
FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell


My daughter, Evangeline joins me today.

Nancy Campbell: Hello ladies. Today we are hoping to continue our series about “We Are Gatekeepers of Our Homes.” However, before I get onto that, I thought I'd catch you up on what's been going on. I know you love to hear all the nitty gritty.

So we have recently been down in Florida at Laguna Beach for our annual Above Rubies Family Retreat down there. It was such a wonderful time. We had nearly 600 people, with all the children. Lots of children and young people! It was just the most glorious time, although we did have lots of little mishaps.

When I think about one dear precious mother, who was pregnant with her fourth baby. She had these  two or three beautiful little girls. She's expecting a little baby, and she fell down the stairs! Wasn't very nice at all. No, she had to go to the hospital. But praise the Lord, her baby was fine. She's since emailed me since being home, saying everything is great. They just can't wait to get back next year and to show off their little baby boy.

And then another little boy, someone kind  of closed the big door on him, and it nearly took his toe off! They had to rush him to the emergency. He had to get his toe stitched all up.

We also had a beautiful couple there. She was pregnant, but also was fighting leukemia at the same time. So we were all, in fact everyone in the camp was praying for her on the Friday night. We all gathered around and prayed for her. She was just loved by everyone.

Anyway, so those things were going on in the midst of a very precious time with the Above Rubies Retreat down there in Florida. It's a bit different from all our others. Usually, they're just the weekend. But this one, because everyone loves coming to the beach, and it's become so popular, they usually come for a whole week.

Anyway, the main part is over the weekend. So we're getting to the end of the retreat, and all the Johnsons, and Evangeline and Howard and their family, they couldn't get there until Sunday. So they arrived Sunday. There were still loads of people there, because they're staying on for sort of a weeklong.

So anyway, things are going along, and then I think, yes, Wednesday, yes, you'd better tell us about that! We'll start telling you about some of the things that happened. It was hurricane time; those two hurricanes were coming in at once. We weren't in the line of the hurricanes. But of course, the whole Gulf was just whipped up, and the sea was so rough!

Evangeline, who is, she's the ocean kayak lady. She loves to go out a mile or more in the ocean and fish for sharks. She was determined to get out, and Sam, Serene's husband was going out. Who else was going out?

Evangeline: It was just Sam and me.

NC: Yes, but he couldn't get out.

Evangeline: Yeah, so the day before, we had got out, and it was really wonderful. But as we came in, we knew we were going to take a tumble. It's not if, but when . . .

NC: Was that on . . .

Evangeline: No, that was on Wednesday, the day before we got out. But we still had got the tumble, right? So the next day we could see it was sort of going to be a little bumpy. And miraculously, I had got over all the waves. But my kayak was full, and I was dumping out all the water. But I couldn't even fish because it was just, it was like eight-foot swells out there. I was like, whooo, sliding down the biggest. I wasn't that far out, so I knew I could get back in. I practiced like; things took over. You have to always practice that.

So anyway, I was looking around to call out and say, “Sam, don't come out! Don't come out, there's no use! We won't be able to fish!”

Then way over on yonder, I could see Sam on the shore. So I was thinking, “Wow, so he can't make it out.” And then when I got in, he tried three times, but he said, “Pray for Jireh!” I was like, “What?!” Jireh's my son. Sam couldn't . . . Jireh had gone out into the surf to help Sam, and the whole ocean, a wave had brought up our big kayak, we've got the big PA-14. So with the whole weight of the ocean . . .

NC: It would have been over 300 pounds.

Evangeline: Yes. So with the whole weight of the ocean, this kayak came up. Jireh was off to the side, but it twisted at the last minute, and came straight down on his head. So I came up on the shore, and everyone's telling me.

Jireh said he blacked out, so Sam grabbed him and got his hands on the kayak. They managed to bring him in. And we thought he was paralyzed, because he heard, he blacked out, and he heard his neck snap! So he literally heard it, and he was like, “Oh no, there goes my whole life!” So it's amazing that Sam was able to grab him, and he didn't get swept out into the ocean because there were rip tides. So unless you're on a surfboard or kayak, you are not supposed to go in. But he was trying to help Sam get in.

So they got him up, and the next thing, his whole body is going into tingles. So the emergency, what do you call those ambulances? The emergency people came, and we were just praying for his life, because if his neck's broken . . . he’s just about to be a father.

I literally couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe. I was like, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, save him!” So anyway, there were about five hours. They put him in the CAT scan. We were praying the whole time, just barely able to breathe. We were so in prayer.

Then the news came back that his neck wasn't broken! There was no fracture, and his muscles had taken the whole of the weight. He's really strong. In his work, he would run and do the job of about 15 men, for three years. In fact, he finished it, because he thought, “If I continue on like this, I'll run myself out in a couple of years.”

They said his veins were so huge and healthy, they were like highways. They'd never seen veins like it. So his neck, because he was so strong, his neck had taken the whole brunt. He was like a robot that couldn't even move his head one centimeter to the side. But he was alive, and he was going to be able to be well.

I heard, and I literally laid down on the street where I was, and just screamed out, “Thanks to the Lord!” It was like I could breathe for the first time.

It's so interesting, Mum, because all that week I had been in Luke 21. You know, Jesus is saying all these things are going to happen in life, and people are going to tell you it's the end. You know, you've got all these things, with what you guys have dealt with. Corona all around the world, and everyone saying our life will never be the same, and doomsday, doomsday, negative.

But you know, at the end of 21 in Luke, Jesus and the words we read . . . He was saying these words. He was like, “These things are bound to happen, but take heart.” And you know, these things were mulling in my brain that whole week, and then this happened with Ji.

He said, “Stay bold. Keep constant watch over your soul. Take heart. Be free from all worry of this life.”

We have to choose that. We have to choose that in the moment. I'll tell you what, we were stretched to choose that. I'm going to go on and tell you a story of how we saw that so, so vividly before our eyes, where we were having to work at it. But stay passionate.

NC: Yeah, that's so powerful, Vange. But we haven't finished yet, because, I mean, OK, we were all concerned about Jireh.

Evangeline: We still were!

NC: Oh yes!

Evangeline: We still were, because we didn't know how many . . . six months, or a year he was going to be in . . . he was in massive pain. Yeah.

NC: Yes, so praise the Lord! Well, we were leaving that day. But just before we were leaving, the ambulance was there, so we went over and Colin was able to pray (we’d all been praying of course) just pray over him as the people were taking him out to the ambulance. Of course, we're continually praying. So God is working, and He is healing so beautifully, isn't he?

Evangeline: Oh yes, it's incredible.

NC: But then we went home that day. And of course, we were still praying for beautiful Maria, that's the wife, the young wife who is, yes, who has leukemia. Over the retreat, she just felt she needed a blood transfusion, so they went in. She had two blood transfusions.

Then she got a brain bleed, and they said that they didn't think she was going to last. You know, the whole, all of the camp was so praying for her. But on the Thursday, that was the next day after Jireh's accident . . .

Everyone had left then. There was just Sam and Serene and family and Vange and Howard and family left. That day we heard that she died. So Vange was there, and I just wanted to tell you about it, to see once again . . . You know, we face these tragedies, but in all these tragedies, it's how we face them.

Evangeline: Well, Jether . . . We were intense in prayer. Jether was there in the hospital. He was able to be with Maria, even though she was on life support, in a coma. Apparently, the last thing that goes is the hearing. So he was able to be with her, speak with her. And his mother, beautiful Jenny, was there, and they were able to hold her hand, and be with her to the last moment.

And then he called up with Zadok, that's my oldest son, who's his best friend. “Zadok,” he said, “She's just gone to be with Jesus.” We were all out on the beach, and we were praying for resurrection, and Serene was praying, and I was down the beach crying out to God for resurrection.

And then Jether came back about three hours, three hours later. I want to tell you this, because I have never in my 55 years seen . . .

NC: Aren't you 56?

Evangeline: No, I'm 55. I thought I was 52, Mum, but I thought I was turning 53. But somebody told me I was turning 55, and now Mum's trying to tell me I'm actually 56! I've already gained three years, and now she's trying to tell me I've gained four!

But I'm getting younger and younger every year! So I actually couldn't believe I was turning 55. But I want to tell you, in 55 years, I have never seen, seen in my life, the glory of God to touch down. Jether came back, and it was all the Allison family, and all of ours in the room.

And he came in, and we were, our families were crying out to God. And Jether picked up the guitar, and all of a sudden, he started singing made-up songs, and he was in Heaven! I've never felt such, the Presence of God.

And here's this young man, and his beautiful 23 and a half-year wife, and she was in Heaven free from pain after all these years. She was dancing before the Lord, and he knew it! And here he was, before the Lord, worshipping with his wife. It's like he could see through the veil. The veil was so thin. It was so thin, and he was there with her! He could see through the veil.

He was on the other side, worshipping, worshipping our Father with her, for the three and a half . . . for the years he had with her. His songs were about . . . they just . . . I've never heard anything like it. Different octaves. It was, it was the most precious thing I have ever been able to humbly witness in all my born days.

He was singing to the Lord about his first kiss, and his first night, and that God had given to him a word, and how good God was. And it went on for an hour, and I was caught up, literally, into Heaven.

Heaven had come down and saved my Jireh. Heaven had come down in worship, and in a man who chose to worship the Lord. Heaven had come down again.

And he after that, he was in this place, and we were the ones he ministered to. He went round, and he literally prayed for every single one of us individually, laying hands on us, like even down to the little baby. Even to the six-year-olds. And there were like, 25 of us or more. And he would spend 20 minutes or more, for each person, until they were bathed, covered in the love of Jesus.

This young man has yet, you know that night, he slept out on the beach with my son. The night before he got married, he went off with all the boys and Zadok, and they slept in the woods. The night after Maria was with the Lord, they did the same on the beach, with the thunder and the stars. It's not that at night, of course, he's like, “God, come and be with me, come and help me.”

But this man has chosen this place, and God has granted to him. God, I have witnessed the Glory of God! What otherwise would be just horrendous pain. And this is the Glory of God like I've never ever seen, Mum.

And I came home, and I was in it, and I was witnessing it. I came home, yet my own stuff, my own brain, was like, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, help me, help my own brain. I see it in Jether, her husband. God . . . ”

You know, again, Luke 21 came, and the Lord spoke to me. He said, “Keep your heart. Stay passionate.” And I'm a passionate person, and I knew that was passionately in love, of thanking the Lord.

And that's what I saw Jether do. I saw him from morning to night, he was thanking Jesus. “Thank You, Jesus, for my time with her. Thank You for my daughter, Promesa.”

He's got a beautiful 10-month. They had a beautiful 10-month daughter, Promesa. I've never witnessed anything so profoundly chosen, and God granting back this place of Heaven.

NC: Yes, when the Allisons got home we popped over to say hi, and Serene also shared. She couldn't even talk about anything else. Because she said, “I have never experienced this in life. Not only did Jether pray for each one, but he prophesied over so many. It was like, because he had just been in the place of heaven, it was . . . ”

Evangeline: He was bringing heaven down. He was literally . . . this man literally had entered Heaven. And we got to witness when he brought Heaven down into the room to us. I have no words, but I have to share with you what God can do!

NC: Yes And I was talking with Jether today, and said to him, “How are you, Jether?” And he said, “I'm so great. God is so good.” He sees the good in everything. He sees every little blessing he experienced with his wife and he is thanking God for. It's so beautiful, and I said, “You know, would you mind if we shared of our beautiful Maria?” Because she was so beautiful.

Evangeline: Gorgeous! Gorgeous in every way, in her looks, and in her spirit.

NC: “Yes, well, only if God is glorified.” He said, You know the place I'm in, it's not me. Nothing is me. It's just God. God is good.”

Isn't it wonderful? We wanted to tell you this experience today because many of you face such difficult times. But we can go through them in despair, or we can go through them in triumph, according to how we see God.

And he's looking at the goodness. It's so amazing. And I think it's an amazing thing, something I feel so incredible about. This whole thing is that they were only married about 3-1/2 years or so, 2-1/2, not long, maybe only 2-1/2 (I think it was less). And they have this darling little 10-month-old girl. And she has another baby in her womb. That little baby died before they , , , But that little baby also went straight to Heaven!

Evangeline: Yes!

