HomeThankfullness“Let there be thankfulness to God” (Ephesians 5:4 (NLT).

Is thankfulness the predominant language of your home? Are you in the habit of thanking God, not only for the good things but for the difficult situations?

Our thankfulness to the Lord should spill over to our family. Do you thank your husband for the little things he does for you? Do you thank him for choosing you to be his wife? Do you thank him for taking out the trash? Well, if he doesn’t take out the trash and you have to do it yourself, thank him for something else!

What about your children? Do you thank them when they do their chores? Do you tell them you are glad God gave them to you?

Today, why don’t you thank your husband and each one of your children for something specific, maybe something for which you have never thanked them before?

Your thankfulness to your family members will spill over to others outside your home, too. Ephesians 5:4 (TPT) says: “Guard your speech. Forsake obscenities and worthless insults; these are nonsensical words that bring disgrace and are unnecessary. Instead, let worship fill your heart and spill out in your words.”

Think of someone else you can thank and give them a call.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell