Tinkling With Joy - No. 33

Exodus 28:35 TLB, "Aaron shall wear the ephod whenever he goes in to minister to the Lord: the bells will tinkle as he goes in and out of the presence of the Lord..."

We read in Exodus 28 about the garments that God ordained the High Priest to wear. They were to be garments for "glory and beauty" v.2. One of the garments was the ephod. On the hem of this garment God instructed them to make blue, purple and scarlet pomegranates with golden bells in between them, "a golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe round about." v.34. One Bible commentator says there may have been 72 bells and pomegranates around the hem of the garment.

Every part of the High Priest's garments had spiritual significance. And now that God has made us "kings and priests" unto Him, they have spiritual significance in our lives too. Read 1 Peter 2:5,9; Revelation 1:6; 5:10; and 20:6

Because pomegranates are filled with seeds, they speak of fruitfulness. Wherever we walk – in our home or out in the supermarket, we should continually drop seeds of God's truth, His love and His peace.

What comes to your mind when you think of little bells tinkling? Yes, a smile comes to your face. You think of joy and gladness. God wanted to be refreshed by sounds of joy as Aaron walked around and fulfilled his priestly duties in the holy place. I am sure that God also wants to hear the tinkling of joy as we go about our motherly duties in our homes. 

God’s picture of a mother in the home is one who is filled with joy. Psalm 113:9 says, “He makes the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children.”P As a child I remember my mother always singing in the home. What happiness it brought to my childhood heart. These were the days when mothers sang in their homes and men whistled as they walked or cycled to work.  Women enjoyed being in their homes. They didn’t hanker to be out in the workforce. And they sang. I know we live a much faster pace of life today, but as we make our life more and more in the heart of the home, the song will return.

Did you notice that the tinkling bells were on the hem of the garment? They are part of the daily grind. This joy is not in the heavenlies but touches the realities of our daily life. It is easily accessible to our little ones toddling around the home. 

As you wake each morning, put on your priestly garments of holiness and joy. Make sure the bells are tinkling on your hem as you go out to your kitchen to prepare breakfast for your children. Start the breakfast with praise. Instead of the usual grace, hold hands together and sing a song of thanks before you start to eat. Tell your children that you love being their mother. Tell them that you are glad God has given you another day to enjoy together.

Keep the bells tinkling all day.  Turn every sigh into a Hallelujah! When things go wrong, praise the Lord instead of whining. Practice this until it becomes the habit of your life. 

Here are some more word pictures about tinkling in your home…

Exodus 15:2, “The Lord is my strength and song, and He is become my salvation…and I will prepare Him a habitation.” How do we make our home a habitation for God? By filling our home with songs of salvation. By humming a tune as we wash the dishes or prepare the meals. By praising instead of sighing when we have to clean up another mess. 

Psalm 118:15, “The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles (homes) of the righteous.” What is the voice in your home? Is it one of sour silence? Groanings and complainings? Or the tinkling of joy?

Psalm 119:54, “Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.”

Isaiah 32:13, “The houses of joy…” In this Scripture, God is actually pronouncing a judgment on all the homes of Israel because of their sin. But do you notice how God describes homes? He calls them “houses of joy.” 

Keep the bells tinkling.



“Father God, I pray that you will give me contentment in my home, knowing that this is where you have planted me. Help me to delight in my home and mothering my children. I pray that the joy that you have put in me by the Holy Spirit will bubble up in me so that I will overflow with joy. May my children see me tinkling with joy as I walk in my home, even when doing the most mundane household chores. Thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit which is working this out in me. Amen.”



“I will turn my sighs into songs,

My miseries into melodies.”