By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


What do you think is one of the greatest things we should have in our homes? I'd love to hear your response.

I think it is the light of God. God is light and the very first thing He spoke into being was light. Jesus came to this earth to be the light of the world. He confessed in John 9:5: "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

He is no longer physically in the world, but now He lights the world by dwelling in us. Therefore, if Christ dwells in you, He wants you to light up your home with His light.

Mothers certainly need to be filled with the light of God. The light of God in you exposes all darkness, danger, and evil in your home. You are a darkness exposer! While you are around, it can't hide. The light of God in you measures up everything, and every decision, with God's character and His Word, just as people such as surveyors use light to measure distances and angles.

God wants to shine His light through you to your husband and to your children. Can you confess these words, "As long as I am in this home, I am the light of this home"?

How big is your light today?

Love from Nancy Campbell