
FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell


College, Vasectomies, and Vaccinations! Join in as Brittany Howell and I talk about these controversial subjects.

Nancy Campbell: Hello again, ladies. At the moment, Serene and Sam and three of their boys, and Pearl and Charlie, and Kendall and Meadow and their little boy are down in New Zealand and Australia. They are going back to their roots. This is where we were all born and bred. We actually come from New Zealand and then we lived for ten years in Australia. So this is the very first time they will have taken their husbands down to the bottom of the world to see where they lived. So it’s going to be such a precious time.

So we have some of the girls and precious little Remmy staying with us. Breezy just passed by so I called her to the podcast seat.

Breezy, can you hello to the ladies?

Breezy Allison: Hello!

NC: Breezy is ten years old and on Friday evening we had Breezy’s Ball. Every year we have Breezy’s Ball and it all started when she was four years of age. Breezy always loved to dance and loved to dress up like a princess and be a princess and one day marry a prince.

Breezy: Yeah!

NC: [Laughing] So anyways, Serene said, “We’re going to have a ball for Breezy and I want everyone to dress up like princesses and all the men to dress up like princes or knights or men in armor or whatever. And it was just the most glorious night, because when we have a birthday party, even for a little child, we have a family party. So, it was so great, we made it a tradition. So now, we’ve just had Breezy’s ten-year-old ball.

But anyway, Breezy, why don’t you just tell the ladies your latest Bible memory verse. Can you say it?

Breezy: Yep, okay. John 15:7: “If ye abide in Me and My words abide in ye, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” John 15:7.

NC: That is so great. Great darling, you can pop downstairs now, and how are you getting on with your story?

Breezy: I finished it

NC: Oh you finished, good on you!

Well ladies, I’ve got Brittany with us again for this session. So I know we are going to have a great time. We don’t quite know what we are going to talk about yet, but I know its going to be great. Yes, we got on to talking about homeschooling in our last session. Then after the session, Brittany and I got to talking about college and how so many students and even their parents are getting into debt over this, and it’s really quite a negative on their life. Tell me what you were sharing with me, Brittany.

Brittany Howell: So many of my friends have debt. One of the moms that’s in my little group, she has a couple children and she is my age and her husband has over $100,000 in school debt that they have not been able to pay off. She told me it’s such a burden. Like it’s always there in the back of her mind, knowing that she has to pay it off.

NC: Yes, and is he fulfilling the degree that he got? That’s huge.

BH: No, he’s doing something different.

NC: Exactly, I know. You find that this happens over and over again. Young people go to college, and they go because, well that’s what you do, so off they go. And they end up with all this debt. And they get through college and they don’t even use their college degree. Most times they get into something different, so it has already been a waste of time.

And I think it’s something we do have to think about ladies. Some of you have got children, you know, maybe going to college, maybe some are getting ready to go, maybe some are just little ones and you’re thinking, how will we pay for it all? This is why a lot of parents limit their families. They stop having children because they think, we will not be able to afford to send more children to college. If we can get two through college that will be amazing! Really, it is a ploy of the enemy to stop the godly seed coming into the world. There are other ways.

Did you know, ladies, we don’t have to do everything status quo, just like everybody else does? There are always ways. Today we are so blessed with a whole computer age, that young people can do their college degrees online without even going to college and without spending so much money. That can be a wonderful idea.

There are some that do, definitely, need a college degree, especially men who are growing up and that is their bent where they are going, they’ll need a college degree. But there are many who don’t actually need a college degree. They just go to college because that is what you do. And they can get on with life and do amazing things. In fact, I think the statistics are that most of the millionaires and billionaires in our country, not one of them has been to college.

BH: True, most of them dropped out at high school is what I read.

NC: Yes, of our six biological children, I have to confess, not one has been to college and yet they are all doing things that people with college degrees haven’t gotten around to doing.

So, you know, our life is not dependent on a college degree, it’s dependent on the gift God has put within us. My father always used to say, “A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before kings.” That’s not just my father’s words, by the way, it’s a Scripture, in the Word of God. But He believed it, and he raised us on it, and it’s true. It was true for his own life, in the things that he did in his life. They brought him before kings. He had a number of opportunities where he spoke with the queen and so on. You know, this is what happens. Your gift makes room for you in this world.

