
FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell


My daughter, Evangeline pops in for a moment to begin the podcast. Then Allison Hartman and I discuss this powerful subject together of how to raise children who are strongly committed to God's truth. I know you will be inspired and encouraged. We then get on to masking on to unmasking! The podcast ends with a great testimony from 18-year-old Audrey Porter from Georgia.

Rocky Barrett: Welcome to the podcast, From Our Home to Yours, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hi ladies! Here I am again. I have Allison Hartman with me again. But Evangeline, my daughter, has also just walked in the door. So she's going to say hi!

Evangeline: Hi, I just ran up the stairs, and she said, say, “Hi!” So I'm saying hi! Hahaha! Hey, I love all you ladies! Keep on doing the most amazing job in the universe. You know what that is? It's raising the next generation to be the leaders, not to be the “yes people.” Not to be a “give me” generation, but sons and daughters who know their God, who'll be strong and do exploits, instead of just being lukewarm.”

Mum, I haven't even told you of my revelation, but it's here, about the John the Baptist. Jesus is like, He's proclaiming how wonderful he is. We're all raising John the Baptists. We are. He says: “Who did you go out to see?”

You know, so many of us mothers, we take (it's good to keep the children clean and lovely and look nice), but He's like: “Who did you go out to see? Someone decked out in the splendid fashion of the day? Those are the ones who live in the lap of luxury.”

I want to tell you, women, I've been thinking about it in the last couple of days. Do you have a home? Do you have clothes that are nice and respectable today? You're living in the lap of luxury. We're living in the lap of luxury. We have no agenda to feel sorry for ourselves, to think, “Who am I? Look what I'm doing.”

Do you know who God called great? John the Baptist. And he didn't . . . He wore skins of camel's hair and ate locusts.

It's not like we're training our children to do that, but we're training our children with a mindset of God that's above the fashion of today. We've got to rise above the fashion of what you think you have to be as a mother, and what you're training your children to be.

I don't care what mothers really think of me, but it's what God's told me and what He thinks of me. And I tell you today, what God thinks of you is none other than, more than all the words of this world. It's amazing what you're doing. It really is.

I just was down there at the Basic Survival Course (BSC) that my sons put on: Basic Survival and Combat. And all these mothers were there with their children. I was just like . . .  these mothers are doing an incredible job. You're doing an incredible job, ladies. Hey, been good, Mum, I gotta fly.

NC: Thanks, I can't believe it, because Allison and I were talking and thinking, we want to talk about raising children to be leaders, and here you just spouted off with that same vision! Thank you!

Evangeline, Go for it!

Allison Hartman: Go for it! (laughter) OK, that's right.

NC: See ya later, Vange! Oh, that is so good. That is so true, isn't it?

AH: Who wants to be raising status quo children? No, no, we want to be . . . that's so boring, right, Vange?

Evangeline: Yes! (She’s now gone down the stairs).

AH: Nobody wants a status quo child, somebody who just takes whatever they're told. I think like with this latest thing going on with the second wave of COVID, where our government is stepping in and telling us what we can and can't do. you know, whether or not you're a masker or a non-masker, I don't think that's what we want to debate. It's really, I think it should be a personal issue. Like you were saying, you hate wearing masks because you can't even breathe. Whereas Colin said he doesn't mind wearing them. He wears them when he mows the yard.

NC: Only when he mows the yard!

AH: But you know, you see, you read on Facebook people fighting, family members fighting, friends fighting. Division, division, division over “You're a masker!” “You're a non-masker!” I've never seen such a divisive topic. I never thought it would happen. But I think what's on my heart is—our children are watching us. Our children are watching.

My 16-year-old Hallie, she's the quietest one in our family. She's the only quiet one in our family. But she is watching and she's paying attention. Every now and then she'll speak up. The other day she said, “You know, we are in, we should be a country of unity. But yet we're creating this country of division. It's divisiveness all over the place.”

I think this mask thing is the next. You know, the COVID started, and then it went into this civil tension war going on with the Black Lives Matter and now it's moving right on into the second wave of it with the masks. So I just feel like with my children, what I want to do is raise leaders, raise thinkers.

