LotsMakeHappyYesterday we discovered that one of the words for “blessed” in the Bible is the Hebrew word “esher.” It is a plural word that means that you will be doubly happy! God says that parents who fill their quivers will be doubly happy!

Let’s discover what else makes us happy.

You will be HAPPY HAPPY when you put your trust in God.

Proverbs 16:20: “Whoso trusteth in the LORD, HAPPY is he.”

It’s not always easy to trust God when you can see no light at the end of the tunnel, when everything seems hopeless, and you don’t know where to turn. But if you dwell on your troubles, you’ll be miserable. If you trust God, you’ll be happy, even during your trial! That’s the difference.

Peter encouraged the believers were going through “fiery trials” to rejoice and pronounced happiness on those who were being reproached for the name of Christ (1 Peter 4:13, 14).

I have always been encouraged by the lines:
Trust Him when dark days assail thee,
Trust Him when they faith is small,
Trust Him when to simply trust Him
Is the hardest thing of all.

Psalm 34:8: “O taste and see that the LORD I good: blessed (happy happy) is the man that trusteth in him.”

Psalm 40:4: “Blessed (happy happy) is the man that maketh the LORD his trust.” And read Psalm 2:12 and 84:12.

Do you want some happiness? Trust in the Lord today, no matter what your trail or difficulty. The God of the Bible can be trusted!

In His love,

Nancy Campbell