important that we do that with our children. I'm just so proud of that.

But here's another thing, Mum. We're going to get through them all SINGING.

NC: Oh yes!

PB: Singing and humming turns on the vagus nerve!

NC: I even read; can you believe it? Gargling! (laughter)

PB: Gargling does it! Isn't that interesting?

NC: I hate that sound of gargling! (Laughter)

PB: Gargling is really good for you. It actually tones the muscles in your neck and all of that. As you get older, all those muscles start to relax and lose their tone. We should gargle more. Yes, we should gargle more. It can stop snoring and it can stop a lot of things. You know, how a lot of people . . .

NC: Wow, That's a secret, ladies! Maybe you can tell your husband that one!

PB: Yes, thirty seconds, like after you brush your teeth. Just gargle some water. Gargle twice a day. I've started doing that.

NC: Wow, that's so interesting! Now, singing. Well, that's all right for you, Pearlie, because you're a beautiful singer. But you know what, you wouldn't believe it. I actually mothered Serene and Pearl who were signed by a record company. Before they were married, they went off on their singing careers. How they ever came to be signed by a record company, I don’t know, because they had a mother who used to sing to them out of tune! (Laughter)

PB: I know. You're hilarious! You're not a great singer, but I love your singing, Mum. I loved it all my life. It's so out of tune. I don't even know how you could try to be that out of tune, actually, if you tried. But it's so good. And it doesn't matter if you can sing. 

But guess what, you know how we talked about a hug, and a strong hug? Or a smile, and then there's a laugh. You know, a handshake and then a firm handshake. Does singing determine your vagus nerve? But guess what turns it on more? SINGING AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS!

Isn't that interesting? My whole life in church, Dad . . .

NC: You were brought up that way, because my husband, he's one of nine children. They were dairy farmers in New Zealand. The children all used to sing in the cowshed, as they milked the cows.

Neighbors a mile or more away could hear them! His family have always sung at the top, at the top of their voices! Isn't it wonderful? Oh, I think my favorite thing in life is to be in that family when they are singing hymns at the top of their voices, and all in harmony. It's unbelievable!

And that's something he's always instilled. Even at church, even to this day! “Come on everybody, sing with all your heart!” And he can't stand it . . .

PB: That's what I'll always remember of my dad. I mean, singing, even when I come here. We come to Dad and Mum's church. Sometimes we're a bit late, and I'm walking in when everybody is singing.

Who do I hear above the rest of the people? It's my dad! And he's like, at 10,000 times stronger than everybody else. It always brings a smile to my face. And my dad, he's 80, and he's always been in good health. He stimulates his vagus nerve. And then, always around the house, Dad was singing.

NC: I love it. You know, he does it a lot. I said to him, “You don't have to feel embarrassed to do this.” But he'll be preaching, and he'll start singing a song. I just say, “Do it more, because it's so beautiful!”

But you know, I was thinking about this singing business, Pearlie. You know, you see, everything that God has planned, the devil hates. And just think what's happening, now that there's this mandate in so many leftist states to stop singing in churches. Now where does that come from? It comes from the devil, because God wants us to SING AT THE TOP OF OUR VOICES. And not just personally but SING TOGETHER!

PB: Well, that's what studies say.

NC: Really! We know it already!

PB: Well, they said singing with a group of people...

NC: Yes! Yes!

PB: Actually, it’s the most profound way. And so that's what we're remembering, Dad with his brothers and sisters. But in church, when I come to church now, because I understand it, not just because God tells me to sing to Him all through the Scriptures.

“Sing to the Lord all ye earth, sing, sing, sing.”

But I'm taking it, I'm wearing the mantle of my dad, because I just sing. I don't care. People look at me, my kids look at me strange, like what's mom doing? I sing at the top of my lungs. I don't care if it sounds good anymore.

NC: It's you and Serene and Vange all singing at the top of your voices! (Laughter) Yes, but you know what, it's amazing.

I just read this over the weekend. First of all, I was so upset! I read how these groups of Christians from a church up in Moscow . . . Yes ladies, it's not in Moscow country, but in Moscow, Idaho, USA. They planned to have a Psalm sing outside somewhere. It was in the city.

And the police came along and arrested three of the organizers. They went to jail. All they were doing was just singing. They only sang three hymns. They weren't doing it for long. They just wanted to be able to sing. Anyway, so . . . Oh, I was very devastated to think that help, this is not . . . Are we already becoming a communist country?

But anyway, there was another picture, and what happened was, after they got arrested, they decided, “OK, we are not giving into this!” So they planned another Psalm sing for the next night. And hundreds and hundreds came out. You could hear them.

They were singing at the top of their voices. It was beautiful, but they had to too, because protesters came along. They had these terrible drums that were trying to drum them out. But no, you could hear them singing above that. It was so wonderful.

But you see, we're seeing this in our nation at the moment. It's so sad to think that that's stopping us from singing hymns together! Which is what God wants and He will bless us.

PB: It’s one of the things we were created to do! And another thing, Mum, because we've only got five minutes, help! And I've got to get to my big thing.  But I'm going to tell you something right now that's going to blow your mind.

OK, so they took two groups of women once again, women who were breastfeeding, and women who weren't currently breastfeeding. So guess which had the higher vagal turn? BREASTFEEDING stimulates the vagus nerve. Isn't that amazing?

NC: That is so exciting! Oh, all you mothers who are nursing your baby as you're listening! Don't you love hearing that? Oh, when you are doing what God created you to do, you're being so blessed!

PB: Yes, blessed! Isn't it a privilege? Isn't it wonderful?

NC: So you don't try and wean your baby! You know, so many people in our society today, “Oh, get your baby sleeping through the night. Just wean your baby at a certain time.” No! You let your baby wean when your baby is ready to wean.

See, baby needs to nurse throughout the night. Just think, every single time your baby comes to the breast again, your vagus nerve is being turned on to bless your body. It's like a vaccine against all diseases! You see, we don't need vaccines if we live the way God intended!

PB: It's all natural! It's all the natural God-design. And isn't that amazing? It comes back to love again. And that's what I want to end with. Breastfeeding is a form of love. It's pouring out our love to our child. No wonder it stimulates the vagus nerve! It's a given; you know. This was my download. I was thinking . . .

NC: I would think  it would be for the baby too. Yes!

PB: Oh, absolutely! But I was thinking about all these ways I could show more love in my family, yes, show my love to my husband, show love to people, strangers at the grocery store even! I just want to be like a love-crazy-woman! 

But then I was thinking about it. If giving and receiving love with others helps our health so immensely, but just think of what a love relationship with God does! I was thinking that. The Scriptures describe God as love itself. Love is a Person. He is the Author of this love, the ultimate Source of it!

John 4:7, 8, for greater clarity says: “For love is God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. But he who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” And all the science is trying to figure out, well, love does this, love does that. But without God, they'll never get it! You know? 

He's the Author of it. The Finisher of it. I started looking at all the Scriptures about love and we've all looked at them. But now I was looking at them in a new light. His love for us is so vast and true! John 3:16 says that “God so loved the world.” That's why He gave His Son.

We can bask in this love all night, and all day long, and that's what I decided to do. You know, when I wake up in the night, and you know, you have to go to the bathroom, or whatever you have to do, I just realize God loves me. He loves me! And I love Him! Just bask in this.

It's going to turn the vagus nerve on. It's not just we do this just because we want our vagus nerve turned on. But we're in this love relationship. It's constantly on tap. We are never without this love. It's constant.

The Word tells us that He loved us first (1 John 4:19).

His love is perfect (1 John 4:18).

His love casts out fear (1 John 4:18).

His love never ceases (that’s Lamentations 3:22).

It has been lavished upon us (1 John 3:1).

It is everlasting (Jeremiah 31:3).

It is great, Ephesians 2:4 tells us.

Nothing can separate us from it, Romans 8:38, 39 tells us.

It is being poured into our hearts (Romans 5:5).

It endures forever (Psalm 136:26).

It is unfailing.

It covers our sins (1 Peter 4:8).

It compels us (2 Corinthians 5:14).

He quiets us with His love (Zephaniah 3:17).

His banner over us is love (Song of Songs 2:4).

