SmittenThere is nothing that tugs at our heartstrings so powerfully as a baby.

We have been blessed with two new babies in the family in the last week or so. Serene gave birth to her precious little girl, Solace Ling, on the 27th February. She is reveling in her babymoon with her little black-haired darling. The other day she texted, “I am smitten.” Who gets “smitten” over a career? But you can get smitten over a baby.

On Sunday morning our granddaughter, Meadow, gave birth to her little boy, Warren Charles. What are her words? “Daddy and I are so in love.”

Other friends have also recently given birth. What are their comments when they post a picture of their baby?
“I am in love.”
“She’s a mama baby squish. Love her so.”
“So worth it.” And so on.

Why do many mothers deny having another baby because they think their career or job is more important? A job, no matter how important, will not melt your heart. Nor is it eternal. You will leave it behind and all the possessions you accumulated by having the extra finance. But the soul of your precious child will live forever.

Never say NO to a baby.

Love from Nancy Campbell