NC: And when you think about it, this marriage, this marriage has brought forth two eternal souls for the eternal realm, to live forever and ever! And although they only had these two-plus or so years together, they brought forth fruit for eternity! And they're going to enjoy their children together in eternity. It is so amazing isn't it?

Evangeline: And you know, it's true that, even though she was in a lot of pain, and he knew that, going into marriage, that she would be fighting for her life, it was the happiest years of her life on earth. And now she's in Heaven, just free from all of that too. So much God, so much goodness. And Jether, he knows the reality, the truth, the realness of really what has truly happened. Yes.

NC: Absolutely. Oh yes, for all those who were at the retreat, I think to many of them, one of the most beautiful memories of the retreat is that on the Friday night when we all prayed for her, and later on, they were worshipping, and singing. And Maria began to dance. She was just dancing before the Lord.

Many got up and testified, and that was before she even passed away. But that was the most beautiful thing that touched them. And so, so many just saw her dancing before the Lord, even before she was dancing in Heaven!

Evangeline: You know, Mum, Jether actually talked to me about this later. He said that was miraculous because he did, he'd been with her, and he couldn't fathom how she got that energy, how that even happened. He said that was the Lord. It was absolutely the Lord. Yeah.

NC: Yes, Yes. It's just like a little taste, because I had, I wasn't in the room at that moment. I missed it! Oh, help! But they said she wasn't doing a little dance. She was totally and passionately dancing before the Lord. So it was like a little taste before she went into that heavenly realm.

Oh my. But you know what? Though that was the most.... Well, do you know, I guess we have to say, it was triumphant. Even in the grief, it was the most triumphant...

Evangeline: I think many triumphant winnings and stuff, but in my whole life I did nothing that can match that triumphal entry. And of how Jether heralded her. He heralded her, with Jesus and the angels. Her husband heralded her. I have never ever been to such a triumphant, triumphant entry of awesome, beyond awesomeness . . . and that's not to take away from the missing he will have, completely. I know that. But God, God has done something there.

NC: Yes, God is bigger than every circumstance. And that wasn't the end of the retreat. Allison Hartman, you've often listened to her on my podcast. Allison is the one who does all the hard work behind the scenes to put these retreats on. She's so amazing.

But right through that retreat, her beautiful little darling girl, Emily Kate, was so sick! She could not lift her head off the pillow! You know, they knew she had a sore throat, but it just got worse and worse, so they . . .

Evangeline: They took her to the doctor. Three times!

NC: Oh, I know. So while the retreat was on, they took her on two different occasions to the hospital. The second time, Allison pleaded with them. She said, “Please!” They said, “Well we can't. . . . You know, she's just got . . . It might be strep, we don't know. She'll just get over it. Just give it time.”

Because it was the second time they had taken her, Allison pleaded, “Please, give me some antibiotics, just even to see if they'll work” because she knew how sick she was. But she did not improve.

So when they went back home, I guess it was Wednesday or Thursday, they went back to Pensacola where they live. They took her again to the hospital there. When they got there, they said, this was an infection that wasn't just in her throat. It had gone into the bone, and the bone had become sceptic.

Evangeline: They gave her a scan.

NC: Yes, the other place, they didn't even do anything! They just looked at her. Here, they gave her a CAT scan, and they found that this infection had gone into the bone. It had become sceptic. They said she hasn't got much time left. So they immediately got her onto IV antibiotics. Praise the Lord, little Emily Kate has come right too. But that was a very touch and go thing too.

So we went through that. and praise the Lord that everyone was so much in prayer about everything. Oh my, doesn't prayer work? And then, oh goodness, you started with Jireh, and you had Jether with Maria going. And then the next thing was Saber, wasn't it? What happened to Saber?

Evangeline: Oh yes! Well, Saber, he was . . . They had pulled there, and pushed, and I don't even know how it happened, but the next thing, he came in, and his whole . . . from the knee, all the way down, had completely opened up to the muscle! Like about, oooh, about 16 inches long! He walked in with blood gushing everywhere! He had opened his whole leg up, from the front, all the way down!

NC: Oh, by the way, Saber is Serene's youngest son.

Evangeline: Serene? Mine!

