By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


When a new baby is born and we take this precious life into our arms, we are not only overcome with awe and delight, but the enormity of the task that lies ahead. We are responsibility for keeping this little life alive. We have to nurse, nourish, love, protect, care for and train this child until they one day leave our home. Even then we'll never stop praying for them. Even then, their trials and challenges, are still our concerns. Have you felt this weight of responsibility weighing upon you? It is always there, even in the midst of the joys, isn't it?

I remember back 16 years ago when Serene's oldest son, Arden was born. A few days after birth he got RSV and we had to rush him to the hospital. As we were carrying him out the door, Sam, the new father perplexingly said, "How do we keep them alive?"

However, it is not only caring for a new life, mothers bear the weight of the managing a home and family. It's not like other careers where you clock in at a certain time and clock out at a certain time. We feel this weight upon us continually. It is huge.

Sir Winston Churchill once said, "The price of greatness is responsibility." Yes, you have great responsibility upon you, mother, but because your career is great, not because it is insignificant. Don't try to minimize the greatness of your career and do it on the sideline. Embrace it fully. Embrace the responsibility. It is the price of greatness--for the impact you will have on the world as your children come forth from your home, and for eternity.

Love from Nancy Campbell