Are you doing what you're told because you were just told to do it? Because if that's why you're wearing a mask, because your state, your city, your governor, your mayor, said you must do it, and you're just blindly doing it, you really have to question your motives. Because I'll share this quote with you. I'm going to read it, and then I'm going to actually tell you who said it.

So the quote that I read, it says: “The best way to take control, the best way to take control over a people, and control them utterly, is to take a little bit of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, people will not see the things, those rights and freedoms, being removed, until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”

Who in your mind right now would say that? It was Adolph Hitler. (Although some people say it wasn’t his quote).

So we would be, it would be not wise of us to not remember history, remember what happened in Nazi Germany. Adolph Hitler didn't go in there and just take away everyone's rights, guns, and everything, in one fell swoop. He did it slowly and methodically. He did it so that he eventually could say, “You have no freedom. You have no rights.” So yes, I know you want to say something about that. I don't want to take too much . . .

NC: No, that's fine, but I think you know you're training your children to be able to think, and to know what is right. Of course, our most important thing we're going to do, is going to make them to be children who are filled with the Word of God, and with His principles, because that is our underlying foundation of anything in life.

No matter what it is, I will go to the Word, and I find that God has a word to say about everything we face. We have got to teach our children to do that, and take them to the Word, and talk with them about these things. Also, they're going to see what we're doing.

AH: Sure.

NC: Now, you know, we've got onto masks here. But you know it is preparing us. They are just wearing masks, and many are getting their children to do it. I can't even believe that! How do you get children to wear a mask? I can't believe it.

I mean, I think it is dangerous for little children to have masks on. I think they're dangerous. You know, you can go to the supermarket, and you see a family, and the mother is wearing a mask, and the children, those poor little children. Then I watch her, and she's putting into her trolly, what do you call them here?

AH: Shopping carts.

NC: I still use the old words we used back in New Zealand! And she's putting into her shopping cart all these packaged foods that are refined and filled with sugar. And she's putting in Coke, and she's putting all these junk foods into her shopping cart to take home to feed her children! Goodness me! If she would instead fill her shopping cart with fruits and vegetables and healthy foods, and take off their masks, and let them run around in the fresh air, they'd all be so much healthier.

But our children are going to watch us and to see, well, what are mom and dad doing? What are their convictions? Are they just listening to what everybody says? Or are they really seeking out the truth? What is going on here? And so I think we have do that.

But I believe that this is an hour for raising children to be strong in their convictions. It is so sad that we have a generation of young people who have been educated in our schools, our public schools, our public colleges, and universities. They have been trained and infiltrated with socialism and pro-transgender.

In fact, there are many, many schools where teachers are being commanded to lift up those are who are going into this transgender lifestyle. At a couple of our Above Rubies retreats  last year and the year before, we had a family who came, and this guy's a teacher in New Jersey. He's a high school teacher. He is a godly man.

But he's in that system for his work, and he said, it is just heartbreaking. In one of his classes, he has two children who are in the transgender process. He is commanded to make them heroes in his classroom.

So we are in this generation. Our children are in an environment of absolute deception. If we, as parents, don't give them the truth, and talk out these things with them, and speak about them, and take them into the Word, they are going to be, little by little, just taken in by these things, and accept the lifestyle around them.

We have to raise children who will not accept the status quo lifestyle that is current at this moment, which is pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality and pro-transgender. And now becoming victims to whatever mayors or worldly liberal governors say. This is not the world of USA.

AH: And the irony of this liberal agenda is the same people that will say, “My body, my baby, you can't tell me what to do with it.” These are the same people that are saying they're going to force you to wear a mask! Crazy.

NC: That's, wow. You know, Allison, that is unbelievable. I mean, that is so true. These are the people who are demanding their rights to be pro-choice, to murder precious babies in the womb.

I just received this morning, a message from a dear friend of mine. She lost her precious baby at 10 weeks. She said, “Nancy, could I send you a picture?” I said, “Do.” I couldn't believe it. This beautiful picture of this little baby. You could see this precious baby in the womb. And yet so many are murdering them! Murdering them in cold blood in the womb!