BH: And God provides where you need to go as well, to step out and go into debt, He hasn’t given you that provision to be able to do that yet, He hasn’t provided the money. For my husband, when he decided he wanted to go to seminary, he bought and flipped a house and took the profit off of the house and that paid for his entire seminary so that when we got married we had no college debt, no anything, because he was committed to not going into debt over it and assumed if God wanted him to go to seminary, or anywhere else, He was going to have to provide the money for him to go. And that was his conviction.

NC: Wonderful testimony. Yes, it’s just a matter, I think, of thinking outside the box. Well, I should say there’s a better way of saying that. I think it’s just thinking Bible. Instead we think humanistically. What does society do? We just go along with what everybody else is doing.

And so, I think if you are in this time, this season, where you have children getting ready for college, think about these things before you send them off because that’s what you do. There are other ways. Maybe they could do their college degree online.

I know a family, and I’ve stayed with this family, and she has written a little book and you can order it, it’s on my Above Rubies webpage, www.aboverubies.org. It’s called “His BA was only 8K” and this is about her 16-year-old son who got his BA when he was only 16, never going to college. She homeschooled all her children.

Those who were needing college degrees have just continued to study and then they would go the college and just do the tests, and she learned how to do that. And that’s all they had to do. They didn’t have to put their vulnerable young people into these colleges, which one time, years ago, were great places for learning, but now they are breeding grounds for socialism. They are not the place to send our very young people.

So, they were still able to get their degrees and their young son got a BA at sixteen. Wow, when he had that on his resume, it just opened the world for him, doors everywhere. You see, there are other ways of doing things. I think it’s important to pray about it and I don’t believe God intends our children or us to get into debt over college.

BH: And it’s not just the debt, it’s the time lost, too. If you go for four years, you need to think about how many thousands of hours you are spending learning. Is that what you want to learn? Is it what God has called you to learn? It’s a time/cost analysis of what you’re not doing. You’re not able to be working as much to be saving up money to buy a house for your future wife to be more prepared. So for us it was a blessing when we came together in marriage, since both of us had no debt and we had a bunch of money saved up. There wasn’t so much pressure on us that so many young couples feel. Not only did we not have debt, but we were actually able to work and do things in the four years we would have gone to school to actually make money.

NC: Yes, that’s wonderful and I think this is what we need to put into the hearts of our young people as we’re raising them, that they are preparing for marriage. Now most young people today, it’s not even in their brain, they’re not even thinking about marriage. In fact, the statistics are for USA that the average age of a man marrying today is 29 years of age and for women it is 27.5 or something.

Just think of all those beautiful twenties, just gone. And those are the most wonderful years of childbearing, they are just lost. And what have they been doing? Just getting debt, and yes, studying many times, and sometimes they will purposefully use those, but many times they don’t even use those degrees.

So we have to give them purpose. “What are you going to do in life? God’s intention for you is to get married and raise a family.” That is God’s original intention. My, even in the Christian church today, young people don’t even know God’s original intention. Their parents haven’t even told them. Their pastors don’t even preach about it. My it’s time we got back to the Bible. We’ve gone out so far on a limb and we’ve got to just come back. But what you have to know dear mothers, is God is with you and He is for your children and He is working it all out. And you’re going to be surprised at what God will do. Amen?

And I’ve got another book about college. What is it Gosia? What is it called?

Gosia (Above Rubies Helper): Chucking College.

NC: That’s right,” Chucking College.” That’s another book you could get by checking Amazon. This is written by Melanie Ellison. She went off to college. She started off there and, oh my, she just didn’t find this was where she was meant to be. She saw what was going on and didn’t feel it was going to really help her life, so, she chucked it. Anyway, she didn’t chuck it and do nothing. No, she felt that she could accomplish more in life by establishing herself in business. I think that she has actually done about three different businesses that have all been very, very successful. So, that’s another book you could read as you’re thinking and praying about these things.

Okay, now another thing we got to talk about yesterday at our mother’s luncheon, we got talking about that V word. There are a couple of V words. I wonder which one we’ll talk about first. Let’s start on Vasectomy, that V word. Actually, you know, that’s just so common today, isn’t it? So many men are getting what they like to call, “get the snip, “and they like to think nothing of it.

And not even in the secular world, but in the Christian church, so many men just go along with society. Okay, we have two or three children. And I think men, are perhaps, you know, they are affected by society too. They are working out amongst men and all their mates have got the snip and all their mates have got a couple of children and they’re all struggling to think how they’ll put their children through college one day so we’ll just fix this, it’s easy, let’s just go and get the snip. But I believe there are repercussions and I think it is something we have to think very carefully about.

