GiftsFromGodWhat happens when we have a baby? We receive a child from the Lord. When Eve gave birth to Cain she exclaimed, “I have gotten a man FROM THE LORD” (Genesis 4:1). Some translations say “with the help of the Lord.” I love the Knox Version which says, “I have been ENRICHED by the Lord with a man-child.”

What an awesome privilege we have as women! Every child God gives you comes from Him. He is the giver of life. You cannot even conceive without God visiting you (Genesis 21:1, 2 and 1Samuel 2:21).

Let’s embrace the privilege and awesomeness of conception and birth--miraculous blessings from God. Because this is God’s beautiful plan, the devil hates it and tries to destroy life every way He can.

Let’s be life receivers rather than life stoppers.

Love from Nancy Campbell