AH: They're celebrating it! Celebrating it!

NC: And these same people who demand their rights to murder are going crazy if we don't submit to wearing a mask, wearing a little mask. What's that got to do with life? Oh, goodness me. We have to watch out for this total hypocrisy! We've got to seek true things. I believe it's . . . I was reading in the Word. Actually I was reading this morning in Deuteronomy. I'm reading through Deuteronomy at the moment. I was reading here, let's see, what was the one I wanted to . . .

Yes, it's chapter three, verse 28. And Moses is speaking. He's talking to Joshua, because Joshua is now going to take the children of Israel into possess the Promised Land. What does it say here? Verse 28: “And God told Moses to say, 'Charge Joshua and encourage him and strengthen him, for he shall go over before this people and take them into the Land.'”

You know, it's amazing, how, throughout the Word of God, and I may give you some more Scriptures, how God always wants people who are going to be leaders to be encouraged and strengthened and charged. He doesn't just say, “OK, this is your job.” No, “I charge you. And encourage you and strengthen you.”

Mother! You must continually charge, encourage, and strengthen your children to stand true and uncompromising in this deceived generation!

OK, if we are raising children who are going to be leaders in this nation, and who are going to stand strong in God's truth, we have to be mothers who are constantly charging them, and encouraging them, and strengthening them. You see, it doesn't just happen. It takes that putting into them, that strengthening them, that encouraging them. Joshua couldn't do that job without that being put into him.

AH: Right, right.

NC: I was so amazed by that. I began to look at some other Scriptures. Maybe I'll give a few, because as we talk about things, it's so good to have the Word. I always want the Word as my underlying foundation of truth. If I haven't got the Word for it, well, I haven't really got anything on which to base my convictions.

But over again, we go to the end of Deuteronomy, 31:7-8 It says: “And Moses called unto Joshua,” and he did it again. “And he said to Joshua, 'Be strong and of a good courage, for you must go with this people into the land. And the Lord,'” here is it, “goes before thee, he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee. Fear not, neither be dismayed.”

And then we go down a few verses to verse 23, and it says: “And Moses gave Joshua the son of Nun a charge.” And again, He doesn't even just do it once. “And said, 'Be strong and of a good courage; for you shall bring the children of Israel into the land.'”

That word, “to be strong and of good courage . . . ” Actually, it's interesting ladies, “be strong” is the Hebrew word chazaq. I think you pronounce it that way. Could be something else. But that's the Hebrew word. “Of good courage,” same word again. The same word is used two times. Be strong! Chazaq! And of good courage! Chazaq!

And what does it mean? “To strengthen, to support, to be strong, to be courageous, to be valiant, to conquer, to seize, to hold fast.” It's a word that's used mostly in battle scenes. And that's how Moses encouraged Joshua because he was going to lead the people.

Now if we have a vision to raise our children to have strong convictions, to be leaders, that would be leaders of maybe just half a dozen, maybe a dozen. Some will be leaders of hundreds. Some will be leaders of thousands. But in whatever capacity, we have to be constantly encouraging, strengthening them into the battle that they're going to face.

I believe that our children, because we are facing it now ourselves, aren't we? A battle. We're in a battle in this nation at the moment. Our children who are growing up, and our young people, they are going to face it. They're the ones who are going to have to have the strong convictions. But we are the ones who are going to put it into them. Amen?

AH: Yeah. And I was just thinking, we all have children of all different types of personalities.

NC: Yes!

AH: So when you say be a leader, or be strong or courageous, it doesn't necessarily look the same in every person.

NC: No! It does not.

AH: You can have a timid, shy child that you can encourage to be a leader, to be . . . My oldest is very much the oldest type, very typical oldest child. But my next two are not so much.

NC: Goodness me, you might say that they're quiet, the most beautiful girls, but I have listened to Eden sit around our table, even when you haven't been here. They were up two weeks ago, and oh, speak out  with such strong convictions!

