SpeakLordYesterday we talked about the example of Samuel growing in the ways of the Lord. We notice that the most important part of his growth was obedience.

When God spoke to him in the night, he thought it was Eli. He didn’t roll over and hope that Eli thought he was asleep. Instead, he immediately ran to Eli and said, “Here am I.” Three times he did this without complaint. Eli realized God was speaking to him and told Samuel to answer God the next time.

When God spoke the fourth time he answered, “Speak: for thy servant heareth” (1 Samuel 3:10). Because he learned to obey immediately, God could take up this young man and use him mightily as a judge in Israel.

What a beautiful thing to teach our children to have an immediate response to God when He speaks to them. Sadly, many children are growing up and instead of saying, “Speak, LORD, for your servant heareth,” they say, “Speak world, for your child is listening.”

Are your children listening to God or to the spirit of this world? To whom they listen will determine the future of their lives.

Of course, this applies personally to us as well as our children. May our constant response be: “Speak, Lord, I'm listening.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell