
FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell


Are you praying for Christ to come? We need Him in homes—and in the BEDROOM! We need him to come and bring REVIVAL—in our homes, in our churches, and in the land. Are you praying for Him to come? 2020 is a year for prayer!

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, From Our Home to Yours, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies. Well, I'm hoping that it won't be very long . . . Well, I hope that it's very soon that you will be receiving your new issue of Above Rubies.

I'm so sorry you've had to wait so long for this issue. This last year it seemed that it took longer than usual for the finances to come in, because we rely completely on just the love offerings of God's people, and those who have a heart for families, who want to see marriage, motherhood, and family encouraged and strengthened, and the families of this nation and around the world...

We just rely on them to give, so we can get this magazine printed. It does cost well over $60,000 to print, and to send it out across the world. God is faithful, and at last, we're just about to get another magazine out into the nation. I pray that you will be blessed.

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And by the way, ladies, don't keep Above Rubies hidden away to yourself. I know that it's a great blessing to you when it comes to you in the mail. You're encouraged and inspired and blessed. In fact, there are so many thousands of women over the years whose lives have been completely changed and revolutionized through this little magazine.

It happens through sharing it, giving out to others, sharing it with your friends. Put Above Rubies in the waiting rooms of doctors and dentists and hairdressers. I love to put an Above Rubies magazine in the little baby changing tables in restaurants and supermarkets, wherever we go. And when we meet people, always have one in your handbag so you can give it to them.

Do you remember listening to Evangeline a couple of weeks ago, about being unapologetically unashamed, and what was the other one? Unoffendable! For your faith, and the Kingdom of God, and for motherhood. Let's never be ashamed of our great salvation, and who we are as mothers, for this is God's plan for us.

Let's tell the world!

Well,  I want to continue a little more today from last week. I was sharing with you about the word “come,” this beautiful word, “come.” Jesus said, “Behold, I come quickly.” And so, we are to be looking for His coming. We're to be hastening His coming and trying to hurry it along. But I was saying last week how we also need to pray that God will come, EVEN NOW. That we're just not waiting for His coming, but He'll come now into our lives.


And we were talking about His coming to our table. I believe we should ask Him to come into every room in our house. We need Him in every room, don't we? We need him in the kitchen, where we're rushing around, trying to cook the meals, and our little toddlers are wanting us, and everybody is wanting us at once.

Don't you find that, as a mother, everybody needs you at once? My, mothers are so wanted, aren't they? You can't say that you're rejected as a mother, because everyone needs you and wants you at once! So you can rejoice in that.

But we need God. Oh, how we need Him! How we need His Presence! But of course, He loves to come. He loves to dwell in your heart, and He loves to dwell in your home. He loves to fill your home with His Presence. So keep praying, “Come, Lord Jesus, come, fill this room.” You can go through every room in your house.


What a lovely thing for you and your husband to do. Go, take a moment, take some time, when you go into every room in your house, and you ask God to come into that room, where each child sleeps, each bedroom. And pray over their rooms. My, what a good thing to do! Over your children's, or getting into their teenage years, go and pray in their rooms.

And also, we need to watch what they have in their rooms. I am not one of those mothers who believes, “Oh, because it's their room, they can just have what they like in their room, and they can pin up any pictures they like in their room.”

Oh no, it's YOUR house, not their house. YOUR house. You are responsible for everything that's in your home, and in your teenagers' rooms too. Not that I like to use the word “teenagers” because it's not in the Bible, and I don't believe . . . well, it wasn't even in the 1828 Webster's Dictionary.

It is now, today, of course, because we've come into these teenage years, which really are not meant to be. God intended our children to move into maturity, and to move into adulthood, from that time of 12 and 13 years of age. We know even today, in Israel, when a young boy becomes 12 years old, he has his Bar Mitzvah, and he is then moving into maturity.

We don't want our children to be those who just hang out in teenage years. We must watch over their rooms, and watch over what is there, and what books they're reading, and what they're watching on social media. In going and praying, “Come, Lord Jesus, into this room!” Oh pray and cry it out!


You can pray it over your own bedroom. “Come, Lord Jesus, into our bedroom!” Because the Scripture says that the bed is honorable and undefiled. The bed, the marriage bed, is a holy place, a place of holiness, where there is nothing that is defiling. Don't allow anything that is defiling to come into your bedroom.

God has provided a very holy sexual act for husbands and wives in their bedroom, and it is to be holy. It is to be glorious. You do not need to be trying any other things. Today, there are many other things that people want to try, and they're not godly. Keep your marriage bed holy, and ask God to come in. Ask Him to come. Yes, this is what we're meant to be doing, precious ladies. Asking God to come.

Let's go over to Proverbs. Proverbs 5 is a beautiful passage about marriage. It's actually in the context of talking about the husband here, talking to him. And it says, “Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well.” This is talking about the marriage, and really, what it's saying is that marriage is a private possession. It's not something to be shared with all. It's private. It belongs to the husband and wife only. We must watch that.

I am so upset, and I've seen it more than once, when I've seen people write on Facebook, “Well, is it just ok for me to go out and have a cup of coffee, you know, with another guy friend. I've known him for years. I knew him at school.”

And then you see people answer, “Oh yes, there's nothing wrong that! What's wrong with your husband if he's going to get jealous of that?”

That is the pits. No! Marriage is a private possession. It's for the husband and wife only, and I do not believe that we can ever, ever again, when we're married, have a personal one-on-one friendship with another person of the opposite sex. No.

Of course, you can have wonderful friends. My husband and I have such wonderful friends that we enjoy together as couples, and as families. But I would never ever dream of going out and even having a cup of coffee with another man on my own. Goodness me! Help! That would be sacrilege to my marriage!

You see, marriage is a private possession. “Let thy fountain be dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters in the streets. Let them be only thine own, and not strangers with thee. Let thy fountain be blessed; and rejoice with the wife of thine youth.”

Your bedroom, your bed, is meant to be a place of rejoicing, a beautiful place ordained and condoned and anointed by God—od, Who is the One Who so intricately and amazingly created us, and created the man and the wife to become one flesh. That's how He created us! It's amazing. And out of this one flesh union comes forth the godly seed. That's how God intended it.

But God made that one flesh union such a glorious and beautiful thing. I think He did that because, if it was just some very mundane thing, that it wouldn't be something that a couple would be that interested in doing. And yet God so looks for the godly seed that He made it something so glorious.

What does it say in Malachi, chapter 2? Talking about marriage, and it says: “And what does God want from your marriage?” And then we listen for the answer. We read the next phrase. And it says, “I want a godly seed.” Some translations say: “I look for godly offspring.” God looks for the godly offspring to come forth from that godly union of the one flesh marriage.

So it goes on to say: “Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe. Let her breasts satisfy you at all times.” Now this is talking to the husband, but it says that his wife is to satisfy him. That word, in the Hebrew, means “to slake the thirst, to make drunk, to satiate abundantly, to soak.” Wow, that's pretty amazing.

It's amazing when you go into the Hebrew to understand what a word means. That sounds so incredible, but that's God's glorious design. It is a very beautiful saying. God wants to come in, because this is God's design, and God's plan. And then, what does it say next? Oh yes! “Let her breasts satisfy thee at all times.” Well, not just on the odd occasion, but at all times.

And it goes on to say: “And be thou ravished . . . ” Ravished? Ravished, that's a pretty powerful word. What does it say in the Hebrew? The Hebrew word means “enraptured, intoxicated, lost in her love forever.” The Holman translation says: “Transported with delight, captivated.”

And so, God has made this beautiful thing something that is to not be some boring thing. No, God created the man and God created the woman in such a way that they would intoxicate one another. Yes, did you hear it? Intoxicate. Enrapture. Captivate. And they don't need to do any other kinky things. The way God has created is all that is needed.

You see, and if you are, if perhaps in your marriage relationship, things are not what they ought to be . . . you’re not enjoying this part of your life, of your marriage, which is marriage, because when God puts a man and woman together, He says that he will leave his father and mother, and they would be joined together, and they would be ONE FLESH. That is marriage. That is exactly the description.

So if you are not experiencing what this Scripture is talking about, cry out to God. “Come, Lord Jesus! Come. You created us for this glorious divine union. This is Your plan. Come, come into our bedroom.”

I remember, at an Above Rubies retreat years ago, in question time, a woman brought up some issue on this subject, and a dear older woman got up. She said, “There were times in my life that, you know, we didn't fully experience this. As we came closer and closer to God, He brought us into such a wonderful experience together.”

And she said, “I have always, as I began to cry out to God, I began to see a picture of the Lord standing at the end of our bed with His arms outstretched in blessing. And as I began to see this, I could come into knowing that yes, this was God's blessing. I could receive it. I could open my heart, and open every part of myself to my husband, because it was God's blessing, God's plan.” And this is what it is.

Sometimes, some couples have been through horrific things in their past days and it brings in a spoiling of what is meant to happen in a marriage bed. But God is bigger. He is able to cleanse you and heal you and forgive you. And He wants you to know that this is His blessing over your marriage bed.

And so it goes on to say, we haven't even finished yet. “And be thou ravished always with her love.” Once again, we have this at all times, and always. This word is tamiyd in the Hebrew. The word means, “continually.” It's not a word that means haphazard, every now and then. It is a continual, that's continually, and in other Scriptures, it's translated “continually.”

It's the same word that's used for the continual bread upon the table of the showbread, which was always to be there. It was never to be off the table. It's the same word that is used for the daily sacrifice, which was a morning and evening sacrifice.

Well, I'm not saying that, you know, you have to, OK, morning and evening, no, but I'm giving you the picture of what the word is, as it is a pretty continual word, because this is God's plan. So, dear precious ones, don't ever settle for less than what God has for you. Ask Him to come, to come.  You see, God wants to come into every part of your life.


Oh now, the prayers that I'm praying, I'm constantly praying, and I'm praying it in this hour, “God, please come in revival! Come, and bring revival! I need revival in my life. I need revival in my home. Continually. I need revival. We need revival in the church.”

Oh, goodness me, the church at this present time in our nation, it needs revival! We are, and of course, there are pockets of God moving by His Spirit, and yes, we see that. But I’m talking over all. We are a pathetic church! There is so much world in there. Look, most Christians who love the Lord today, they love the Lord. Oh, I have so many wonderful friends who love the Lord! I know so many young people who love the Lord!

But really, when it gets down to tin tacks, they're more involved with the world than they are with the Lord. They go to more movies, or they watch more movies, or they go to more sports than they spend time with God. Oh, they'd rather just go out and be entertained than come to pray.


I mean, prayer meetings, just look at the church today. There are hardly any prayer meetings. And if you have a prayer meeting, it's so poorly attended. I mean, you only get the little wee few, the faithful few who come to the prayer meeting. What is it? We're not living in revival days.

Actually, I have lived in revival days. Back in the early days of our marriage and raising our children, we were living in revival days in the church that we were part of. It was just incredible. Oh, God was doing mighty things.

Oh, I mean, when we came to church, we didn't kind of, you know, get along to church. No! We just couldn't wait to get to church, and when you got there (one part, we had our church upstairs, it was a picture theater we had renovated) and you ran up the stairs! You ran! You could not wait to get in there because you did not want to miss one minute of God moving by His Spirit. And every service people were coming to the Lord. Every Sunday, we had baptisms. Oh goodness, me, it was just amazing!

And then of course, sometimes we'd have baptisms out in the river. The power of God would just come on people as they were baptized, and they would, oh, they couldn't even stand! If we didn't hold them, they would just be floating down the river! It was just amazing!

And then, those times passed. And it becomes more normal, and we can get used to normality. Oh, may God save us from getting used to normality, and getting used to apathy, and getting used to a normal church, where we just go along to church, but oh, how we long for God to come! Come, come, Lord, move by the power of Your Holy Spirit.

Once again, “It's not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6). I long for the moving of the Holy Spirit. Oh, do you long for that? Are you so passionate for it? I know it will only come by prayer. And so, as we pray for revival, in our lives, in our church today, and of course, in our government, in the swamp, oh, are you praying for that? Are you praying for mighty things to happen there?

And across the land, do you want righteousness to come to this land? Oh, that's what I long for. I just can't bear the evil. Can you bear it? I mean, to think that we now live in a nation where homosexuality is law. We can't get used to that, ladies! We can't get used to it. We've got to watch that we don't get used to things as an abomination to God.

Where we're seeing abortion still on such a massive scale. When we have leaders of our state who are prepared to kill babies after they are born! I mean, we couldn't even fathom this, even a few years ago, and now we're living in it. Does that make you want to cry out for revival?

Come, Lord Jesus!