And then you look at Hallie, only 16, so quiet and beautiful, but my, she is a strong, strong person. You see her going into marriage, being a mother who will just impart strong convictions into her children. You don't have to be people like you and I who are crazy radicals! (laughter) But you can be soft and quiet, but strong, unmoved in your godly convictions.

AH: Something that's so been passionate in my life, because I think we all have to choose our (of course choose the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be our main message that we want to always share), but then I think we all have our own personal gospel.

So for me it has been, since I was a high schooler, has been speaking out for the unborn. A year and a half ago, I was in the shower, and I had this thought that I wanted to put together a shirt that as people looked at it, and they saw my family in this church, they would immediately think, “Protect life.” Protect life, protect life.

So the front of the shirt says, “Choose life,” and the back of the shirt says, “A person's a person no matter how small.” So we've taken that shirt, and we've ended up selling almost 2000 of them. We've given all the money to our local pregnancy centers and Above Rubies.

It's so neat, because my girls will wear those proudly. I don't even tell them to put them on. They'll wear them to volleyball practice. They're not ashamed of them. They're proud of them!

Something my husband was recently listening to . . . it was a group of politicians. They were discussing this whole Black Lives Matter movement, which (but not necessarily getting into that). One thing these politicians were faced with, they were definitely pro-Black Lives Matter.

The guy said, “Yes, ALL Black lives matter! Even the lives of the black unborn.” And the people that were so powerfully for the BLM movement, they completely were silent. The reason I'm saying that is I think it's very important for us to realize that it's OK to be bold and courageous and strong and convicted about certain things.

Let's definitely remember that those unborn, they can't protest for themselves. They can't hang signs up or go downtown to protest. They are, it's a silent scream in there. 

It's just neat to see my children, the ones that aren't necessarily... God made them super-vocal. They still are taking this in, whether it's just wearing a t-shirt, or just sitting down and sharing with somebody, “Hey, I do believe that black lives matter, but I believe ALL black lives matter, even those in the womb, especially those in the womb, because they can't defend themselves.”

Definitely something that struck me pretty powerfully when he said that, that those people were speechless. They didn't have anything else to say. So anyway . . .

NC: Yes, that is so powerful! Yes, let me just give you one or two more Scriptures. I have a few here, a few of so many. We go to Joshua. This time, ladies, it says, “And the Lord spoke unto Joshua.” This is amazing, because Moses has now passed away. Before, it was Moses putting into him, but now God speaks, and He says the same words again, Be strong and of a good courage.” And then he goes, Only be thou strong, and VERY courageous (Joshua 16, 7).

I think that this is an hour for no longer being status quo. We, as believers, we can't be those who say, “Oh well, you know, I'm not sure . . . ” No! We have to, we've got to know what God says! And we've got to be prepared to speak it out. To do that, you have to be not only courageous, but VERY courageous! That's what the Word says here. Very courageous!

When you get a chance later, go to Joshua chapter one. Look at it in your Bible, and underline that very courageous.” Yes! And then it goes on to say: “Turn not from His Word to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper. This book of the law . . . ” I love this. I memorized this verse when I was just a young teenager. And it's been part of my life all throughout my life.

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein. For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Have not I commanded thee, be strong?” Here is it again!

Oh, God keeps saying this to Joshua, and He told Moses to keep saying it to him. “Be strong and of good courage. Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee, whithersoever thou goest.”

In 2 Chronicles 35:2, Josiah set the priests in their charges, and encouraged them in the service of the house of the Lord. That's that word chazaq again, meaning “to strengthen, to be valiant and courageous.”

So that's what we as mothers are doing to our children. We're just spurring them on to be valiant and courageous and strong in the things of God; and who will not waver, who, when they go out into this world, they will stand. Isn't that your greatest prayer?

Oh, you know, that's why so many are homeschooling, because they know their children are not yet ready to face the lions. Because there are lions out there. Lions devour little lambs. That's what they want to do. So we don't send our little lambs out amongst the lions. But we're getting them ready. We're strengthening them, We are pouring into them to be strong and valiant and courageous, and to conquer so that when they go out, they will not waver.

As it says in Ephesians 6:13 that they” will stand and having done all, stand.” They'll still be standing, even after the lions have been after them! Because they will get the lions.