In fact, I believe myself, I’ve always felt that I don’t think we can do anything to our bodies to change the way that God created us, because God’s works are perfect. You know that Scripture, “All His works are perfect” and all His creation is glorious and perfect, and His highest creation was male and female.

Every single little tiny way He created our bodies is perfect and when we go into our bodies and seek to completely change the way it works, I don’t think we get away with it. What do you think?

BH: No, anytime we mess with God’s design there are going to be consequences for it—physically, emotionally, maritally, and spiritually, in all of the realms.

NC: Yes, I know and yet, you will find if you go onto the web, you could put in something like that, “Are there problems if you get a vasectomy? What are the repercussions?” and you’ll get all these articles coming up saying “No worries, mate.”

They don’t quite say it like that, but oh yes, you get these articles from doctors saying “Oh yes, you know, everything’s fine. We don’t have any problems, it’ll all be okay, you just go ahead.” But behind the scenes, that’s not actually true. Have you heard of any situations?

BH: Yes, it’s been surprising, actually, a couple years ago, I think someone had actually shared an article with me about the concerns of vasectomies and I had posted it or something and I started getting so many messages and so many moms reaching out and talking to me, because, I didn’t even know there were so many complications following vasectomies.

One of the bigger ones that’s just recently come out are autoimmune issues. Because when they do the vasectomy, God designed the man to produce sperm, the sperm can’t be stopped from production, they’re just rerouting it. So where does it end up after about a year and a half? In the bloodstream, and then your body begins attacking itself. I’ve even been finding this true even just in general life, if I come across men who have autoimmune issues and I’m able to ask, “Have you had a vasectomy?” it’s almost always, yes they have, and a year or two later these major symptoms start showing up.

NC: Absolutely, I know someone very personally who has struggled with autoimmune problems for years and I know it was from his vasectomy. In fact, in one of our retreats, a family retreat, Colin and I were speaking there, and this man, this husband, was in a wheelchair, and that was after his vasectomy. And he had been a great sportsman and so active and Colin just shared with him and said, “You know, you can get a reversal?” and he did. He got a reversal and he came out the wheelchair.

BH: That’s amazing. And I think the less common or the less known about side effects were what surprised me the most. In a couple of the Mom’s groups I’m in, many of them shared that after the vasectomy, their husband has such pain afterwards during lovemaking that it has been so hard for them to deal with that amount of pain and that no doctor warned them about that first and some of the moms were arguing saying, “It didn’t affect my husband, we’re great.”

And then one of the moms actually came back about a year or two later and said that her husband had just shared with her how much pain there has been but he hasn’t wanted to say it or share it because it’s a sensitive topic for men. They don’t want there to be any issues there and so many of them are in pain in that time with their wives and don’t admit it anymore. So I think it’s one other attack that Satan is using and bringing against couples and keeping them apart.

NC: Yes, absolutely. This is where, you know, the very first thing that God did when He brought the male and female together was, He said they’ll leave their father and mother and be joined and become one flesh. Now, everything that God has ordained, the enemy comes against. He seeks to distort it and to destroy it and so he will do anything to come against this one flesh experience because it’s God-ordained.

And even, you know, that incredible oneness, even flesh oneness, and the oneness of spirit and soul. Oneness is also revealing the oneness of the triune God, you know, the Holy Spirit, the Son, the Father, they are intertwined as one in total unity. We, as male and female, are revealing the image of God.

How does God reveal His image? He does it in flesh and blood, He does it through us. This is a revelation of the oneness of God and the enemy comes against it in so many areas and this is just another area. So these are things, dear wives and mothers, people just take them for granted today, even doctors and things you read on the internet, “Oh it’s all okay” but we have to think seriously because there’s too many incidents behind the scenes they don’t publish. And who would want it, I mean, I would be too scared to go ahead and think oh that could happen. That could be the end?

BH: Yes, permanent issues.

NC: Yes, and I’ve had a book in my library for years, actually it’s an old book, but you can still get it on the internet. The statistics are still the same, it was back in 1993 it was published by H. J. Roberts (Dr. Roberts), and it’s called “Is Vasectomy Worth the Risk?” and he brings out the statistics there that after a vasectomy, that the risk for cancer goes up 56%, but after a man has had a vasectomy for 22 years or longer that then his risk goes up 89% for prostrate cancer, which is almost 90%.