The earth is filled with His love  (Psalm 119:64).

When I realized these Scriptures, I was like, “I am the most blessed woman in the world!” When I think of this love, I'm in this love relationship with God, and it pours out to my loved ones. It pours out to the stranger on the street.

But it comes from Him. That just blew my mind, that if I dwell on that, that if I don't take it for granted, it’s also going to stimulate my health, because that's the way I was designed. I was designed to be in love with my Creator. Right?

NC: Man! And yes, perfect love casts out fear. I think, you know, we are seeing this in our nation today. We're seeing what has happened through this virus, and how it's brought fear, which has come through our fake media, and so on. They have been wanting to put fear in people's heart.

This comes from the enemy. We have to see where things come from. Love is of God. For God is love, and perfect love casts out fear.

Dear precious ones, listening today, embrace God. Those words of fear that are coming through in our nation, coming through our fake media, coming through people who don't know God . . Don't receive them! Realize that all this fearmongering comes from the enemy. As Pearl has been saying, the releasing, the activating of this happens firstly in our homes. This intense loving of our husbands, these strong loves and hugs to our husband, to our children . . . it begins in the home.

Pearlie was saying how she just wants to go out and wherever she goes, reveal this love! You see, that's another thing, where you see the enemy at work, where he is seeking to stop that. Instead of the revelation of the people of God going out to the supermarket when we go to get our groceries, and here and there. Going out, smiling, just smiling to people, and giving those words of encouragement and touch and, even with people we don't know, this is how we're meant to do life.

Instead, we're all masked up. And you know, that's from the enemy. That is from the enemy. I was just reading this morning. Romans 8. Romans 8, and it is, where is it? Romans 8:19. “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” You know, the world is groaning, waiting to see the revelation. That word “manifestation” in the Greek actually means “the unveiling, the uncovering, the disclosure” of the sons of God.

Now as we are moving more and more toward the end time. We don't know how long it will be, or if there is still much time, we don't know. But it's moving toward the end. And the more and more it's moving, the more there is that necessity for the revelation, the unveiling, the uncovering of the sons of God.

And that's going to happen through revealing His love and His smiles, and His truth, and everything of Who He is. You know, we can't do it when we're masked up. That is from the devil. I believe that we are meant to be uncovered. We cannot even reveal. We cannot manifest. We cannot do it unless we are uncovered and unveiled, because it's through our face that we smile. We love. We reach out. We cannot do it with covered faces.

And so we need to realize where we are in this nation at the moment. OK, this comes back to the home. Ultimately, this is going to change your whole home atmosphere. But you see, what's in the home, it goes out. We take it out. We take it out with unveiled faces to look at people, and love them, and smile at them, and bring out the revelation of the image of God to them.

That's why we're here on this earth! Aren't we? Say something at the end, and then we'll pray!

PB: Oh, no, I'm inspired. It's so true. I understand people in health care situations. They have to . . .

NC: We're not talking about that.

PB: We are talking about going out about our daily lives. Yeah. I say, great, Mum.

NC: Oh, lovely ladies. I know you've been blessed. I just trust that you can open up your heart and every part of your being. Just say, “Oh, I'm going to live how God intended to me! I'm just going to love tangibly and touching with my hands, and with my eyes, and with my mouth, and with my smiles, and with every part of my being! My husband, my children, and everyone I meet, wherever I go!” Oh, may the Lord help us!


“Father, we thank You, Lord, that it's amazing, Lord, that science begins to teach us what You have already shown in Your Word. The way we are created to live, the way You created our bodies, Lord, right from the very beginning. Pregnancy, how, Lord, even our attitudes as we're pregnant will affect, Lord, our little baby as it is born.

And then nursing the baby at the breast, and how this is releasing this activation of this nerve. Lord, we thank You. How beautiful, Lord! Oh God, help every mother to understand these things, these beautiful things that You designed. Lord, that they will be able to embrace them with all their hearts, and not try to stop them, but just enjoy them as long as they can.

And Lord, to just move them to a whole new realm with their husbands, and with their children, and in their home life, Lord. And teach us more day by day, Father, of the way You intend us to live. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.”

Transcribed by Darlene Norris.