SerenePearlIn yesterday's post I talked about going to bed instead of staying up late, forgetting your husband, and wasting time on media. Here's another reason to go to bed at a reasonable hour. This is from my daughters, Serene and Pearl of Trim Healthy Mama. It's worth reading!

Psalm 127:2 says, “For so he giveth his beloved sleep.”

Our Nana always said, “The sleep hours before midnight are the best.” We heard it all our lives but now science proves this true. If you wait too many hours after the sun goes down to go to bed, you interrupt the natural wake-sleep pattern God designed for our bodies.

Adrenal fatigue is a modern epidemic and the biggest blame can be placed on too many late nights. In a state of adrenal fatigue, your body cannot make sufficient amounts of the hormone cortisol, because your adrenal glands have been overworked. In healthful amounts it helps energy levels, improves digestion, eases joint movement, eases inflammation, stimulates the brain and heart, and even fights certain cancers like lymphomas. But its main function is to enable us to respond to stress and then bounce back to a calm state again once the stressful situation is resolved.

Cortisol responds to light. Levels of this hormone naturally lower at night as the sun goes down and we settle in for rest. If you stay up past midnight too often using artificial light, your cortisol hormone will not turn down. Instead it cranks up and turns from a healing hormone into a catabolic hormone that breaks down the body. It ages the body more quickly and has a track record of redistributing weight to a person’s middle.

Adrenal supplements and herbs may be of some benefit but they can’t hold a candle to the best remedy for this condition. Go to bed!

~ Serene and Pearl (Trim Healthy Mama)