And, you know, we do see that in society, don’t we? We see so many men with prostrate problems today, who now have cancer. And of course there are other cancers, too, with those statistics. Where did I read that? Somewhere.

BH: And there’s marital tension many times that comes about when the husband and wife aren’t in agreement., I know moms have shared the most hurtful thing in their marriage has been when their husband has gotten one and they haven’t been in agreement on it.

NC: Yes, oh yes, that’s so hard, yes. We were, Colin and I, were asked to speak at a marriage seminar, quite a number of years ago, and when we arrived there, we met the pastor  and his wife, and they both looked yellow. Oh goodness me, they were yellow! And we found out it was because they were carrot juicing and they were juicing so many carrots that their skin had gone quite yellow. And the reason they were juicing was because he had prostrate cancer and he was seeking to do everything in his power to overcome it.

So anyway, that was fine, but I was speaking to the women on marriage and Colin was speaking to the men separately and he was talking about marriage, and then someone piped up with a question. This was towards the end of one of the sessions, and he said, “Well, I’ve got the feeling that you don’t agree with vasectomies and birth control and all that. Can you tell us what you think about that?

So Colin thought, well, I am here under the covering of this pastor so I will have to put it to him. So, he said to the pastor, “Would you be happy for me to talk about this subject?” and the pastor said, “Yes.” Then Colin talked for a while and the pastor got up and he said, “My congregation, I have not ever told you this before, but you all know that I have prostrate cancer.” And he said, “I know it was because I got a vasectomy.” And he was very aware that that was the source of it.

BH: And it’s sad that it’s not being talked about in churches. That great churches, that love the Lord, are completely leaving the topic of birth control out. I remember when me and my husband went to get married, one of the premarital questions that was asked, was like, “So which birth control are you guys going to use?”

NC: That’s usual isn’t it?

BH: It’s terrible that it’s not being talked about. And so vasectomies, I agree, are in the church, too, because there are no men of God that are really speaking out against it so a lot of men are either feeling pressure from their wives to do it because their wives are done, or pressure from others.

NC: Yes, yes. And even tubal litigations. The statistics are that most tubal litigations will eventually lead to a hysterectomy. So we can’t tamper with our bodies and get away with it. I remember way back in the beginning days, before I understood what I do today, and before I had the revelation of God’s heart for children, and, you know, we were saying, “Oh, well perhaps we’d better use something to stop having children.” And before we ever got to knowing God’s full revelation, I knew I could never use the pill. And it was becoming so common, and something inside me, although I didn’t know  at that time, well I was just coming into God’s wonderful understanding of the blessing of children, but I knew I couldn’t ever do that because it was going to tamper with the way God created me. And we know all the side effects that happen from that, but people just don’t seem to care. Don’t they understand the intricateness of their body? It’s perfect, and God made it, and it was made for a purpose.

BH: And I think that God’s grace is there, that there are vasectomy reversals, that not every decision, every mistake we have made, can we reverse and there’s always going to be consequence of it. But if you’ve had one done, or your husband has and you feel convicted, I would say, don’t let the cost of a reversal throw you off. Because I know they can be several thousand dollars but I’ve also heard amazing stories of couples who humbly went to God and repented, you know, and either did it out of ignorance or disobedience, whichever, and said, “God forgive us and give us the funds to be able to reverse this, to put my husband’s body back the way You designed” and God has miraculously provided for them each and every time. And so many couples have been able to get it reversed.

NC: Oh, Yes. And there are doctors who do it at a reduced rate. You can email me for that. I can give you the names of those doctors. And the testimony of so many mothers that even I know who’ve had reversal babies. I have a dear friend, she has, I think she may have five reversal babies. They started off and then got the snip, because they were just victims of society, but along the way God revealed to them His plan and oh, they just wanted to have more children.

Of course what happens too, often after a vasectomy or tubal, the couple begins to long for children again, especially the wife, the mother, because God created us this way, He created our womb to long for life. As it says in Proverbs chapter thirty, there are four things that never say, “It is enough” that are never satisfied, and one is the barren womb. It longs for life and a mother may feel kind of overwhelmed with her little two or three children all around her, “Oh, this is too much” and they do something permanent. But then, that womb begins to long for life again, but they can get it reversed.

But this couple that I know, they said, “We had friends at the same time, they all did the snip, we did it together.” She said, “Now I look at their lives, and their two children, they’ve grown up, and they are totally bored, they’ve got nothing. We have these children all around us, and now some of the older ones are getting married and grandchildren are coming on. We have a life! It’s just so amazing! And we’d have missed out on it if we hadn’t done that reversal, you know.”

Well, there’s another V and it’s a controversial one too. And that’s Vaccination. Did you vaccinate any of your children?

BH: Our adopted child is partially vaccinated as required by law, but no, not the others.

NC: So, what caused you to make that decision?

BH: For us, it honestly started with, we just wanted to know what was inside the vaccines. We started with that because we thought we are careful with what we put in our children’s bodies, you know, we cook from scratch, we don’t give them dyes, we don’t want all that stuff. So it was just natural to be like, okay, a doctor wants to put these inside them, let me just see what the ingredients are.

So I just started looking up the ingredients, and I was horrified to learn what was inside of them, probably the most concerning being aborted fetal cells, which I did not even know that when my oldest was getting his partial vaccines as he was being adopted. I did not even know that there were babies that were murdered and aborted and used in, I think 26 of the vaccines have the aborted baby’s DNA and proteins in them.

So, as someone who is pro-life who has adopted, who has worked with many abortive moms, who goes to the abortion mills regularly, that was horrifying, that I could stand up for life and take in children and foster children we’ve had several times, and stand up in front of an abortion mill, and turn around and at a doctor’s office inject some of a baby into my child, that alone was horrifying. So of course, you know, I began looking up that. How many hundreds and hundreds of babies were used in the process to develop the vaccines. We just kept looking at other ingredients, I mean many other, monkey, sheep, pork, blood, many other things that we are commanded against to not consume, you know it’s not wise for us either, they’re also in vaccines as well. So it started for us with just looking up the ingredients.

NC: Yes, and then, of course, we see what has happened to so many children through these, although, once again, if you go to the internet and you look up about vaccinations, you’ll see nothing, it’s all fine, there will be no problems. It just seems as though we’re dumbed down with all this information. And yet, then we hear the testimonies. In fact, the first testimony I ever got was when I was a young mum. I started off vaccinating my children because once again I was a victim, I can’t believe how I was a victim in those days. Oh goodness me! I’m nothing like a victim now. It’s true that we grow in knowledge and we grow in our convictions, don’t we?

And so, praise the Lord, they didn’t hardly vaccinate much back then, it was just a few basics, but anyway one day, I was just going down the road, with my children in the stroller. No, maybe my twins in the stroller, and my little boy walking beside me, and this lady was at her gate, and I stopped and got to talk, and she said, “Oh, lovely to see your children. I have a little girl who’s the same age as your little boy. Would you like to come in and see her?”

So I came in. I walked into the bedroom, and there was this little girl, lying on the bed, a vegetable. She couldn’t see, hear, talk, do anything. She was a complete vegetable, but beautiful. This mother said to me, “She was a perfect baby until she had her three-month shot, and that was that. When I saw that, before my very eyes, that finished it for me. I mean, before I even got into really learning and finding out all the information, that was it. I never, ever, vaccinated again. That was enough for me. But, of course, you know, there are so many testimonies, and of course you can find out also the true studies and so on. But they’re trying to vaccinate our children more and more aren’t they?

BH: They added new ones to the schedule. There are hundreds just being tested.

NC: And yet, that’s not all the diseases there are. If they wanted to protect us from all the diseases, we’d just be a total vaccinated person, wouldn’t we?

BH: There’s over two thousand active diseases in the US. For example, leprosy kills several hundred people a year. But you never hear about leprosy on the news, no one scares you about leprosy, because there’s no vaccine for it, so its not even out there, but there’s many, many active diseases.

NC: Yes, yes. And so I think a lot of mothers do it out of fear, don’t they?

BH: Fear from their doctors that will scare them and use all sorts of manipulated statistics to try to convince you that your child’s going to die if you don’t do this. Which the Bible says, obviously we’re not supposed to do anything out of fear. And then also the fear of man and “What will my family members think?”

Many moms have confessed that they’ve done it even though they knew they shouldn’t, or they’ve heard something in their conscience, you know, that mom voice saying “Don’t do it.” They did it anyway because of pressure from their mom, or their aunt, or their in-law.

I encourage them, you know, your doctor, your mom, your aunt, your in-laws, they will never answer to God for the decisions for your child. You are the only one that God has made the mom over this child, and you’re the only one who has the special knowledge and wisdom for this child, and you’re the only one who will stand before God for your choices, and this is a choice that you cant be ignorant in. It’s not a morally neutral choice, it’s not a gray issue of maybe this, maybe this.

