LoudestVoiceAll about us we have voices vying for our attention. Voices that fill our mind, program our minds, and even propagandize us. What is the loudest voice in your mind?

Jesus, our great Shepherd says: "My sheep HEAR my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27). He also says that His sheep "KNOW His voice." If we are walking close to the Shepherd, we will hear His voice more than all the other voices. We will discern His voice from all the other voices in the world.

In this hour of deception, it is so important for us to hear and know the Shepherd's voice. We have to be in His Word. We have to say No to all the other voices.

And dear mothers, we must teach our children how to hear the Shepherd's voice. We must teach them to listen to Him through His precious Word. We must encourage them to make this a daily habit of their lives. If they don't learn to hear the Shepherd's voice, they will be deceived and led astray by all the deceptive voices that seek to lure them away from the fold.

Stay close to your Shepherd today. Cry out to Him and tell Him you long to hear His voice.

Love to you today, Nancy Campbell

P.S. Do you notice how the sheep's ears are pricked up and listening? We should also prick up our ears to listen to our Shepherd.