FirstQuestionGod loves to ask questions. We notice that when Jesus came to earth that He loved to ask questions too. Of course, God always know the answer, but He wants to hear a personal answer from us.

The first question God asks in the Bible is “Where are you?” After Adam and Eve took of the forbidden fruit, they realized they had sinned. When they heard the LORD God walking in the garden they freaked out and hid themselves among the trees. Genesis 2:9 says: “The LORD God called to the man and said to him, ‘Where are you?’" God knew where they were, but He wanted to hear from Adam and Eve.

God still asks this question to you and me. “Where am I?” “Where are you?”

Are you hiding from My presence? My sweet fellowship? Are you too busy to hear My Word? Do you think My thoughts? Are you obedient to My ways or are you more in sync with society around you (Isaiah 55:8, 9)?

God knows the answer, but He wants you to answer Him. He keeps calling to us in the midst of this distorted and deceived society in which we live. He constantly calls us back to Him, His truth, and His ways.

What is your answer?

Love from Nancy Campbell