By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Life is like a boomerang. What we say and do will always come back to us. We can't get away with anything. What we sow into our family life we will reap, not only in this life, but in generations to come. Our attitude and the words we speak (or don't speak if it is the "silent treatment") into our husband and children's lives will reap a harvest of blessing or ultimate destruction.

We know God's Word in Galatians 6:7 which says, "Be not deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." We don't always reap immediately. Sometimes it takes years (maybe ten, twenty, or even thirty years) before the boomerang comes back, but it always does. The words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow stand true, "Though the mills of God grind slowly; Yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience he stands waiting, With exactness grinds he all".

We see an example of this in 2 Samuel 21 where God sent three years of famine in the time of King David. David enquired of the Lord and God told him it was because Saul slew the Gibeonites with whom Joshua had made a covenant not to destroy them. Joshua had been dead for many years. Saul was now dead and I guess no one remembered the covenant Joshua had made so many years ago. But, God remembered. and retribution had to be made.

I have watched wives sow hate and discontentment and yet they wonder why their marriage eventually crumbles. We cannot reap a harvest of love if we don't sow love and kindness.

Love from Nancy Campbell