If He is coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, are we ready? Are we holding back His second coming? Or are we hastening it, and hurrying it along, as we pray and cry out for revival, and God exposing sin in our midst, and bringing a revival of purifying, and bringing righteousness back into the church.

And, oh, where worldliness will be gone, and sin, where there's so much sin and worldliness and apathy in the church today. We must look much different to the world. Oh, that we would pray. And of course, if we're going to cry out to God, we're going to love prayer. Do you love prayer, ladies?

This is 2020. This is the year of 2020. This is a strategic year. I know, for wherever you live in the world, many of you living in different countries, and I know you're crying out for your country.


But here in the USA, this is election year for America. And it's a very strategic year. We have senators, we have people who are pouring, we have very wealthy people who are pouring billions and billions of dollars into candidates, Democratic candidates, who stand against everything of God, who promote homosexuality, who promote abortion, even after the baby is born. They're willing to kill the baby.

They want to make this a socialist state, and they're pouring billions into making this happen. It is a spiritual battle. We must pray. We have a president that God has given us. Now he may not be perfect, as not one of us are perfect, and yet amazingly, sovereignly, God is raising him up to stand for everything that is righteous.

He stands against homosexuality. He stands against abortion. He stands with that which God stands for. He stands for Israel. He stands for God's people and the evangelical church. He stands for Christians. He's seeking to stand for that which is right. He's seeking to protect our nation.

And I believe we need to pray for him. We have responsibility to pray for those who are in leadership, whether we like them or not. We must pray. Do you pray as a family each day? For our President? For those who are in leadership?

Do you even know some of the folks who are in leadership? I had recently some young couples around our table, and I don't know how we got onto the subject, but I asked at the table, “Who is the Vice President of the United States?” I nearly fainted and fell off my chair because not one of them knew who the Vice President was! All these American couples! Help! If you don't know who the Vice President is, how you can pray for him!?

OK, who is the Secretary of State? A very important person. Do you know? The Secretary of State is Mike Pompeo, and he is working so closely with President Trump, with all the strategic things that are happening in our world, with Iran, and with North Korea, and so on. And he needs our prayers. And he is a godly Christian man. And we need to pray for him.

President Trump, Mike Pompeo, Vice President Pence, and so many of the others, they need our prayers. We need to know who they are.

Do you know who the Attorney General is? William Barr. And who is the man who he has appointed to investigate the investigators, to investigate the CIA and so on, and all these people who have been, you know, been on about this Russian  hoax, which we all know is a hoax. But it must be exposed, and so William Barr appointed a man named John Durham, who is a prosecutor, and he is also a Christian man. He is investigating. We need to pray that God will show him the truth, because truth needs to be revealed. There's so much that is hidden, there's so much that is fake, there's so much that is corruption, and all the corruption and hidden things need to be revealed. Truth needs to be exposed.


We need to be praying! Are you praying? Are you teaching your children how to pray? We're not only told in Timothy 2:1-4 that we're to pray for our leaders. But there’s another principle God gave, way back in Jeremiah 29, when His people were sent to Babylon. There they were, they were now in a foreign country, they were captives there, and God came to them through the prophet Jeremiah, and he told them, told them to do seven things.

It was amazing, He told them, “OK, live life just how I've told you to always live it. Build houses, plant gardens, have children, have grandchildren, and don't diminish. Even though you are now in a captive land, and in a foreign place, don't stop what I told you to do. Don't diminish, I want you to increase in that land! And I want you to pray for this city in which you live, and don't be deceived.”

And so God is concerned about praying for where we live. For the area in which we live, and the country in which we live. We must pray for the nation in which we live. And so, gather your children. Pray every day. Pray for our nation. Pray for our leaders. Pray for revival.

Will you please pray, “Come, Lord Jesus! Come to our nation. Come in revival, power. Come and bring the anointing of Your Spirit to expose all sin. Oh God, please make us a holy people without spot or wrinkle or any such thing.” Teach your children to pray for revival.

I think the most important thing is to be praying in our homes morning and evening as we gather together as family. But also, you know it's a good thing to have a prayer meeting in your home. Have you ever had a prayer meeting in your home?

We've had a prayer meeting all our lives in our home, and we have a prayer meeting here once a week, every week of the year. Actually we haven't had it the last two weeks because people have all been away, but we'll be back to it next week. Every single week, we get together to pray.

