RulingSpiritProverbs 25:28: “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.”

Some people think more about ruling other people’s spirits than ruling their own spirit. However, if we do not have our own spirits under control, we have no right to rule the spirits of others, especially family members.

There is something terribly wrong when people feel they have to be careful what they say or how they act around you. In other words, they have to walk on egg shells, hoping none will be broken. Either all hell is likely to break lose or they will be given the “cold war treatment.” This type of behavior is a negative way of taking control of other people’s spirits.

People should not have to feel they have to constantly do things to humor you, serve you, or bow down to you in order to live with you. Perish the thought!

God wants every person to feel the spirit of freedom around you, certainly not the spirit of slavery.

It is very important we rule our own spirits so that we do not control people around us by negative moods. These put others in a strait jacket of negative servitude or fear lest they say the wrong thing to us. This is satanic and devilish.

I will continue writing on how to rule over our own spirits.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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