whatsattitudePaul wrote to the Corinthian believers, "I will very gladly spend and be spent for you" (2 Corinthians 12:15). The adding of "and be spent" adds the meaning of "vehemently, heartily, and exceedingly" to the phrase. This was Paul's attitude to the new believers in Christ.

What about us mothers? We have precious lives in our care that God has given us to disciple. What is our attitude towards them? Are we willing to "spend and be spent," or do we resent the fact that motherhood takes every bit of our energy and time? Read 1 Thessalonians 2:8, 9 for a little more understanding.

Paul's attitude was not just because it was his duty, but "VERY GLADLY." I often see mothers with the attitude of "very complaining," "very resentful," or "very unhappy."

Come on now, dear mothers. You are in full time ministry for the Lord. You are discipling precious souls.

What's your attitude today?

Love from Nancy Campbell