Now, even if you only just get a wee, few people, just get a prayer meeting, where you're praying for the nation, praying for these coming elections. They're the most strategic elections, I believe, that will ever be held in this nation. These elections determine whether our nation will become a socialist nation or whether it will stand for righteous principles and for the Constitution. It's not going to happen without our prayers.

When President Trump first became President, God put it upon my heart that when I pray for him, to lift up my hands, just as an act of holding him up before the Lord. I remember how when the Israelites were fighting against the Amalekites, and when Moses stood on the mount, and held up his rod, the Israelites, they would win over the Amalekites. But when his arms got tired, and he let them down, the Amalekites, they would begin to take over. So Aaron and Hur, his two brothers, held up his hands, and as they held them up, they won the victory over the Amalekites (Exodus 17:8-14)

Trump today is fighting the Amalekites. It's a powerful battle, and they hate him because of this. They're seeking to assassinate him, to poison him. He's also already had two poisonings against him. In fact, one of his taste testers has already died. We need to pray. We don't hear all these things, but this is what has happened. We need to pray for his safety from assassins and his safety from poison.

We need to cry out to God to keep him in wisdom and righteousness, and sovereignly help him to be what God wants him to be, to bring righteousness to this nation. Hold your hands up as you pray, and you're holding him up before the Lord. Oh, and whether you're a little family, or a big family, pray!

I give you, as we close this session, a Scripture. Let's go back to Leviticus, chapter 26. And here, it's talking about the enemies that come into our land. And we've got many enemies that have come into this land of USA. I think our founding fathers would turn over in their graves if they could see what was happening today.

But in verse seven, it says: “And ye shall chase your enemies and they shall fall before you by the sword. And five of you shall chase an hundred. And an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.”

Five of you. Just five. Three children and mom and dad are five. Just a little family can put 100 enemies to flight as they pray. Because prayer is our biggest weapon in the battle. There's no greater weapon.

Why is it, darling ladies, that we're so reticent to pray? When it's our biggest weapon? It's because the devil is keeping us from prayer. He'll do everything in his power to keep us from praying. He’ll kind of help us to feel tired, or lethargic, or we can't be bothered. Or we'd rather relax. Or we'd rather watch a movie. Or we'd rather do anything else but pray!

Yes, prayer takes a lot of gumption. You've just got to do it! But you see, if you're in war, or if you're in a battle, you can't just sit down on the sofa and put your knees up. In a battle, you've got to go to war. That's what prayer is all about.

But five can put 100 enemies to flight. What about 20 families of just five? They can put 10,000 to flight. What about families who've got six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven children around their tables? You've got a prayer meeting!

Wow, you can go to war! You can go to battle! You can be used to save this nation! Because it's prayer that will save this nation. Oh, dear ladies, will we make 2020 a year of prayer? To cry out to God, to ask Him to come.

Jeremiah 10:25 says: “Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the families . . . ” Wow, what families? “The families that do not call on Thy Name.” What a powerful Scripture!

That word is saying: if families, Christian families, godly families, don't bother to call upon the Name of the Lord, they might as well be heathen families. Because that's the difference between the heathen families and the godly families.

The godly families are those who call upon the Name of the Lord. They're calling upon the Name of the Lord for themselves, for their children, for their families, for their homes, and for the homes and families of the nation. They're crying out to God to save their nation.

We as families should gather around our tables, praying together. We can save our nation! Oh, precious lovely ladies, let's do it! 2020, the year of prayer, the year of crying out to God, the year of saying, “Come, Lord Jesus!” Amen.

Let's pray.

“Dear Father, I pray that the words that are said today will not just be words. Oh God, that You will help us to truly get up, get into the battle, to take action. Oh Lord, we are in a spiritual battle. This is not yet our time of rest. Our time of rest is coming in the eternal realm. That is our time of rest.

“And Lord, although we can live in rest in our spirits, we are in a battle and we've got to go to war in the realm of prayer. Help us to be faithful pray-ers, praying with our families, praying with others, Lord, making things happen, making gatherings happen, even if it's once a week, or once a month. (Will we make a gathering happen, to pray with others for the nation?)

“Oh God, help us, Lord, to show us how You want us to do, and what You want us to do. We pray Lord, that You would take us from where we are now, no matter how much we've been praying up to this moment, You'll take us into a greater realm than we've ever known before. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.”