“And Adam called his wife’s name Eve: because she was the mother of all living”
(Genesis 3:20)


I often hear some women saying that they should not find their identity in motherhood, but only in Christ. That’s something to think about, isn’t it? Let’s chat.

I believe that every born-again Christian has their identity in Christ. I live my life by the truth of Colossians 1:27: “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

However, the fact that Christ dwells in us and is our LIFE does not negate our gender. God is the Creator of genders. The dictionary says that identity is “the state of having unique identifying characteristics held by no other person or thing.”

A baby’s identity is that it is a baby, hopefully with fat chubby cheeks and roly-poly thighs and arms—the only time we drool over being fat! A child’s identity is in being a child. We put up with their childishness and enjoy their free, innocent, and uninhibited ways.

We expect a male to walk in the identity of a male—showing strength and courage and offering protection to women and children. We expect fathers to show the identity of a father by taking the responsibility to provide for their home and children and lead the family in God’s ways.

What about mothers? To say we do not have an identity as a mother is to go against everything God says. It goes against the way He created us. God created women with a womb and breasts to embrace, nurture, and nourish life. Being female is our identity. It’s who God created us to be. To resist motherhood and oppose the great career of homemaking is to deny the identity God mandated at the very beginning of creation (Genesis 3:20; Psalm 113:9; Titus 2:4, 5; and 1 Timothy 5:10).

You do not negate your identity as a mother because of your identity in Christ. Rather, because Christ indwells you, your motherhood is enhanced, intensified, and abundantly more joyful, overcoming, and glorious! Isn’t that exciting? When Christ dwells in you, He changes how you think and everything you do so you become a greater mother!

Be blessed and encouraged today. Embrace your identity. But remember, you’ll only walk in the fullness of it as Christ dwells in you and lives His beautiful life through you.

Nancy Campbell



“Dear Father, I thank you that because You dwell in me, I have your power and anointing to enable me each day in my great calling of motherhood. I thank You that I don’t have to mother in my own strength but through Your enabling. Amen.”


I am blessed to be a “Christ in me” mother! What could be more powerful?


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