Care For One Another, No. 332


Part 1

"And let us consider and give attentive, continuous care to watching over one another, studying how we may stir up (stimulate and incite) to love and helpful deeds and noble activities" (Hebrews 10:24 AMP).

How grateful we are that God cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). He tangibly wants to show His loving care to us, but the only way He can do it is through His people. To encourage us to fulfill these words of Scripture, let's look at different ways we can show care to one another, beginning in our home, and then reaching out to those around us. There are 31 points, one for every day of the month.

The inspiration for these caring ideas came from a dear friend of mine in New Zealand, June Louis, who has now gone to be with the Lord. I cannot think of a greater example of a godly woman who walked with God, loved His Word, never compromised, and constantly cared for people with "good works." June came to know Jesus soon after she was married and prayed continually for her husband's salvation, but never saw the answer to her prayers while she was alive, even though she passed away in her eighties. This did not stop her unwaveringly serving the Lord and being totally committed to her marriage.

Don't forget to look up the Scriptures. They are best part.

1. COMFORT. Comfort the lonely, hurting, sad, and depressed (Acts 20:35; Romans 15:1-2; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4; 7:6-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:11:14). And don't forget to comfort Israel, and God's chosen people (Isaiah 40:1-2).

2. CHAT. Take time to visit with someone who is sick or lonely (Matthew 25:31-46; Philippians 4:14).

3. CHORES. Do laundry or housework for a mother with a new baby or someone who is sick. (Philippians 2:4).

4. COOK. Invite a single mother, a widow, or a family to your home for a meal. Pursue hospitality (Acts 2:46; Romans 12:13; 1 Peter 4:9).

5. CHILD-MINDING. Relieve a busy mom for a few hours (1 Corinthians 10:24; Galatians 6:2).

6. CHEERFUL. Keep a cheerful spirit in your home. Smile at your husband and your children constantly. Keep a cheerful countenance when you meet people so they will be uplifted by your presence rather than depressed (Proverbs 15:13, 15; 17:22; 18:21; Isaiah 3:9).

7. CHINA/CROCKERY. If you have extra, share with those who don't (Ephesians 4:28).

8. CALL. Call your husband at work to remind him that you love him. When the Holy Spirit lays someone on your heart, call to encourage them. Your words can change their whole day. "Anxiety in a person's heart weighs him down, but an encouraging word brings him joy" (Proverbs 12:25 NET).

9. COMPASSION. Words are often not enough. Show love in your actions, too (Proverbs 31:20; James 2:15-16; 1 John 3:16-18).

10. COOKIES. Bake some wholesome cookies for a family in need (Proverbs 31:20; Luke 6:38).

11. CARDS. Keep a stack of encouraging cards. Look for them when you are out shopping. When the Holy Spirit brings someone to your mind, write an encouraging word and send it to them (1 John 1:4).

12. CUSTOMS. Look out for folks from other countries and taken an interest in them and their customs (Acts 2:9-11).

13. CLUCKY. Never say No to a baby from God. And take notice of all babies, even when shopping or in the street. Encourage every young mother with a new baby (Psalm 127:3).

14. CONCERN. Show concern for all, especially the elderly (Leviticus 19:32).

15. CONSIDERATION. Take time to think about the needs of others. God cannot reveal to you the needs of others if you are always thinking about yourself (Mark 8:35; Hebrews 10:24).

We will continue the rest next week.



"Oh Father, please give me the same spirit or caring that you have. Save me from being self-centered. I want to give room in my heart and my thoughts for you to tell me about people who are hurting. Amen."


"Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
Weep o'er the erring one, lift up the fallen,
Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save."

~ Fanny Crosby, 1870