God speaking through Haggai the prophet, says in Haggai 2:4: Be strong, O Zerubbabel. Be strong, O Joshua the high priest. And be strong, all ye people of the land, says the Lord. For I am with thee, says the Lord of Hosts.”

Joab, when he was fighting the Syrians, he said to his army: Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly(1 Chronicles 19:13) Isn't that good? They're all using that same Hebrew word.

2 Samuel 10:12. It's really the same story, but in Samuel it says here: “Be of good courage,” chazaq, “and let us play the man.” I love that. Have you heard that phrase, “play the man?”

AH: Hmm, no.

NC: Yes, it's there in the King James Bible, but when I was reading through the Knox translation of the Bible, every time that it talks about “be strong and courageous,” it was always translated, “play the man.” Now that is a phrase that means, OK, when it says, “play the man,” I love it. Because it means “act like a man”! Men are meant to be strong, valiant, courageous. So act like men!


NC: Good phrase for today, isn't it?

AH: Sure.

NC: Sadly, we have . . .

AH: And that doesn't mean that women need to act manly in normal life.

NC: No!

AH: But we can act manly in our convictions.

NC: Isn't that right?

AH: Be warriors and fight for what we believe in.

NC: That's right. There he's speaking to men to be valiant in battle. But we, as women, have to be valiant in the battle . . . for this battle between evil and righteousness, and good and evil, and the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light. We're in this battle.

AH: One thing I was going to encourage. Something I find that I have a, sometimes challenging thing, to engage in conversation with my teenagers. I have found with the latest things going on in this society today, that a couple of mine have been really interested in what's going on. So I encourage dads and moms to really sit down with your teenagers (I don't really like that word) your young people.

NC: Your young people, yes.

AH: And ask them, “What do you think?”

NC: Exactly!

AH: “What do you think about these protests? How do you feel about this burning down of statues and knocking things down?” It has been, I've had some of the best conversations with a couple of mine. And they have gotten really . . .  Letting them hear what's going on, obviously in a protected way. You're not going to just hand them a phone and say, “You go research it yourself,” because they can really see some stuff you don't want them to see.

But don't be scared of letting them hear what's going on in social events and current events, and then letting them make those judgments for themselves. Bringing them back to Scripture, and then letting them process this, helping them process this.

“What should we do as Christians?” Again, that is how we're preparing them, so from Mom sitting there saying, “OK, this sounds great, but how does that look like in everyday life?” It's sitting down with your 16-year-old, taking their phones from them and saying, “Let's talk. Did you hear that this happened? Now what do you think about that? And how would you have reacted?”

NC: Yes!

AH: Or “Hey, we're about to go into this store. They're going to require masks. What are we going to do as a family? What do you think you should do?” And not just letting them follow you and do whatever you think. But question authority, Is your authority . . .

NC: Yes. So what have your older girls said when you asked them, “OK, you're not wearing a mask.” And what has been their attitude?

AH: Yeah, I think instead of just saying, “Well, whatever Mom and Dad say,” they have been researching it for themselves. We have found that there's definitely some health risks to wearing masks.

NC: Absolutely!

AH: And so because they've been able to view that research on their own, they have an opinion of their own. So when they have gone into a store, and they don't feel like they want to wear masks. They're not sick. They don't feel like it's necessary. Then they've been able to handle that themselves, instead of me telling them, “This is what you're going to say.” It's not just going to be masks; it's going to be everything.

NC: Oh! Everything!

AH: Because everything is going to come up. Because this is just the beginning.

NC: It is, and I think, you know, we're just using masks as an illustration. But it is something to talk about, because first of all, of course, we know that they are not healthy for you. I am surprised that so many people are willing to become victims. Why are people willing to become victims? I do not know.

But you know they are not healthy. Because when we have a mask on, we are breathing out and exhaling our carbon dioxide, which gets trapped when we have a mask. So we keep breathing back the waste that we're meant to breathe out into the fresh air. We're meant to breathe it out, so we can breathe in fresh air. But instead they're breathing in that stale exhaled waste air. And that is ridiculous!

