By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Today, the Supreme Court begins debating the redefining of marriage in America. The God-ordained, God-divined, and God-planned institution of marriage between one man and one woman is on trial. Will same-sex marriage be regarded as the law of the land?

The American Family Association states: "As hard as it is to believe, nine people will decide if our nation will honor God and obey Him, or turn its back on the most fundamental building block of society and on God himself. This will be the most important decision in the history of America."

Please gather your family to pray earnestly. Pray together at your Family Devotions this evening. Don't let anything stop you from praying. The prayers of God's people and the little children are powerful. You may even like to stop what you are doing at the top of each hour and gather everyone around you to pray. This is our plan for today.

~ Nancy