NC: (laughing) Vangie's! When the children were little, and I was raising them, I would usually say every name before I got to the right one!

Evangeline: So, yeah. And then, so we got him all fixed up, and he had . . .

NC: You didn't rush to the hospital with that one, did you? Howard fixed that up because he's actually the family doctor on our land.

Evangeline: He's very good. He works, because doctors are a lot of his friends, and they call him back and forth. But by the time we'd worked through these things that we had lived through, something like this was so little, even  though it was cut down to . . .We could see the muscle!  But Saber was so strong and so we did, I think it was about 15 butterfly stitches, and super glue. It's all healing up so wonderful.

But at the same time, Olivia, Jireh's wife . . . her brothers were with us too, and they're like other sons of mine. Her mom is like my bestie. John had gone out surfing.

Because the rip tide was so bad, there was one woman, just at her ankles, and she got out to just her knees, and the tide whipped her right out! She was a larger woman, and she came around, did the right thing, but she didn't go far enough. She waved to her friends that she'd be right.

And Jireh can't move. He's like a robot, just watching from the balcony with this huge thing around his neck, just only able to move his eyes. He's saying to Liv, “Liv, she's drowning!”

And then Isaiah was there, and he couldn't swim. He was like, “I would only drown both of us.” So she went round three times! She came around, and the riptide took her out again. She came around, and the riptide took her out again. On the third time, she knew she was drowning.

And they screamed to John, and John went out with his surfboard and was able to save her life. And then he was out, and on the way in, the keel of his surfboard came off and dug into him and did a huge gash in his calf muscle. So Howard had to sew him up. Then he had to sew Sharar up, who knocked his whole front toe off! (Sharar is another of Evangeline’s older sons).

NC: (laughing) So . . .

Evangeline: These things will happen. Luke 21, but it's not the end!

NC: So Howard was really, you know, you went down, of course, to do your kayaking. But really, the whole thing changed.

Evangeline: Exactly. It wasn't about our kayaking at all. God, God so had us there. It was amazing. It was such a time. It was beautiful.

NC: Howard put in full time, wasn't he? Sewing people up! (laughing) Oh yes. So anyway, when we came home, and of course, we were in prayer for everyone. Then we were just, I was on the phone, hearing the news of Maria.

And then Colin was on the other phone, my husband, of hearing the news of a very dear friend, a dear pastor friend, who we've been with for years and years, Shaun Kearney, from New Zealand. His son called to say how he had just gone to be with the Lord.

Sadly, some of his family were in Australia, and they can't even get back to the funeral because nobody can get into New Zealand. They've kind of just cut it off. That has been such a sad thing, hasn't it, about this whole lockdown.

Things are coming out now, how that all the numbers have not been true at all. That the real numbers for COVID have gone right down. I think it was about, oh, I had it before me, and I forgot. They were saying it was 153.504 recorded deaths, and now it’s only 9,210 who actually died from COVID alone.

The heartache that people have had to go through. Our dear friend Willy, a dear friend in California, one of our very dear friends, Willie Tata, he's one of our native New Zealanders. He got pneumonia. They took him to hospital, and he was so bad they even had to give him a blood transfusion because he couldn't even . . . his antibodies couldn't fight this thing.

All he was doing was calling out for his wife. She was home calling out for him, and they couldn't even be together! It was so sad!

And then, we had another dear friend, I guess because we're getting older, some of our dearest friends are passing away. Another dear friend, we had worked in full-time ministry with, many, many years ago. We got a call to say that he had passed away, John Dornan.

Evangeline: You are kidding me!

NC: Yes, John and Andre.

Evangeline: You didn't call me!

NC: Oh goodness me, I'm so sorry!

Evangeline: What's his name?

NC: Shaun.

Evangeline: Oooooohhh . . .

NC: I know. John and Andre, they, oohhh, these people I'm talking to you about, they are not just ordinary people. They were saints of God.

Evangeline: I knew them! They were like uncles.

NC: Yes, John and Andre, they were always, did you notice, they're together. You never saw them ever alone. They were together!

Evangeline: It's interesting that it was in the same week.

