Part 2

“He settles the barren woman in her home, as a joyful mother of children”
(Psalm 113:9).

happy birthday mom 2122 2Today we look at further translations of Jude 1:6.

NLT: “I remind you of the angels who did not stay within the limits of authority God gave them but left the place where they belonged.” Two thoughts here. Firstly, this Scripture speaks of the “limits of authority.” No one, except God has full authority. Every creation has their own sphere of authority, but it is limited to their particular sphere. When we go outside the limits of authority God has given us, we do it to our own deception and peril. Why do we need more authority when we have already been given authority?

Secondly, I love the phrase, “the place where they belonged.” The home is such a beautiful place. It is the first thing God created after He created Adam. God built the first home.

Mothers belong in the home. Children belong with mothers in the home. Motherhood and home are synonymous. It’s the place where we belong. It should give us the sense of belonging. Those who live in our hoe should feel they belong.

Those who don’t believe in the power of the home are those who have been brainwashed by our feminist and humanist society. We are either programmed by the world or programmed by God’s Word. If you know and love the truth of God’s Word, you’ll know it’s where you belong and where He has placed you. What a lovely thing to have a place where you belong! What more could you want?

Moffat: “The angels who abandoned their own domain, instead of preserving their proper rank . . .” They did not preserve the realm God gave them. This is a powerful point. It’s not enough to stay in our domain, but we must preserve it. We must preserve the glory of the home. We must preserve the art of homemaking and motherhood. We must not only preserve it for ourselves and our children but for future generations.

We are living in such a deceived world that motherhood is becoming instinct in some areas of society. There are even child-free organizations. There are those who still have children but their career outside the home is more important to them. Many young mothers today have not been trained to cook and manage the home. They have not been taught the glory of keeping a home. They have not been taught how important it is to have a heart-warming meal ready for their husbands when they come home. Many did not grow up experiencing the joys of sitting around the table together for their meals and are therefore not passing it on to the next generation.

Fenton: “Those angels also who did not guard their own dominion, but abandoned their proper duty . . .” This is very similar to the above translation. We must guard what God has given to us.  We must not let it go. The phrase “keepers at home” in Titus 2: 5 literally means to be “guarders of the home.” Mothers are to watch over their home and their children like a watch dog. We cannot be a watch dog if we are not in our home.

NEB: “Remember too the angels, how some of them were not content to keep the dominion given to them, but abandoned their proper home . . .” They were not content. Many mothers are not content with motherhood. Mainly because they have been educated to think this way. They have been programmed that motherhood is insignificant and they must pursue a career outside the home. This does not line up with God’s Word.

I love The Living Bible translation of Psalm 128:3: “Your wife shall be contented in your home.”

Indoctrination is such a powerful thing. It shapes our lives. We are either indoctrinated with lies or with the living truth of God’s Word. Why would a mother be more content to work for someone else’s organization rather than building up and prospering her own home? Why would a mother be more content to manage someone else’s business while her own home and family life is fragmented and weakened? Only one reason: feministic brainwashing by our extreme socialist education system and humanistic society which are all in opposition to God’s Word.

I could continue sharing many more translations with you. Many of them use the words “abandoned their own home.” Others translate it “deserted their own dwelling place.” Abandoned and deserted. This is the state of many homes in our nation today. Families come home to sleep the night, but the homes are abandoned during the day. Mothers have gone AWOL. They have left their God appointed realm. This is not God’s plan. “From the beginning it was not so” (Matthew 19:8). 

Blessings from NANCY CAMPBELL


“Dear Father, I don’t want to be a deserter from the domain you have appointed for me. I want to embrace it with all my heart and live in the glory that you have designed for me. Amen.”


I am blessed to be queen of my home.