SaltStingsWe have all experienced that we apply salt to an open wound it stings. Even sweat in the eyes through physical exertion causes the eyes to sting because of the salt in the perspiration. When the truth of God’s Word comes in contact with sin or evil in our lives it has a stinging affect. We call it conviction.

When the prophet Nathan said to David, “Thou art the man,” David replied, “I have sinned against the LORD” (2 Samuel 12:1-14). The word of the Lord through Nathan deeply stung David’s heart. The whole of Psalm 51 is a prayer of deep repentance and an earnest cry from David’s’ stinging and convicted heart for forgiveness and restoration. This happened after he had committed adultery and taken Bathsheba to wife, and planned the killing of her husband in the battle.

In much of today’s church, God’s people do not want to be exposed to any preaching that may make them feel condemned, guilty, or convicted. Many do not want to be exposed to any preaching that is likely to sting their conscience. Many in the church only want preaching that makes them feel good about themselves. Of course, there is a time for encouragement, but only after the stinging salt of God’s Word brings repentance.

In this hour the conscience of our nation needs to be deeply stung like David was. Unfortunately no one wants to be stung. The stinging must start with God’s people first. Sadly, when many are confronted with truth, instead of humbling themselves like David, they squeal and scream and throw a fit.

David welcomed the stinging salt when he cried, “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (Psalm 51:7).

Although the salt stings, it also cleanses and heals the wound. Men, we must never be afraid of exposing ourselves, as well as our families, to the stinging salt of God’s Holy Word. If the preaching to which we expose ourselves and our families has no stinging affect, or very little pricking of the conscience, we need to ask, why? Are we not in any need of adjustment? Are there still some areas of our lives where we fall short of righteousness? Are we willing to expose ourselves to the x-ray ability of God’s Word to convict of any behavior that God wants to change?

We should welcome the salt so we will be convicted of anything that does not please God. A saltless church, family, or individual is insipid, without conviction , and powerless.

The question is: is there any stinging affect happening in my life? Or does the world feel comfortable around me?

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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