WhatIsRightGod is a God of justice. “Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne,” the psalmist writes in Psalm 89:14. God orders the world with justice and it is the way He wants our homes and nations to be ordered.
God commands us to raise our children with justice. If they don’t know justice growing up, they won’t understand how the world works. And they won’t understand who God is.
In fact, we see an interesting understanding from In the book, Surveying the Evidence, where the authors state, “If atheism is not normal, why do certain people become unbelievers? First of all, it is well known that the seeds of atheism can be planted early in life. One of the most dangerous contributions a parent can make toward the spiritual delinquency of his child is a failure to instill within him a wholesome respect for authority. If the parent neglects to set the proper example as an authority figure, or refuses to exercise discipline with love, he might well be rejected as an authority-figure by his child, and thus, by transference, the child ultimately may come to disdain all authority, including the Supreme Authority, God.” *
What does Genesis 18:19 say about Abraham, the pattern father? “For I know him, that he will command his children, and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, TO DO JUSTICE AND JUDGMENT . . . “ Abraham didn’t hope things would work out in his family the way he wanted. He COMMANDED his children after him to do justice and judgment.” This should also be our pattern.
How do we exercise justice? We learn 10 principles from a wonderful passage in 2 Chronicles 19:4-11 where King Jehoshaphat went through the land to bring the people back to God. He then set judges throughout all the cities and told them how God wanted them to judge. Take time to read this passage.
We must embrace these biblical principles in our parenting. We must also pray for every judge in our nation that they will learn to judge by these principles. We must especially pray at this time for all the state judges and Supreme Court Judges who are judging the cases of our fraudulent election that they will judge according to God’s pattern. Here are the principles:
1. You must take heed to judge according to God’s judgment, not man’s (verse 6).
2. God is involved with you in judging for God is a God of justice and judgement (verses 6 and 11).
3. You must judge in the fear of God (verses 7 and 9). Do you notice that God repeats this principle of the fear of the Lord two times?
4. You must take action on the verdict, not let it slide. “Take heed and do it” (verses 7, 10, and 11).
5. You must not have respect of persons in judgment (verse 7).
6. You must not take bribes. “The LORD our God DOES NOT TOLERATE perverted justice, partiality, or the taking of bribes (verse 9, NLT).”
7. You must judge faithfully (verse 9).
8. You must judge with a perfect (undivided) heart (verse 9).
9. You must warn the guilty not to sin against the LORD. If you fail to do this God will be angry with you (verse 10).
10. You must judge COURAGEOUSLY. Verse 11 says: “Deal COURAGEOUSLY.” The Hebrew for this phrase is “asah chazaq.”
“Asah” means “to take action.”
“Chazaq” means “to be strong, courageous, valiant, to make firm.”
May God help us to parent with God’s justice and judgment. His justice is not legality, but perfect and fair. And let’s pray for God’s justice to return to our nation.
Be blessed,
Nancy Campbell
* Surveying the Evidence by Wayne Jackson, Eric Lyons and Kyle Butt (Apologetics Press, Inc.)
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