Oh goodness me, I refuse to do that! I just simply refuse. Actually, there are things that you know within yourself that they're just not right. Even if you didn't know the science, and you didn't understand it. OK, they are unhealthy because of what you're doing. You're breathing in your carbon dioxide again. But even if you didn't know that, somehow you know it's not healthy.

It's like back in the years when we started raising our family. And even before God revealed to us His truth about being open to embrace children, we were still, back in those days . . . we started to use some form of birth control. But I would never, I couldn't never, never, never bring myself to use the pill because I knew it was harmful to my body.

Now it's the same thing with the masks. I know it is harmful to my body. I'm not going to wear it. Apart from that, I believe it's more than that. Because I believe it's a symbol of dumbing us down, of silencing our mouths, of tyranny over the population.

OK, I am happy for anyone who wants to wear a mask. But we live in America, the land of the free, and the home of the brave, where we should have the freedom to do what we feel is right. So therefore, we who are healthy, should be able to go without masks because we want to breathe in the fresh air. Also, we're not going to be intimidated by this leftist social fake media, and fake mayors and governors who are trying to rule their constituents.

AH: Right, they're just overstepping there.

NC: It is tyranny, tyranny in the land of the free! And why are people being victims? If everybody said No to this, well, there would be no trouble at all.

AH: Right. And I'm so encouraged by your story in college, because you're . . .

NC: Oh yes! Now we have right here beside us, Audrey, who is my new Above Rubies helper. They are recording our session today. Audrey was just sharing a little incident that she faced. Why don't you share it, Audrey?

Audrey: Of course. So I go to school at Athens Tech when I'm not here at Above Rubies. Athens Tech

had sent out an email to all of the students saying how they would really love it if we would all wear masks, but it is not required to go to school.

So I showed up at my school and walked into my classroom without a mask on. I had two teachers there that day. One of my teachers looked at me kinda funny and pulled the other teacher into the office and started talking to her. They both walked back out. She said, “Where's your mask?”

I said, 'I feel comfortable without one. I don't mind if anyone else wears one, but I'm not going to have one today.” She looked at me very strange, and she said, “I would really like it if you would put a mask on. I would really appreciate that.”

I was like, “Well, it's not an Athens Tech law that we have to have it on. It's not a policy written out.”

She said, “Yes I understand that, but I'm the teacher here, and I'm requiring you to put one on to be in my classroom.” She wasn't even the main teacher. She was an assistant teacher.

So I said “I have to respectfully disagree with you. It's not an Athens Tech policy, so I don't have to put one on.” So she said, “Well, I'm going to require you to leave and go get one.” At the time, the college had a policy that once we showed up for class, we couldn't leave until we were ready to be done for the day. I said, “I'm not done for the day yet, so I'm not going to leave. Do you have a mask I can put on? I'll help you out today, and I'll put one on if you have one for me.” I knew she didn't have one.

She said, “No, I don't have one.” I said, “Well, I'm not going to leave.” She got very frustrated and said that she would have to go work in a separate building because she didn't feel comfortable being there.

It was kinda scary. I went to the bathroom, and I called my mom. I was like, “Oh my goodness, this is happening, what should I do?” And she said, “Well, do what you know is right, because that's what we've taught you to do.”

So I walked back in there with a new courage that I knew what I had to do, and she really encouraged me to act on it. It was definitely scary, but it gave me a lot of encouragement. I feel like we're being tricked into thinking we don't have power. Especially young people, that we follow the guidelines that  we've been taught, and we don't waver from them. It gave me so much encouragement to think that I have authority to stand up for what I believe in and to stand up for what's right.

NC: Oh, I love that.

AH: You were probably the only student in the class that didn't have a mask.

Audrey: Actually I was not. The other students, after that, started taking their masks off. Only one of them kept the mask on the whole day, because I believe she had someone in her family that had an autoimmune disorder. I do as well, but she was not scared of it either. My sister has an autoimmune disorder. And she said, “I eat healthy, I haven't had any problems, so I'm not scared.” After that, a lot of the other students started taking their masks off, and weren't scared any more, which was such empowerment! That when you stand up for what's right, you change the world. You really do!