This is big for the abortion industry, and I didn’t tell you this yesterday, Nancy, but in a moms group that I’m in, one of them was sharing how about a year and a half ago, her sister went into the OB with her ninth child to get tested. So she went in for her normal checkup, and the OB came to her and said, “I would like to give you a proposition.” And she was like, “Okay.”

And she said, “Would you consider having an abortion?” And the Mom was like, “No, like why would I do that?” And the OB was like, “Well I’m asking you to donate your child for scientific research because your child has a rare type of blood and we need more of this for vaccines, so I want to know if you would donate your child for medical research to do more vaccines.” And, in America, flat out asked for her child for vaccines!

Because I’ve heard many Christians argue before and say, “Oh, it was only one or two children used for vaccines and it was a cell line that was developed in the sixties.” That has been their argument, but that is not true at all. There are many babies being aborted on a regular basis to keep creating new cell lines to do testing on.

If you look up Stanley Plotkin, he’s the grandfather of vaccines, and he’s not anti-vaccine at all, but if you just Google it and watch any of his videos, he will testify how many hundreds of babies they went through to develop one vaccine and there’s over twenty six of our vaccines that have aborted baby DNA and protein in them.

NC: Yes, so these are things, you know, we have to think about, we have to be proactive mothers. Dear lovely mothers and wives, if I can just encourage you today, don’t become a victim.

Remember, the other week, I shared that scripture from Nehemiah where it says: “They have dominion over our bodies” (Nehemiah 9:37).  Oh my, what a terrible testimony. And this is what is beginning to happen even in our nation today, where we are meant to be the Land of the Free. We cannot give up our freedoms and our rights to decide what we will do with our children.

Don’t give up your rights. Don’t give up your freedoms. Whatever you decide to do, if you are a mother who decides to vaccinate your children, or if you are a mother who decides not to, you have to do it after study and research, and be proactive about all these things. These Vs, the vaccinations and the vasectomies, and so many issues that we are being faced with today, and we are being crowded in more and more with all these liberal and socialistic things which are all anti-family and anti-God’s original plan.

So let’s keep close to God, dear mothers, let’s keep in His Word, because the Word, just having the Word in you, is the antidote to deception. When you have the Word, somehow when you hear things, or even things in society, or even things everybody else is doing, you get that check in you. And when you feel that check, take notice of it, and don’t give in to becoming a victim.

We’re not victims, God has called us to freedom, and we’re slowly losing our freedoms in this country, but we’ve got to hang on to them, we’ve got to fight for them. Amen?

BH: Amen.

NC: So fight for your freedoms, amen.  Let me read you as we close, just a couple of quotes here. This quote says, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but not so popular.” Sometimes we have to go outside of the box, go against the grain, be looked upon as weird because we’re choosing truth. But we are going to be those who stand.

This is actually in this book, Is Vasectomy Worth the Risk? which you can order if you’re interested. And I read this prayer, it’s a Jewish prayer, you can’t imagine anyone praying it today, but this is what it says: “Blessed art Thou, O God, King of the world, Who formed man in wisdom and created in him various offices and tubes. Before Thy glorious throne it is revealed that if but one of these be opened or closed, it would be impossible to exist and endure in Thy presence. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, Who heals all flesh and works wondrously.”

What a prayer. I mean, remember how, if someone was not perfect, they were not allowed to come into the holy presence of God, and I think that’s taken from that. Okay, something is contaminated, it’s changed, it’s not like God created the perfect man. And so, you know, let’s just get back to God’s ways.

Time has gone again, so let’s pray.

“Father, we thank You for these times when we can talk together about issues that we all face, because these things are all around us in society. Help us to be those who seek You, who seek after Your Word. We know the little saying, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” and sometimes we just have a little bit of knowledge but help us to be those who really seek after Your knowledge. We thank You that we can find all our answers in You. In You are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

“Help us, Lord, to live in You, live in Your word, and to be strong. I pray for every wife and mother and daughter listening today, that You will strengthen them, strengthen them in their convictions. O God, give them grace to stand true to truth, and not become victimized. And Father I pray, that as they stand, You will fill them with Your grace and anointing. Because, Lord Jesus, You came to this earth and You revealed Yourself, You were full of grace and truth and we want to also live that way, we want to never compromise on truth but we want to be full of grace as we share. So we ask that You will give us this anointing and enabling, in the Name of Jesus, Amen.”


Transcribed by Stephanie Johnson





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