NC: No, no. Andre's still alive. No, it was a few weeks ago for John. But anyway, he had had a stroke, and she had said they had to put him in a home  because she couldn't cope with some of the things she had to do for him.

But she would go every single day and spend the whole day with him. Because they were an inseparable couple. They couldn't be separated. But when this COVID thing happened, they told her,  “You can come for half an hour only.”

Evangeline: NO!! No!

NC: Yes.

Evangeline: But what would be the difference? Half an hour, or a day? That's disgusting!

NC: I know, it's been so sad. Well, with half an hour a day, he was languishing. They said he was not expected to die, but he died! And it was because of loneliness, the longing for his wife. It was so sad! And that's just been multiplied, over and over and over again.

But anyway, we're talking about this last week, and while we were hearing of Maria, we were also hearing of our dear friend Shaun. And then the next day, we heard of another precious friend, dear Rosa and Ben Brant. She used to look after Above Rubies in Canada. Such a wonderful beautiful woman.

And her husband, he was blind. But he was, he had such an anointing of God upon him. Such a sweetness of soul. When you were with him, you felt like you were just touching Heaven. And we got the news he had passed away.

Anyway, in the midst of all this, it just brings us closer to eternity, doesn't it? Because I think this is what happens. In this life . . . really, what is it? It's a vapor.

Evangeline: It is.

NC: The Bible says it's a vapor. It's going to be here and gone, like a vapor. Here it is, and then it's gone. And that's what this life is, but we live for the eternal realm that is forever and forever. Yes.

Evangeline: Yes. And when you start to see the aspects of the eternal realm, wow! Yeah, you know, it really does change you. You come back, and you're like, “Whooo! Wow!” This is just, this is just nothing on earth.

NC: I think we have to look at everything in the light of eternity, don't you?

Evangeline: To see somebody who does, who's going through it, like I did, to see someone who does, it literally brings Heaven to earth.

NC: Oh yes, so anyway, I didn't start our series, but we'll start it again for next week. But let me just close the session with this Scripture.

2 Corinthians 4. Yes, and this is talking about those who are going through difficulties, and even those who are feeling weary, and all kinds of infirmities and things.

Verse 16, and it says here, “For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment...” Sometimes we think that our affliction, or what we're going through, it just goes on and on and on. But the Bible says that when we put it on God's scales, it's light! It's but for a moment. And in the eyes of eternity, it's nothing! It's but for a moment.

“And it works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;” Five adjectives are given to describe the glory that will be revealed in us as we go through . . .

Evangeline: 2 Corinthians . . .

NC: Yes, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. So it takes five adjectives to reveal the glory that will be worked in us as we let God come into the situations we're going through. Listen to it again.


Do you see the scales go down? My infirmities, my thing I'm going through, oh, it seems so heavy! But when we put it in God's scale, boom! Up it goes, and down comes the weight of glory.

“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

What does your translation say?

Evangeline: Well, I love how it begins here. It says: “For no wonder . . . ” No wonder! “we don't give up.” What a way to start it! “For even though our outer person gradually wears out, our inner being is renewed every single day. We view our slight, short-lived troubles in the light of eternity. We see our difficulties as the substance that produces for us an eternal weighty glory far beyond all comparison.” That's what I saw and witnessed this week, Mum.

“...because we don't focus our attention on what is seen, but what is unseen.” And that's the choice. We choose that, Mum. That's when you see the glory. “For what is seen is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal.”

NC: That is the Passion Translation. Well, let's pray.

“Father, we thank You that we've been able to talk today about, really, about eternity, about the glory of eternity. We've had little glimpses of it. And Lord, even in all the little things, and the big things that  we have faced over these last couple of weeks, we thank You, Lord, that You are bigger, and You are greater, and You are more glorious.

And Lord, that we can find Your glory and Your anointing in everything. I pray Lord, for every precious mother, young person, grandmother, whoever is listening today, that, Lord, You will pour out Your glory upon them into their situation, into whatever they are going through, Father.

I pray that they will, Lord, choose to see You, and to see Your glory, and, Lord, that that they will see into the eternal realm, and realize that this life is truly a vapor. It's going to be here and gone. But, Lord, we have to prepare, and live, and do everything for the eternal realm. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.”

Transcribed by Darlene Norris.