NC: That is amazing! Because it only took one person to take a stand. That is the most powerful thing of this whole session. That  is so wonderful! Thank you!

AH: I think in our city, everybody who's listening, probably most of you had your mayors come down and say you must wear masks. Again, I don't think we or you are trying to tell everyone that they should or shouldn't wear a mask. That's not the point. 

NC: No! It's the freedom!

AH: The point is, it's the freedom. Don't just feel like, don't force your . . . If you have young people who are on their own, don't encourage them to, “Hey, be submissive. Make sure you do whatever you told.”

Because it's not going to just be masks next time. It's going to be something else. It's not just . . . they

are going to be asked to do things that maybe you wouldn't even want them to do, even if you're a pro-masker out there.

But if you're raising your children to be “Yes, ma'am!” type people, then what happens when someone comes along and says, “Hey, don't you think that it's OK to question your sexuality?” “Well, my mom never really taught me to question things, so I guess you're right.”

We just get into this rut, kind of, of constantly taking what we're told, and not questioning authority. Not that we want to raise rebellious children, but we definitely want to raise children like Audrey, that will think for themselves, that are not scared to stand up for things like . . . Stand up for the unborn, and do it boldly, and do it unapologetically.

NC: Yes, and I think we have to also know what is the truth. Now each state, you need to find out, is it a statutory law in your state? If it is not an actually written statutory law, you do not have to obey it at all. In fact, they are in the wrong in putting it on you.

So we have to watch these things, because I think this mask thing is really just indicative of a trial run. Because, OK now, you're not allowed to go into the shop if you don't have a mask. You're not allowed to do this, (gasp) you're not allowed to do that (gasp)!

Now, what happens when we know, according to the Bible, there is going to come a time when we will face the mark of the beast? OK, it's all these believers who are already giving in to just wearing a little mask. They can't even be prepared to stand up for freedom in this! How are they going to stand up against the mark of the beast when they will not be allowed to buy or sell unless they take it?

Now that's going to take strength, and that's going to take martyrdom. Well, we'd better learn to have convictions now, and practice standing up. I believe with all my heart. Oh, what do you say?

AH: It's so true. I'm almost saddened to see a lot of the fighting that's going on on social media. I was sharing with you earlier, just how, like as a business owner, is this going to affect our business? Are people going to start, “Well, I'm not doing business with a local bakery in our town.”

They've been around for 50 years. They made a post on Facebook that they were not going to allow people to come into their store without a mask on. Just simply, they didn't say whether they agreed or disagreed. But the comments that they got! One lady said, “I'm canceling my cake orders! From now on, I will never walk into your store again!”

And then you've got others saying, “Oh, thank you for supporting people that have immunity issues!” I thought, my goodness, over masks, you've got such fighting and division! Families basically writing off their children because they don't agree with masks. Goodness! And you're right. It's just going to be . . . the next time will be something more important than masks.

NC: Yes, it comes back to, you know, this freedom that we have in this nation. We are the land of the free, and I believe we should keep our freedoms. We should stand for our freedoms, and not let them go. But anyway, we could talk for hours about a thousand things, and we must end now. We're over time.

Oh, Father, we've got a little bit controversial for some people, maybe, on this podcast, but we're so used to talking about things like this, and controversial things. We just think it's normal. But Lord, we pray, that You will help us all, Lord God, to seek You, and Lord, not to be victims of, Lord, a media which is a fake media, Lord, which is dishing out lies, and which is pro-murder in the womb, and pro-transgender, and hateful of God, and against the church.

“Lord, why, why do believers listen to these words that are coming from these people? Help us to be discerners, Lord, to discern who is speaking.

“Lord, most of all, we want to hear You. We want to dig into Your Word. We want to hear Your Voice speaking into our hearts. Give us courage, Lord, courage. Help us to be strong and valiant and courageous. Very courageous to stand in this hour, and to stand according to Your Word, and to stand for our freedoms according to the Constitution. We ask it in the precious Name of Jesus. Amen.”