ForgotToTellThey said that I was crazy to let myself get fat
And to give up that super job that I delighted at!
They told me I’d be sorry as each morning I was sick,
But they didn’t tell me how I’d feel when you began to kick!

They told me how my life would change and that I’d sit and weep
For time to make a peaceful bath, for uninterrupted sleep,
They said my home would lose its shine and that I’d get depressed,
But no one ever mentioned that you’d sing while nursing at my breast.

They tried to raise my consciousness to think about myself,
They begged me to go out alone to help my mental health,
They told me that by leaving you I could improve our bond,
But no one told me that you’d notice I was gone!

They said that Day Care’s just the thing and Nursery’s all the rage,
To encourage “independence” in a baby just your age!
They said there’d be no money with the mortgages all due,
But they all forgot to me how I’d fall in love with you!
~ Source unknown

This beautiful poem is published in QUIET REFLECTIONS FOR MOTHERS, a book of beautiful poems for mothers. Go to: